From April 11, 1913

Mrs. Knute Hoverud, Sr. passed away Thursday night. She had been suffering for several years with a deadly cancer. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday. She is survived by one son, Knute Hoverud and six daughters, Mrs. Mikkel Helland of Barsness, Mrs. Carl Gilbertson of Benson, Mrs. Peder Lysen of Langhei, Mrs. Albert Avok of Cyrus, Mrs. S.J. Darks of Portland, Oregon, and Mrs. Axel Olson of Starbuck. 

A bouncing baby girl came to gladden the home of Lars Hanson Friday.

Olaf Nyhusmoen commenced a 6 week’s term of school in District No. 23 Monday.

Made-to-order harness. We are prepared to furnish your made-to-order harness on short notice. We make them here and remember it is quality that counts in harness. Our harnesses have the quality. Martin Stoen, Starbuck, Minn.


From April 13, 1923

Miss Mabel Knutson, daughter of Mrs. Nora Knutson of Barsness and Mr. Elmer Pederson, son of Olaus Pederson of Blue Mounds, were united in marriage at the parsonage in Langhei on Sunday afternoon by Rev. Chr. Pederson. The bride was attended by Miss Esther Pederson, a cousin of the groom and the groom’s attendant was Fred Knutson, a brother of the bride. 

High school notes: The following were on the honor roll last month: Helen Nordberg, Harriet Kirkwold, Singe Bardal, Verna Erickson, John Nordberg, Borghild Scheflo and Mabel Olson. 

At a meeting held by the men of the village Friday evening it was decided to plant trees on Arbor Day. The  following men were appointed to be in charge: John Overson for the Municipal park; Ole Stromseth at the new lakeshore park; Ole Torgerson along the highways; Supt. Jorstad and C.C. Heegard on the school grounds. The matter of closing all places of business for a half or full day will be decided at a meeting this evening.

Ed Bingham was appointed village marshal, janitor of the village hall and street commissioner at the meeting of the council last evening. His bid for the marshal job was $20 per month to Nov. 1, and $25 a month thereafter. He offered to take a job as janitor for 1/3 of the receipts for the hall, and the street commissioner job for 30¢ an hour with 15¢ extra per hour for the use of his team of horses.


From April 13, 1933

Funeral services were held Friday at the First Lutheran church in Morris for Karl Arneson, son of Dr. and Mrs. A.I. Arneson, formerly of Starbuck. Karl is survived by his parents and three sisters, Ruth, Annette and Belle Lois.

G.A. Anderson of Glenwood has leased the Farmers Mercantile Co. building. The store will be known as the Fairway Store. George W. Noyes, former manager of the Farmer’s Store will work for Mr. Anderson. 

A packed auditorium greeted the Pope County Symphony Orchestra at their spring concert here on Wednesday evening. Besides the regular numbers by the orchestra, there was a trumpet solo by Ralph Williams, piano solo by Elsie Gandrud, violin solo by John Anderson, tenor solo by Erling Wollan and a cello solo by Nora Rahn. The orchestra is conducted by Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy.

The cantata “The Seven Last Words of Christ” was given by the combined choirs of Indherred and St. John’s on Sunday and Monday evenings at the two churches. The soloist included Mrs. Helen Ramstad, Dr. R. W. Giere and Mr. Joel Johnson. The accompanists were Miss Astrid Flack and Clara Tangen. The Indherred orchestra, under the direction of Mrs. R.S. Forde, also played two numbers.


From April 15, 1943

Miss Jeanette Kjera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kjera and Pfc. Donald O. Bollum were married Saturday evening at St. John’s Lutheran Church.

Gail Myking celebrated her fourth birthday last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.K. Myking. 

Exciting new Easter hats $1.98 to $3.49; Modern Kid, gabardine Priscilla Pumps $2.95; Crisp white cotton blouses, $1.95; Easter dresses, styled by Jane Holys, $5.98. Federated Store. Store Closes at 10:30 p.m. Saturday.

On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Odell Smedstad and girls helped Erling Barsness celebrate his second birthday.

The senior class presented the play “The Singing Ghost” Tuesday evening. Those taking part were Ruth Larson, Betty Mae Forde, Olive Lingen, Karl Halvorson, Sylvia Nelson, Margaret Aaberg, Claremont Pederson, Lorraine Brenden, Teddy Ross, Norman Benson and Olive Halvorson. Ralph Brevig and Kenneth Nordgren were the stage managers. 


From April 16, 1953

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanson received an invitation to attend their son, Lyle’s graduation exercises held April 10 at Camp Funston, Fort Riley, Kansas. Lyle is among the candidates for Graduation from the Common Specialist School. 

Irmagarde R. Roebert of Rochester, MN and Ralph Hendrickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tilford Hendrickson of Hancock were married at West Zion Lutheran Church March 28. The couple will make their home on the groom’s father’s farm.

Those being confirmed at West Zion Lutheran Church Sunday are Roger DuWayne Maanum, Charles Conrad Vinge and Marlyn Ellsworth Sundheim.

Cora Frances Tipler and Norma F. Edmunds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edmunds of Minneapolis were married March 21.

A group of little children helped Judy Ann Ophaug Thursday afternoon.

A group of relatives helped Gerald Dahlseng celebrate his first birthday Saturday. 


From April 11, 1963

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Aslagson entertained a number of relatives and friends Sunday afternoon in honor of Philip’s 5th birthday. 

Mr. and Mrs. Axel Peterson announce the marriage of their daughter, Sylvia Annette, to Merlin Buchholz of Granite Falls on Friday evening, April 5. The couple will live in Granite Falls. 

Miss Arlene R. Sherlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Sherlin of Glenwood and Walter F. Eliason of Starbuck were married at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Glenwood Saturday. February 9. The couple will live in Fargo.

The Junior Class will hold a Slave Day on Saturday, April 11, and will wash cars all day at Skare Shell Station and will also do any other odd jobs offered to them.


From April 12, 1973

In a phone call received from Rep. Delbert Anderson too late for last week’s edition, he stated that the Department of Natural Resources had denied a petition from the Minnewaska Steering Committee proposing a channel cleanout extending from the dam on the west of the lake to the bridge on Highway 29, about 1,050 feet of channel. 

Newly formed Pope County committee to study the future health care of this area met at the Starbuck school Thursday evening. Twenty-one political subdivisions were represented and in addition, David Sauer and Michael Keable from the Central Minnesota Health Planning Council, and the two hospital administrators Ed Dahlberg and Mary Jane Churchill.

On Saturday, April 7, the Starbuck High School Band traveled to Morris, Minn., to compete in the South Half District 21 Large Group Music Contest. The band returned home with three stars to its credit. The Star rating is the highest rating given in the Minnesota system of music contest adjudication. By earning this top rating, the band will now advance to the State-Region Contest in Elbow Lake, Minn., on Saturday, May 12.


From April 13, 1983

The Burlington Northern Railroad (BN) notified the Minnesota Department of Transportation last week of the intention to file with Interstate Commerce Commission an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity permitting the abandonment of it’s Morris to Starbuck line on or about April 22, 1983. The reason for the abandonment is that traffic is in sufficient for a profitable operation.

Funeral services for Clarence Hagen, 84, were held from the Barsness Lutheran Church March 19. He is survived by one son, Howard Hagen.

Stacey Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown of Starbuck, and currently principle of Olson Junior High School in Bloomington, will be honored at a retirement dinner May 21 at L’Hotel Sofitel in Bloomington.

Nancy Gunvalson of Cyrus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Gunvalson will be among the 84 practical nursing student graduates at the North Dakota State School of Science April 15. 

Pederson’s Super Market’s new facility has taken definite shape the last few days as warm temperatures and dry weather has permitted construction to progress. The new facility will have the very latest in grocery store technology and the store will be near the target date of June 1. 


From April 14, 1993

Funeral services for Foster L. Bucher, 91, were held at Chisago Lake Lutheran Church in Center City April 7. Among his survivors is a son, Dr. F. Donald Bucher of Starbuck. 

The Allan and Marlene Halls family of rural Brooten were honored as the Pope County Outstanding Farm Family of the Year at a banquet held recently at the St. Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota.

Michael Murken, son of Ed and Kathy Murken of Starbuck has been named to the President’s List for the winter quarter at Willmar Technical College. Mike is enrolled in the Auto Repair Program. 

Funeral services for John Merrill, 73, were held at Fron Lutheran Church in Worthington April 7. He is survived by his wife, Bernice of Worthington; one son, Dr. Stephen Merrill of Milwaukee, Wisc. and one daughter, Amy Moritz of Worthington.

Named to the Dean’s List at Willmar Community College for the Winter quarter was Joey Lien, son of Wilma and Orville Lien of Starbuck.

Funeral services for Ovedia Olson, 77, were held at Indherred Lutheran Church March 28. She is survived by the following children: Mildred of Beverly Hills, CA, Doris Tampa, FL, Orville of Apple Valley, Howard of Bloomington, Janis Whittemore of Glenwood and Ann Vogler of Anaheim, Calif. 


From April 9, 2003

Land-use issues found the front burner at Wednesday’s regular meeting of the Pope County Board, as commissioners weighed whether or not to tweak the county’s land-use ordinance and wrestled with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to deny a preliminary plat for development of an eight-unit subdivision on Marlu Lake. 

A trip to the pharmacist will be just a bit different in Starbuck after April 14. Pharmacists, along with other health care entities, will be expected  to make changes due to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), which goes into effect on that date. 

Glacial Grain Spirits, part of Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company (CVEC) in Benson, is taking wheat from local farmers to produce Shakers, the only ultra premium American vodka. 


From April 17, 2013

The Cyrus city council met for a couple hours on April 9. Members of the Cyrus Fire Department brought back plans they showed at the March meeting to put an addition on the fire hall. 

The Starbuck City Council got an update on the water treatment plant generator maintenance quotes at the regular meeting on April 8. Larry Van Hout of Widseth Smith and Nolting showed the council quotes he had received. In conversation with PeopleService Van Hout said he believed PeopleService would cover the maintenance on the generator through the contract they already have with the city. 

Each year, students in grades 6-12 from across the nation prepare research projects spanning the world’s history. Minnewaska Area eighth and ninth graders participate in the interdisciplinary History Day competition, working with their English and social studies classes to research a topic, write an in depth paper and prepare a project about their selected topic.