This is to notify the public that the regular meeting of the Pope County Board of Adjustment will take place on Thursday, May 25th 2023 beginning at or about 6:00 pm or shortly thereafter in the Pope County Courthouse to consider the following agenda items:

• Review meeting minutes from April 27th, 2023 BOA meeting.

• New Business

o Variance hearing on the application by Jon Jacobson, if granted would allow applicant to reconstruct and expand existing garage at a reduced setback from the side yard line and the road right-of-way, where 10 feet and 40 feet are the minimum setback standards respectively, in a Shoreland-Recreational Development (S-RD) zoning district per section 4.3.4.D. and 4.3.4.G. of the Pope County Land Use Controls Ordinance. Parcel is described as: Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the Wilcox Park Addition to Twin Lakes Beach, Section 24, Township 126 (Leven), Range 37, Pope County, Minnesota.

o Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held to receive comments regarding the application for relief from the side yard and road right-of-way setbacks.

o Variance hearing on the application by Blake and Clint Carlson, if granted would allow applicants to locate septic tank at a reduced setback from the road right-of-way, where 10 feet is the minimum setback standard, in a Shoreland-General Development (S-GD) zoning district per section 10.20, subdivision 3, subsection 3.30 of the Pope County Land Use Controls Ordinance. Parcel is described as: Lot 8 and part of Lot 9, Canal Cove, Section 26, Township 125 (Glenwood), Range 38, Pope County, Minnesota.

o Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held to receive comments regarding the application for relief from the road right-of-way setback.

Public participation by interested parties and citizens will include an opportunity to:

1) submit written concerns and comment prior to the scheduled meeting; All such communications will be shared with the Board of Adjustment prior to or during the meeting;

2) submit concerns and comments via Pope County’s Public Comment web map (;

3) to review the staff prepared report via Pope County website;

4) observe and/or participate in the proceedings of the Board of Adjustment meeting.


David J. Green, Director

Pope County Land & Resource 


May 15