County contracts for juvenile detention services
News | Published on March 27, 2023 at 2:24pm CDT
By Melanie Stegner
The Pope County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the application to apply for the Family Homeless Assistance and Prevention Program Grant from the Minnesota Housing Agency. The grant will be submitted by the West Central Minnesota Communities Action Council. It is awarded every two years and is part of a program from WCMCA that assists youth and single adults with housing services when in need.
An agreement for juvenile detention services was discussed including a brief history of youth detention and placement services. In the past, the county established services as needed. As time has gone on, a shortage of facilities has become a reality and feedback from law enforcement and probation showed a need to have a contractual relationship with such a facility. The decision was made to contract with Prairie Lakes Youth Programs in Willmar, the closest facility to Pope County.
The cost for this contract will partially be paid by existing detention funds that were budgeted for the probation office. The West Central Regional Juvenile Center in Moorhead was also discussed as an option but the greater distance and transport costs along with the structure of the organization led to the recommendation of the Willmar facility. “I think our hands are tied with this,” stated Board Chair Wagner. Terry Jaworski from the Probation office agreed.
Contracts were awarded for construction projects for the summer. Projects include a stabilized full-depth reclamation on CSAH 22 and a bituminous mill and overlay for CSAH 29. Both contracts were awarded to Mark Sand and Gravel of Fergus Falls.
Ads for bids were approved for bituminous sealcoat work and/or culvert replacement on CSAH 27, 28 and 30. A separate ad for bids was approved for the reconstruction on CSAH 15 between CSAH 28 and the North County Line.
The board discussed a request by the Douglas County surveyor to pursue a grant for remonumentation of section and quarter-section corners within Pope County. The cost of such a project for the entire county tops $5 million. Commissioner Paul Gremmels expressed concern over the cost, the intrusiveness of the activity to landowners and said the progress of technology will make the need for markers unnecessary. “We have satellite tech, LIDAR and several other technologies available now to mark boundaries and it’s less intrusive and more cost effective,” he stated. No motion was made after discussion by the board.
A funding request from the Pope County HRA/EDA for additional appropriation for Professional Services related to the Fremad Redevelopment Project. “When will the money drain stop on this property?” asked Commissioner Paul Wildman. County Administrator Kersten Kappmeyer explained that the “drain should end” upon completion of this project.
The board voted to allow the creation of the Pope County Opioid Task Force. The task force will be a part of the discussion on the use of settlement funds involving various opioid manufacturers and distributors. The task force consists of several county stakeholders as well as the Horizon Public Health Director, Western Prairie Human Services Director and representatives of the administrator, attorney, probation director, sheriff, veterans service director and the county board. The board also voted to authorize staff to execute necessary documents to ensure the county’s participation in opioid settlements.
Juneteenth was declared a holiday for the county and will not affect labor contracts. A replacement boiler for the sally port at the courthouse was approved after the failure of the current boiler. The board also approved out-of-state travel for Commissioner Lindor to attend the National Association of Counties conference. Regular bills and financials were reviewed, and the meeting was adjourned.