The widow of fallen Pope County Sheriff’s Deputy Josh Owen issued a public statement last Thursday at the Pope County Courthouse.   The deputy’s cousin, Josh Palmateer, read the statement from Shannon Owen as she stood next to him holding a picture of her husband. At right is Pope County Deputy Eric Thesing, who served as the family liason.

The following was the public statement made last Thursday by Josh Owen’s widow, Shannon Owen:

“So many people have asked in the last few days how I’m doing. Honestly, I’m overwhelmed, our family and friends have run the gamut of emotions. We’ve smiled and laughed at memories, and we’ve shed tears for the man who was stolen from our lives. I’m angry that this happened, I’m angry that his beautiful life was cut short, and I’m angry that my son’s father was taken from him far too soon. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Still, I feel I must be strong – for our son, for myself and for our community. Losing Josh will never go away, ever. The cameras and media will pack up and many people will go back to their daily lives, but for me and Rylan this new reality will never end. There will be forever a hole in our family that Josh’s presence and light filled. As the days and weeks pass, I ask you to continue to lift us up in prayers as we go through the next few days, weeks and months and years. Pray for the safety of deputies and police. Continue to share Josh’s story with each other. Share his legacy. In this way we can help his spirit last forever. “

–Shannon Owen