Hunt’s Resort has new owners

April 18, 1963 – Vern Maanum, White Bear Lake Township farmer, was named Outstanding Young Farmer of the Year by the Glenwood Jaycees. Maanum, 35, farmed with his wife, Mavis. Presenting the award were Jaycees Bill Noyes and Gordon Jacobson.

Pope County’s jail, which had been used since before the turn of the century was about to close down. The state of Minnesota condemned the building, which had been constructed in the 1880’s. Pope County commissioners announced that the jail would probably not be rebuilt.

Sixty-five hogs and seven calves died in a  barn fire on the Anton Douvier farm in Chippewa Falls Township. Winds gusting up to 50 mph hampered the efforts of the firemen.

April 19, 1973 – The last remaining Spanish-American War Veteran in Pope County was gone with the death of Carl Torgurson at the age of 94. Torgurson had enlisted with Co. D 15th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry in June 1898.

Glenwood High School students were busy participating in music and speech contests. Four Glenwood students were named to the Minnesota All-State Choir. They were Marie Jorgenson, Laura Doughty, Mark Schumacher and Les LaCroix. Sue Peterson, extemporaneous reading, was going to St. Paul to the state speech contest. Alternates were Vicky Colby, Steve Hagen and Jody Bogie. Others in the regional finals had included Jane Kinney, Jewell Sjulson, Kathy Boyle, Deb Churchill, Julie Hanson, Deb Boelke and Kathy Myrom.

Ted Schmeckpeper was named the county’s Secondary Teacher of the Year. Schmeckpeper, a veteran teacher and coach, was currently teaching junior high math and coordinating the computer system for the Glenwood district.

April 12, 1983 – The drilling contractor from Petroleum Specialties, Inc., Williston, N.D., shut down the operation of a second oil well near Brooten, saying that only a trace of oil had been found.

Anna Klevenburg turned 100 years old to join the other county centenarians, Alfred Aslakson and Alfred Krapes. Kleevenburg reminisced in the Tribune about living in Minnesota and North Dakota. 

Inductees into the Honor Society at Glenwood included Lynette Stoen, Karen Rausch, Johanna Oeltjen, Karen Engebretson, Jodi Pritchard, Bob Haima, Dan Toop, Thomas McIver, Alan Wittiko, Thomas Claeson, Tom Piekarski, Ralph Hanson, Brent Nemmers, Karla McCrory, Lisa Tanis, Jan Chalupnik, Becky Hegna, Karla Mjoness, Kim Peterson, Valerie Vold, Shannon Endred, Tricia Butler, Kris Bremseth, Tracy Barsness and Jeanne McIver. Honor Society pins were presented by advisor Lee Paulson. The Rev. Otto Dale was the speaker at the annual honors banquet.

April 12, 1993 – Senator Paul Wellstone visited Glenwood and conducted a public meeting at the Gingerbread House Café. On the front page of the Tribune, Wellstone was pictured outside of the café where he greeted a group of fifth grade students from E.N. Nordgaard Elementary School. 

The Pope County Board of Commissioners accepted four cost-reduction committee recommendations at a meeting on April 6. Personnel officer Bill Schalow said the reductions would save the county approximately  $70,000. They were: 1. change the phone system; 2. don’t replace the deputy assessor; 3. don’t replace a clerk-typist position in the family services department; and 4. contract for cleaning services.

Four charter buses filled with 138 members of the Minnewaska Area High School band and choir were to depart from the school the following Tuesday en route to a six-day tour of Florida. Accompanying the musicians were to be Gordy Moeller, the choir director; Kip Johnson, the band director; and 19 chaperons. 

April 14, 2003 – Hunt’s Resort, a fixture in Long Beach for over 50 years, had new owners. Terry and Ruth Duhn had sold the business they had operated for the past 14 years to Paul and Kris Kostelecky of Blaine and Rob and Terry Richards of Savage. There was a family connection with the two couples, Paul Kostelecky’s sister was Terri Richards. In addition to the resort, with its eight cabins units and nine RV sites, the two couples would also take over the Porta Dock dealership. 

It took its own sweet time, but Lake Minnewaska was ice free as of Friday, April 11, 2003. 

April 15, 2013 – American Solutions for Business (ASB) of Glenwood recently announced the Financial Supply Inc. (FSI) has joined ASB, effective April 1. 

Glenwood City Commissioners took steps Tuesday night to allow building projects to move forward at Glenwood Retirement Village and at Glacial Ridge Health Systems (GRHS). Both projects remain in the planning and design stage with actual construction starting later this year. After the hearings on projects, the commissioners approved conditional-use permits and variances for both building projects. For GRHS, the commissioners also approved a motion to rezone some property from R-1 (residential) to B-1 (business).