Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on April 3, 2023 at 1:51pm CDT
From April 4, 1913
Mr. and Mrs. Edw. A. Pederson near Lake Hazel rejoiced over the arrival of a baby boy Tuesday, however the glad tidings were soon followed with a doleful message, as the infant died. Funeral services were held Friday.
A bouncing baby boy came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maanum Wednesday.
Olaf Dahl was brought to the Minnewaska Hospital a week ago, but the current report is that he is improving and will be redeemed of the surgical knife.
If anyone wants to duplicate the house plans of Ole Wollan and P.T. Simonson, we will build on that plan for $2,000. We will put up a security bond for the full amount of the contract price, guaranteeing the work. Larson Bros., Starbuck, Minn.
From April 6, 1923
The Junior Class of the Starbuck High School presented a play “It Pays to Advertise” at the town hall last Monday evening. The following took part: Sylvanus Tessem, Lester Friedman, Clifford Schuetz, Myrtice Wesen, Nora Dahl, Erling Dyrstad, Arthur Wold, Grant Torgerson, Myrtle Rasmussen, Edner Rolien. The play was directed by Miss Symons.
S.L. Gaarder, who for many years has been in the jewelry business in the village, this week donated three lots and a triangular strip of land to the village for a public park. The gift is made on the condition that the village plant 125 trees on the park property and forever maintain it as a public park.
Among the nearly 100 seniors graduating at the Minnesota School of Agriculture at exercises held at University Farm on March 28, were Harold O. Gorder of Starbuck and B. Engebret Vold of Glenwood.
A. Abrahamson of Cyrus has just installed a brand new soda fountain in his place of business. It is made of white marble and white opal glass which is acid proof. Twelve different flavors may be kept at one time, and it has room for ten gallons of ice cream. There is also an automatic electric carbonator for making the soda water. When the soda water in the tank gets below a certain amount the carbonator starts by itself and runs until the tank is filled.
From April 6, 1933
Among the fifty-nine graduates to receive their diplomas at the West Central School of Agriculture at Morris on March 31 were the following from Pope County : Marie O. Benson and Elmer Olson of Hancock ; Esther Barsness of Starbuck; Wallace Hustad of Kensington and Nels Olmeim of Starbuck.
Miss Lorraine Blixseth of Windom leased the rooms over Morgan’s Cafe where she will operate a beauty shop.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stoen on March 29.
Confirmation services will be held at Indherred next Sunday. The class: Gerhard Dyrstad, Clifford Rosten, Edner Hustad, Arthur Rosten, Norman Norland, Vernon Smedstad, Margaret Moen, Olive Lorvig, Mildred Gorder, Margaret Ramstad, Helen Moe and Myrtice Rosten.
From April 8, 1943
Albert M. Baukol, 51, one of the owners of the Baukol-Noonan Lignite of Noonan, ND died of a heart attack at his home there. He was a brother of Olaus and Marcus Baukol and Mrs. Christ Brenden.
G. Clifford Shippey, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shippey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shippey, who has been employed in the FBI in Washington since his graduation from SHS last June, arrived home Tuesday for a vacation before entering the service.
A muskrat came out from between the buildings near Ogaards store at Glenwood Sunday night and bit Mrs. Chester Peterson above the Ankle. The injury was quite severe so medical aid was given.
N.J. Ogdahl recently informed the Times that he has expanded his hatchery at Farwell to 97,500 capacity and this year he expects to be able to hatch 500,000 chicks.
Spam – the miracle meat – 35¢ – 12 oz. ton; wieners – 29¢ lb.; corn flakes 2-11 oz. pkgs. 15¢; Krispy soda crackers, 2 lb. box, 31¢; Crystal white laundry soap, 10 giant bars for 45¢. Red Owl agency.
Sigvald Hoff, about 55 years of age, Lake Johanna farmer, committed suicide on Thursday evening of last week by shooting himself in the head with a shotgun. Mrs. Hoff was in the Glenwood hospital. Hoff himself has been ill quite often and worried a great deal about financial circumstances. He has 11 children, the oldest boy being married and the youngest four years of age.
From April 9, 1953
Funeral services for Mrs. A.K. Moen, 80, were held at Fron Lutheran Church April 4. She is survived by one brother in California.
Many Albertina, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Urness Larson, was baptized Sunday at Immanuel Church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ronnie and Mr. and Mrs. George Aune.
Funeral Services for Mrs. George W. Noyes, 70, were held at Fron Lutheran Church April 6. She is survived by her husband, George; and the following children : Ray, William and Howard of Starbuck, Franklin of St. Paul, Mrs. John (Margaurite) Gorder of Glenwood and Mrs. Dave (Gladys) Chan of Lowry.
Josephine Pederson, John Kjera, Isaac Kamrud and Robert Johnsrud were confirmed Sunday at St. John’s Lutheran Church.
Helen Lynch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch, is one of 116 students to receive her nurses cap during capping ceremonies at St. Catherine’s College in St. Paul Sunday afternoon.
From April 4, 1963
Juel Rollie started work as manager of Home Builders Supply on Monday. Rollie and his wife, Phyllis, have 5 children – David 16, Kathy 14, Roger 11, Warren 9 and Linda 2.
Buy your hot cross buns at the Starbuck Bakery. 35¢ dozen.
Funeral services were held at Sun Valley, Calif. on Wednesday, April 3 for Charles Kirkwold, 42, former Starbuck resident. Mr. Kirkwold died Saturday from cancer. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kirkwold; his wife, the former Gladys Wilson of Lowry and two children, Patricia and James.
Herbert Jellum of Lakeland Nursery and Florist announces that the new nursery building under construction, will be open for Easter. Work of erecting a 24×36 foot building across from Lakeshore Park on Hwy. 29 was started last week.
From April 5, 1973
Pope County Pork Producers held their fourth annual banquet and meeting Thursday evening, March 29, 1973, at the Minnewaska House. Two-hundred sixty -five producers and wives participated. Courtney Engebretson, DeWayne Jackson and James Olson were re-elected to the Board of Directors for 3-year terms.
Edwin Dahlberg, administrator pf the Minnewaska Hospital, submitted his letter of resignation to board members last week, to be effective July 1. The board to date has not acted on the letter but it is expected they will soon.
Fifty music students from Starbuck High School journeyed to Alberta, Minnesota on Friday to participate in the District 21 South Half Music Contest. Thirty of those students will advance to the State-Region Contest held in Detroit Lakes, Minn., May 5th.
From April 2, 1983
Minnewaska Regional Health Systems announced it was awarded a $280,000 grant from the Minnesota Department of Health . The money comes through the Rural Hospital Capital Improvement Grant Program. The program’s purpose is to assist small, rural hospitals in undertaking needed modernization projects to update, remodel, or replace aging hospital facilities and equipment.
About fifty parents of Starbuck Elementary students gathered in the school’s library March 27 to let school board members and administrators know that when it comes to budget cuts, they wanted their opinions taken into account.
Their commodity associations are working hard to ensure a good suture for ethanol and soy diesel, representatives of the Pope County Corn and Soybean Growers were told last Saturday.
Yvonne Simon of the Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) said that there is a major lobbying effort in Washington to keep ethanol’s position in new renewable energy legislation in Washington.
From April 7, 1993
Funeral services for Erschel Brown, 83, were held at Minnewaska Lutheran Church recently. He is survived by his wife, Helen of Starbuck and the following children: Vernard of Morris, LeRoy of Glyndon, Ray of Starbuck, Don of Burtrum, Carol Lundebrek of Benson, Janice Bellanti of Anaheim, Calif., Lorraine Hanson of Apple Valley and Luverne of Starbuck.
Births: A son, Brady Scott to Scott and Rhonda (Noyes) Johnshoy of Shakopee March 19; a son, Daniel Mitchell to Paul and Kris Jackson of Champlin March 24.
Dean and Jill Solmonson have purchased the Deputy Registrar’s business from Peter Meyer and the location will continue to be in the Meyers Shoe Store in Glenwood.
Funeral services for Berger Mickelson, 80, were held March 30 at the House of Faith Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis. Among his survivors is a brother, Joseph Mickelson of Starbuck.
From April 2, 2003
Minnewaska Regional Health Systems announced it was awarded a $280,000 grant from the Minnesota Department of Health. The money comes through the Rural Hospital Capital Improvement Grant Program. The program’s purpose is to assist small, rural hospitals in undertaking needed modernization projects to update, remodel, or replace aging hospital facilities and equipment.
The Minnewaska Regional Health System board members bid a fond farewell to interim CEO Tom Evans at its regular board meeting Wednesday night, crediting him with securing the future of local health care in western Pope County.
Their commodity associations are working hard to ensure a good future for ethanol and soy diesel, representatives of the Pope County Corn and Soybean Growers were told last Saturday.
Yvonne Simon of the Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) said that there is a major lobbying effort in Washington to keep ethanol’s position in new renewable energy legislation in Washington.
From April 10, 2013
Specifics of the groundbreaking ceremony for the Bay Meadows housing project in Starbuck were discussed at last week’s Pope County Housing and Redevelopment Authority/Economic Development Authority (HRA/EDA) meeting.
The Lowry City Council was informed at its regular meeting last Tuesday that six applications had been received after advertising for the summer mowing job. The council agreed to meet after the meeting and narrow down the candidates and set an interview date for 6:30 p.m. on April 23.