Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on March 27, 2023 at 2:06pm CDT
From April 25, 1913
We understand that Glenwood is to be the first on the list in this county to have a Democratic Postmaster, if Dame Rumor is to be relied upon. Eilert Koefod has resigned, so we are told, and will move to Montana. O.J. Johnson and John Serrin, both Glenwood Democrats have their applications in for postmaster which pays a salary of $2,000. Mr. Koefod, a shrewd politician, has many years dictated the policies of the Republican organization in this county.
Groceries – I handle all kinds of groceries, light hardware and kerosene, gasoline, and machine oils. Ben Evjen, Langhei, MN.
The Farmer’s Store placed a new lady in charge of their dry goods and ladies’ furnishings department the first of last month. The new department head is Miss Edith M. Johnson. No big noise was made at that time, but Miss Johnson has steadily and quietly made good with the lady shoppers in Starbuck and vicinity.
I have 800 strawberry plants, more than I need. After the 800 are sold, I will have no more. $1.00 per hundred while they last. P.P. Klevann.
From March 30, 1923
The Minnewaska Oil Co., which was recently organized by local men expects to begin operation next week. The company is organized as a corporation and the incorporators are Dr. C.R. Christenson, Casper Forbord and Leonard Pederson.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tollefson are the parents of a baby boy born last Monday.
Adolph Thilmen, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Erickson was baptized last Monday by Rev. G.O. Forde.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Christianson was baptized last Sunday. He received the name Sylvian Arvid.
The Hancock High School basketball team defeated teams from Appleton, Morris and Montevideo at the 7th district tournament last week, so became the District Champions. They will go to the state tournament on Tuesday, where they will meet St. James team as their first opponents.
From March 30, 1933
The operetta “Bobby,” presented by the H.S. boys and girls choruses at the school auditorium, proved to be one of the finest ever staged here. It was directed by Miss Charlesworth and Miss Olson.
The Indherred Orchestra drove to Elbow Lake last Friday evening where they furnished music for a men’s supper at Rev. Dreng’s church. The orchestra played during the supper hour and later in the evening played a concert program.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Samuelson Wednesday morning.
A large crowd of people helped Mr. and Mrs. Hans Johnshoy celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary at the Fron parsonage last Monday afternoon. The Johnshoys had eleven children, six of whom died at an early age. The others are: Clara, Mrs. Thro Wold; Herman M. Johnshoy; M. Casper Johnshoy; Selma, Mrs. A.H. Belgum; and Rev. J. Walter Johnshoy, teacher at Concordia College in Moorhead.
From April 1, 1943
Doris Elaine Ness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mons Ness and Franklin Norris Smedstad, son of Mrs. Emma Smedstad of Starbuck, were married March 30 at the Lutheran parsonage in Morris.
An 8 lb. 6 oz. baby boy, Mander Lloyd, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson at the Minnewaska Hospital Sunday evening.
Cpl. Charles Gunderson and Mrs. Gunderson (nee Marion Landaas) of San Antonio, Texas, came home Wednesday to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Landaas. On Saturday they left for DeGraff to visit his parents. Cpl. Gunderson leaves again on Friday for Texas but Mrs. Gunderson plans to remain here for the present with her folks.
Relatives and friends helped Robert Samuelson celebrate his 10th birthday Thursday.
Mrs. Herman Rosby received a letter last week from her brother, Pvt. Howard Nelson, stating he was in Africa.
From April 2, 1953
The Pederson and Nelson firm dissolved partnership this week, Marvin Nelson buying out Pederson’s interest in the concern. Hartvig Pederson has made no plans for future, only that he expects to vacation for awhile.
The following were confirmed Sunday at fron Church: Elaine Ann Aaberg, Helen Claire Anderson, Orlin Gilman Billehus, Shirley Christianson, David Burnell Evensvold, Leola Mildred Egland, Shirley Ann Henriksen, Arlene Ione Holten, Sharon Louise Jackson, Laurel Ann Koland, Louis Ingvald Larson, Clifford Alton Lee, Jr., Dennis Linden Lund, Ruth Ann Smedstad and Margaret Leona Sundheim.
Marlys Lee, daughter if Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lee of Starbuck was one of 64 students who graduated from the Minnesota School of Business College.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Koos are the parents of a son born to them April 1. They now have three girls and one boy.
From March 28, 1963
Phyllis Vinge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Vinge of rural Starbuck, was the winner in Pope County’s annual county-wide spelling bee held last Thursday.
Miss Patricia Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Thompson of Starbuck, and Allen Jon Norby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Norby of Salem, Oregon, were married at East Zion Lutheran Church Saturday, Dec. 29. The couple will make their home in San Diego, CA where the groom is stationed.
Relatives and friends helped Sandra Bredeson celebrate her 11th birthday Friday at the Boyd Bredeson home.
Funeral services for Arnold Dullum. 67,were held at Minnewaska Lutheran Church on Friday, March 22. He is survived by his wife, Nora; one brother, Perry Dullum of Starbuck and one sister, Mrs. Bennie (Mabel) Chan of St. Louis Park.
Eric Dean, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Womeldorf (Deloris Smedstad) was baptized at St. Johns Lutheran Church in Mound, MN on Sunday, March 24. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Larson of Northfield.
From March 29, 1973
The annual District 21 Music Contest for solos and ensembles will be held Friday, March 30 in Alberta, Minnesota starting at 8:30 a.m. Two bus loads of music students from Starbuck High School will depart for Alberta in the early hours of the morning. The 50 students will be competing for District honors which will in turn allow them to advance to the State-Region Contest held at Detroit Lakes, Minnesota in May.
Iver Aal, a White Bear Lake Township dairyman, was chosen as chairman of the newly formed committee to study future health care for the area. Wayne Bright, New Prairie Township will serve as vice chairman, while James Olson, Chippewa Falls Township will act as secretary.
Last week, three students from the Bloomington-Lincoln School, southern part of the Twin Cities area spent three days, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the Starbuck School. At the same time, five students from Starbuck attended their school on the same days. This exchange program was initiated by the National Honors Society.
From March 30, 1983
Alfred Aslakson, a resident at the Minnewaska Lutheran Home, celebrated his 100th birthday at a birthday celebration at West Zion Lutheran Church Sunday.
Grand opening of the Klothes Kloset will be held March 31. A new mens and womens clothing store, the Klothes Kloset is owned and operated by Julie Hendrickson.
Andrew Rosten, 73, died in a fire that swept through his home on March 24 in Starbuck. Cause of the fire was due to a malfunctioning fuel oil burning stove.
Births: a daughter, Bobbi Jo to Bob and Becky Nelson March 19; a daughter, Casey Leigh to Tom and Rhonda Smedstad of Cold Spring March 25.
Funeral services of Carl Hellberg, 88, were held from the Aeneas Lutheran Church of Kensington wife, Judith of Hoffman; three daughters, Ethel Barsness of Starbuck, Mrs. Alvin (June) Rathke of Kensington and Mrs. Paul (Elaine) Grotjohn of Morris.
Mike Nelson of Starbuck was selected as one of 82 players to take part in the 1983 Minnesota High School All-Star football game on Saturday, July 23 at Parade Stadium in Minneapolis.
From March 31, 1993
Funeral services for Marion Ollom, 93, were held at the All Saints Chapel of the Glenwood Retirement Home March 27. Among her survivors is a brother, Oliver Moe of Glenwood.
Arne and Doris Pederson of Starbuck and Howard and Viola Williams of Glenwood will be honored at the 5th Annual Heritage Ball June 12, hosted by Ann Bickle Heritage House in Glenwood.
The Pope County Eye Clinic has opened it’s doors and is ready for business. The clinic is located at 100 W. 7th Street (formerly Starbuck Electric Office).
From March 26, 2003
The Minnewaska Area Schools Board of Education is narrowing its choices for elementary grades next year but isn’t quite there yet.
The board discussed two options for elementary structure last Tuesday but deferred action, probably until the April board meeting, until the long term impact of each option can be evaluated.
Developers beware: The price of land-use permits in Pope County just went up. To cover about $35,000 worth of unallotment cuts to his department’s operating budget, Environmental Services Director Steve Lawrence proposed that the county board adopt an aggressive increase to its land-use fee schedule – a recommendation commissioners took at Wednesday’s board meeting.
From April 3, 2013
Glacial Hills Elementary Board members met on March 25 to discuss staffing needs and facility needs in the future. Director Deb Mathias said in her report that with enrollment projections for the 2013/14 school year the school will most likely have to split the Kindergarten class into two sections with around 30 Kindergartners expected to enroll. The current projection is 138 students for the upcoming school year.
Should Minnewaska Area Schools switch back to a seven-period day for the coming school year? That was the request presented to the Minnewaska Area Schools Board of Education last Tuesday, even though the district has already completed registration based on a six-period day for this fall.
About 25 people crowded into the school board meeting room Tuesday to express support for the idea and, in response, the school board decided to schedule meetings of its personnel and finance committees to see if there is money available to make the change.