Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on May 8, 2023 at 1:29pm CDT
From May 16, 1913
O Thursday of last week, Oscar Ness left Starbuck on an immigrant train for Willston, ND where he had some land and intended to go into farming. Last Monday his lifeless body was found 15 miles from Casselton, ND by a local passenger train. It is rumored that young Ness had quite a sum of money when he left here and it is feared there may have been foul play.
“Blundering Billy” the senior class play, was presented Friday evening. Those taking part were George Fossen, Edward Barsness, Laura Gaarder, Harold Peterson, Ralph Griebenow, Agnes Engebretson, Borghild Dahle and Paul Metlie.
Olav Thorshaug, advertised as the world’s champion Hallingkast appeared at the Starbuck Town Hall Saturday evening. Thorshaug was asked to compete with Anton and Gilman Aaberg in high kicking. Thorshaug reluctantly agreed but was badly defeated by the Aaberg boys who kicked easily a foot and a half higher than Thorshaug. A cap was suspended by a string from the ceiling, the lowest point of the cap being 8 feet and 9 inches from the floor. Thorshaug failed to come within a foot of the cap while both the Aaberg boys almost kicked it off the string reaching over 9 feet easily.
From May 11, 1923
The Seniors of the local High School gave their class play “The Charm School” at the town hall Friday evening. Following is the cast of characters: Cora Brenden, Nellie Klevan, Verna Erickson, Harriet Kirkwold, Otto Nordstrom, Alfred Engebretson, Adolph Olson, Mildren Stinson, Myrtle Wold, Ada Skoglund, Elnora Otteson, Elsie Ericson, Helen Nordberg, John Gaarder, Hilmer Opheim and Irving Stenson. The director was Miss Dagny Leum.
Peter Tollefson left his horse and buggy on the street Wednesday afternoon while he was in a store and when he came out they were gone. Hans Gorder took him home in his auto and they found the horse in the barn as far as he could get, the buggy refusing to follow the horse thru the door.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brevig was baptized at Immanuel Sunday receiving the name Laura Gene.
Miss Laura Forde gave a piano recital last Saturday evening for the benefit of the Minnewaska hospital. Miss Nora Uglem assisted at the second piano for one number. Miss Agnes Forde sang several songs, all of which were greatly enjoyed by the large audience.
From May 11, 1933
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoverud on Thursday.
The senior class of the Starbuck High School will present their class play tomorrow night, May 12 “No-Account David” is a three act comedy. Below is the cast of characters: Edna Carlson, Arthur Barsness, Geneva Larson, Boyd Wollan, Eugene Ophaug, Mildred Berg, Bertha Rice, Arnold Berge, Joy Nelson and Ralph Pederson. A six piece orchestra consisting of former students and alumni of S.H.S. will furnish music. The members of the orchestra will be: Cora Pederson, Alfred Aaberg, Arthur Nordberg, Conrad pederson, Arnold Opdahl and Tilman Torgerson.
The thirty-first annual convention of the 7th District Federation of Women’s Clubs held at Glenwood on Thursday and Friday was very well attended. Two hundred and Eighty-three women were registered.
From May 13, 1943
The following were confirmed at the Immanuel Lutheran Church Sunday: Clarice Hanson, Beatrice Evjen, Anna Aaberg, Eldred Jackson, Forest Engebretson, Helen Anderson, Alice Carlson, Marion Christianson and Albert Ralph Sanvik.
Obert Foss and Dorvan Moen left Tuesday morning for Willmar from which place they expected to hitch-hike to the west coast.
Roy Thorstad and daughter went to Glenwood on Tuesday where Ann Marie celebrated her fifth birthday.
Mrs. E.A. Wesen badly injured her foot, chipping off a bone and tearing of some tendons while trying to overtake her grandson one day last week.
Miss Myrtle Amundson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amund Amundson, and David Fredrick, both of Minneapolis, were married April 17 at the Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis., The couple will make their home in Minneapolis.
Ruth Larson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larson has been named valedictorian, and Norman Benson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Benson has been named Salutatorian of the Starbuck High School class of 1943.
Donald Hoplin, 20-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hoplin of Lowry, graduated from shipfitters school at the U.S. Naval Training School at Great Lakes, Illinois.
From May 14, 1953
Funeral services for Ole J. Vinge, 71, were held at Our Redeemers Lutheran church May 8. He is survived by his wife, Thea; and the following children: Mrs. Clarence (Olive) Hoverud of Clontarf, Mrs. Noel (Agnes) Dokken of Benson, Mrs. Marvin (Ruth) Dokken of Hancock, Mrs. Woodrow (Harriet) Wilson of Red Lake Falls, Otto Vinge on the home farm, Mrs. Lloyd (Marian) Gorder and Alvin Vinge of Starbuck.
The following will report for induction on May 14: LeRoy Philip Quitney of Lowry, Orville Edwin Clifford Foner and Edward William Bryce of Glenwood.
Oliver D. Peterson opened a watch repair and jewelry shop this week in the Starbuck Electric building. He is a graduate of the watch makers school in Albany MO.
Miss Donna Mae Swenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Swen Swenson of Hancock and Sidney Arnold Rustad of Clontarf were married at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church in Hancock April 11. The couple will make their home on the groom’s farm near Clontarf.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hofstad are Starbuck newlyweds, having exchanged marriage vows at Morris on March 28, 1953. The bride is former Dena Marian Urke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Knute Urke of rural Hancock.
From May 9, 1963
Mrs. Iris Huntley of Hancock is the new owner of the Starlite Cafe, having bought the building and restaurant from Vic and Adeline Fossen. The Huntleys have six children: Gary 11, Cindy 8, twins Pat and Pam 7, Joe 4 and Harriet 1.
Names of honor students and the top 13 scholastic standings in the graduating class of 1963 from Starbuck High School were announced Friday by high school principal Ernest Janisch. The two top students are Susan Stevens ad James Walline. The next 11 students in the order of their standings are: Tommy Pederson, Lorna Halvorson, Marlys Aaberg, Connie Thorson, Howard Meyer, David W. Johnson, Carolyn Ophaug, John Anderson, William Pederson, Daniel Forde and David M. Johnson.
Gwen Skyberg of Devils Lake, ND and Paul Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson of Starbuck were married at Olivet Lutheran Church in Fargo, ND recently.
Mr. and Mrs. James Halvorson are the parents of a son, Charles Ellwood born April 23.
From May 10, 1973
The Dawson Community Hospital received encouraging news last week, their application for a “certificate of need” for replacing existing hospital facilities passed the Southwest District Health Planning Council by a resounding 15-2 vote, a regional decision.
Two young men from foreign countries are spending until Christmas in the Starbuck area working on a couple of local farms.
Tore Kristian Kjoll, who lives south of Oslo, Norway on a small farm near Galleberg, is at the Melvin Baukol farm west of Starbuck a few miles. His father has about a 25 acre farm with milk cows and grain farming.
At the Ralph Ranum farm, is a young man from England, Tim Jolly. His home is east of London where his father owns and operates a 600 acre farm. They do mixed farming, dairying and grain there.
The summer fishing season opens Saturday, May 12 and as usual, it is expected Lake Minnewaska will have its share of anglers trying their luck for those delicious walleyes. Angling for walleyes and northerns becomes legal Saturday. Bass will open later locally but are legal May 12 in waters north and east of Highway 53 in northeastern Minnesota.
From May 11, 1983
Andy Aaberg and Chris Odegaard are crowned Starbuck High School Spring Dance KIng and Queen Friday evening Attendants were Sheila Bailey, Kathy Anderson, Tina Bidleman, Todd Johnson, Scott Johnshoy and Jason Branby.
Funeral services for Mrs. Elmer Erickson, 90 were held from the Fron Lutheran Church May 2. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Mason (Joyce) Stephens, Eunice Erickson and Mrs. Khalil (Marjorie) Hamouda.
Doug and Lynn Staples are the parents of a daughter, Taya Marie born April 29.
Funeral services for Clayton Erickson, 52, were held from West Zion Lutheran Church May 2. He is survived by his wife, Beverly; and three children, Danney of Benson, Phillip of Hancock and Charlene of Moorhead.
From May 12, 1993
The entire community is invited to join the residents, volunteers and staff at the Minnewaska Lutheran Home (MLH) in Starbuck to celebrate “Homes for the Aging Week” May 9-15. This year, the theme is “Generations Sharing Love – A Celebration of Age”.
Most of Tuesday’s discussion at the regular county board meeting dealt with the hiring of a new sheriff, and proposed changes to that department. While much is still in discussion stages, there will be some changes implemented by the new Sheriff.
The final interviews for county sheriff were held on April 22 with the personnel director, and two county commissioners. The committee then recommended to the full board on Tuesday, the hiring of the current interim sheriff, Mark Hedner.
At a special meeting of the Board of Education of Starbuck District #614 on Wed., May 5, the Board called for bids to renovate the school’s heating system and to replace the antiquated steam system with a hot water system. The bids are to be opened and examined by the project engineer on June 2, after which the Board will meet to award the bids.
From April 7, 2003
Minnewaska Lutheran Home and Minnewaska Regional Health Systems took another step in solidifying a closer relationship with the naming of Dr. Rahul Koranne as the medical director at MLH.
The Starbuck City Council approved rate increases for 2004 at a special council meeting held last Monday, a meeting which the council also conducted its annual board of review for property valuations.
The council had received a list of proposed increases which would be similar to those enacted between the 2002 and 2003 camping seasons. It then added $25 to most categories.
In the end a seasonal campsite with full hookups will go from $900 this year to $1,075 next year. A monthly rental will go from $325 to $375 and a weekly rental will go from $120 to $155. Daily rates will remain at $20. The council also increased the over-winter parking fee for seasonal sites to $100 from $50.
From May 15, 2013
As the state’s anglers prepared for the opening of the 2013 fishing season, Lake Minnewaska was still wearing its winter ice covering on Tuesday, May 7, which was that date of the latest ice out in the past 107 years…. until this year. Pictured in the Times, taken from the DNR landing on May 7 of this year, and there was no sign that the ice would lose its grip, even with the day’s sunshine and temperatures in the high 70s. The lake’s ice started to recede on Wednesday and much of the ice had receded from the landing area on Friday morning. Despite Chilly temperatures, high winds on making it official; the new record for Lake Minnewaska’s ice out is May 11, 2013.
It’s official county commissioners approved the sale of $1,830,000 in general obligation bonds on May 7 as part of their regular board meeting. The money from the bond sale will be used to fund the county’s five-year capital improvement plan and will also provide for new highway department buildings being built in four locations around the county.
The Lowry City Council approved a request for a building permit from Pope County Engineer Brian Noetzalman to build a 30 by 60 foot shop to house a road grader in Lowry at the May 7 meeting. The Shop is one of four the county hopes to build to save on fuel costs f having to drive a road grader to each location.