After requesting a moment of silence for Josh Owen, the Pope County Deputy killed in the line of duty on April 15, Glenwood Mayor Sherri Kazda called to order the regular meeting of the Glenwood City Commission.

Later in the meeting, City Administrator Dave Iverson commended the city’s staff, fire department, police department and Police Chief Dale Danter for “doing a phenomenal job” of representing the city through the tragedy.  Kazda and a number of city officials attended the funeral service and Kazda said it was “a humbling experience.”

At the meeting, the city approved a request from Glenwood Fire Chief Bruce Cerney to purchase a fire truck that should be in service in Glenwood by this November.   Cerney told commissioners that the purchase was in the budget and the department was able to find the truck it needed at a lower price because it is a demo-truck being displayed for fire departments looking to purchase a new truck.  The cost, originally estimated at about $600,000, will cost about $540,000 with the additions the department recommended, Cerney explained.  

“This is a really good value and it’s something that has been in motion for about two years,” Cerney said.  “It is a spec truck or a demo unit that just came off the assembly line and made its first trip to Glenwood,” he added.

He added that the truck is certified, “so it’s like a new one, but it will have about 10,000 miles on it with a full warranty.”

Iverson said the truck will be purchased from the fire equipment fund and emphasized that rotation of vehicles is important.  “I commend the (fire department) for getting on this and getting a chance to get a good truck at a good price.  It also keeps things within the rotation plan,” he said. 

The commission also approved a contract between the city and Lakeside Prairie Farm, LLC to bring goats into Barsness Park again this summer in an effort to eliminate buckthorn, an invasive plant.  The contract calls for about 20 goats for grazing and volunteers will assist in setting up electric fencing for the areas to be grazed and to check on goats on a daily basis.  The company is the same one that contracted with the city and brought in a herd of goats last season.