From May 30, 1913

The Junior Class play “Three Hats” was presented at the Starbuck Town Hall on Friday evening. Taking parts were earnest Stenson, Bennie Griebenow, Lila Olson, Herman Larson, Clifford Torgerson, Tina Smedstad, Edna Thompson, Pearly Swenson and Gilman Heegard.

Edwin Leonard, the little one-year son of Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Espelien, died on Thursday from pneumonia. He was sick only a few days and everything was tried to save his little life, but of no avail. Funeral services were held in West Zion Church on Sunday after services. 

Last night occurred the marriage of Mr. Martin Baukol of southern White Bear Lake to Matthea Smedstad of Barsness. The couple will live in Starbuck.

Elmer Otteson has gone to New Prairie where he is clerking in Mr. H.D. Bolstad’s store.


From May 25, 1923

A number of the Fron Choir went to Montevideo last Sunday and presented their cantata “The Great Deliverance” at Our Saviors Lutheran Church. About 20 people from Starbuck made the trip in about 75 automobiles.

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lund on Saturday.

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Grenson on Thursday last week. 

The St. John’s congregation are planning to install art glass windows in the church and also to put a new basement under the church. The congregation has felt the need for a basement for some time for use by the choir, Y.P.S. and the Ladies’ Aid, especially during the winter months, since every one has their barn full of stock so there was no place to keep the horses during the Ladies’ Aid meetings, which are held at the homes. There are barns at the church which will make it very convenient.  


From May 25, 1933

Cyrus suffered its second serious fire loss at 2 a.m. Tuesday morning when two of the oldest business places in the village burned to the ground. The buildings destroyed were the Ettesvold restaurant and R.P. Jacobsons pool hall and lunch room. 

The Starbuck Community Band will open their regular season on Saturday evening, June 3 at the band stand at the ball park. In one of the numbers there will be a trumpet solo by Alfred Aaberg and in another number a bell solo by Tilmer Torgerson.

Russell Knutson, Olaf Wollan, Marcus Tolstad and Kermit Wollan took a physical examination at Alexandria Wednesday morning prior to their training for the reforestation corps. Each man accepted in the corps will receive full subsistence, food, clothing and shelter, and a cash allowance of $30 per month, $25 of which must be used to help his family or other dependents.  


From May 27, 1943

Funeral services for Merle Alden Shippey, 14, son of George Clifford and Gladys Shippey, were held at Fron Lutheran Church May 25. Merle died at the Minnewaska Hospital following an appendix operation. He is survived by his parents, three brothers, G. Clifford, Jr., Howard Wayne and Donald Verne, and one sister, Nancy Marvelle.

Arden N. Brenden, son of John J. Brenden of Starbuck, has completed his course of study as an aviation mechanic in the Army Air force Technical Training School in Amarillo, Texas.

James E. Barsness of Glenwood made a deal Tuesday whereby he became the owner of the farmers’ elevator at Glenwood, Minn. Barsness now owns both elevators, having brought the Atlantic elevator last winter. 

The members of the Starbuck Study Club honored Mrs. H.B. Morgan at a party Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan will be moving to Gettysburg, SD.

Mrs. Louis Martens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Erickson, has gone to Lampasas, Texas to join her husband, who recently graduated as Second Lieutenant from the Tank Destroyer School at Camp Hood, Texas. 


From May 28, 1953

Dr. F. Donald Bucher, who has been in the U.S. Navy Reserve since graduating from medical school, received orders May 22 to report for Active Duty at Norfolk, VA June 8. His family will remain in Starbuck. 

Lorna Halvorson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Halvorson, celebrated her 8th birthday by having a group of eight girls at her home Friday afternoon.

Funeral services for Benhard Berg, 67, were held at West Zion Lutheran Church May 27. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Gilman (Clara) Aaberg and four brothers, Alfred, Christ and Ole of Starbuck and Carl Berg of St. Paul.

Miss Joan Hagestuen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hagestuen, is a member of the 1953 graduating class of the College of Medical Technology in Minneapolis. Graduation exercises will be held June 12 at 8:00 p.m. in the Chapel of Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis.

Lloyd C. Anderson will be installed as pastor of East and West Zion Lutheran Churches on June 28.


From May 23, 1963

Miss Vallory S. Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester F. Peterson of Starbuck, will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education at Dana College in Blair, N.E. May 26.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hoverud of rural Clontarf are the parents of a daughter, Diane Marie, born Monday, May 20.

Todd Arnold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erickson, was baptized at Indherred Lutheran Church on Sunday, May 19. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schauer of Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanson.

Confirmation services were held at the Barsness Lutheran Church Sunday. Those confirmed were Dyann Barsness, Barbara Gandrud, Mary Hintzen, Janice Jackson, Renae Jacobson, Margaret Ogdahl and Jerald Velde.

Charles Ellwood, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Halvorson, was baptized Sunday, May 19 at West Zion Church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Aslakson and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hendrickson. 


From May 24, 1973

Harold Gorder, chairman of the Minnewaska Hospital board announced this week that by a unanimous decision by the members of the board, they favor forming a “Hospital District” for western Pope County. He further added that this hopefully should be done as soon as possible and that Drs. F.D. Bucher and A.R. Zempel and Hospital Administrator Ed Dahlberg have been delegated to head this movement.

Fifty-three Starbuck High School seniors will receive their diplomas at special exercises tonight in the school auditorium. The program will open with the Starbuck High School playing the processional under the direction of Tom Grosland. 

Memorial Day services will be held in Starbuck on Monday, May 28 this year with the American Legion Post in charge of the program. The parade is scheduled to begin around 10:15 a.m. beginning in the vicinity of Pederson’s Super Market. Participants will be the Cub Scouts, Girls Scouts, part of the high school band and veterans. 


From May 25, 1983

Tammy Knoblauch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knoblauch, has been selected to represent Starbuck at Girls State in June in St. Paul. Named alternate was Barbara Billehus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Billehus. 

Mary Boyd Fredrickson and Ernest Martz were married April 23 at Hennepin Avenue United Methodist  Church in Minneapolis. The couple will make their home in St. Paul.

Paul and Debra (Dahlseng) Finstad announced the birth of a daughter. Jennifer Thaline, born April 22. 

Funeral services for Cora Danielson, 83, were held May 21 at the East Zion Lutheran Church. She is survived by four sons: Arnold of Benson, Raynold of Starbuck, Edner of Lebanon, Oregon and Delner of Woodbury, Minn.

Harriet Wiger was honored at the Cyrus School last week as she ended her teaching career after teaching in Cyrus for 17 years.


From May 26, 1993

A benefit supper for 9-year-old Teresa Davis, daughter of Jon and Barb Davis, will be held May 28 at the Starbuck VFW. Teresa is undergoing extensive chemotherapy treatments.

Glacial Ridge Hospital is opening its branch office in Starbuck at the Minnewaska District Hospital and an open house is planned for June 1. 

Funeral services for Betty Johnson, 72, of Cyrus were held May 25 at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Cyrus. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Lloyd (Carol) Urban of Farmington. 

Karen Jean Erickson, daughter of Leonard and Irene Erickson of Starbuck, graduated recently with a Home Health major from Northeast Metro Technical College.  


From April 21, 2003

Starbuck will lose one of its Main Street gems come the end of the summer. Quilting from the Heartland, which has been a fixture on the corner of Main Streets and Fifth Street since January of 2000, has been forced to move its retail operations. 

State Senator Dean E. Johnson, who represents Pope County in the Minnesota Legislature and who was recently promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the Army National Guard, will be the featured speaker  at Memorial Day ceremonies in Starbuck’s Lakeshore Park.

Starbuck residents and visitors came out in droves to celebrate Lefse Dagen on May 17 at the depot. Attendees were able to feast on traditional Norwegian food, learn to roll lefse, browse through pictures of the depot and world record lefse, meet the author of lefse cookbook and watch Starbuck Elementary School students dance and sing. 


From May 29, 2013

The Glacial Hills Elementary School Board announced the hiring of new kindergarten teacher Elizabeth Kreisel at its monthly meeting on May 20. 

2006 Minnewaska Area High School graduate and Exercise Physiologist Stephan Giambi has joined the Minnewaska Physical Therapy Department at Minnewaska Community Health Services and Lutheran Home in Starbuck as an intern this May. Giambi has been interning with Physical Therapist Laura Femrite. 

During her report to commissioners at last Tuesday’s board meeting, Human Services Director Nicole Names touched n a subject close to home for many area parents and day care providers: the narrow passage of a bill just last Monday that, if signed into law by Gov. Dayton, will allow day care workers to unionize.