From June 6, 1913

Miss Gertie Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Johnson and Victor Larson, junior member in the firm, Larson Brothers, were married Wednesday evening in the Free Church. The couple will live in Starbuck.

K-R-I-T. The ideal car for everybody. It has set spark. The celebrated High Tension Bosch Magneto. No batteries to give out. Ball bearing crank shaft. Guaranteed for 100,000 miles. Before you decide what car to buy, come in and see and try the K-R-I-T. For sale by E.P. Byhre and Co.

Milo Tessem has bought himself a brand new buggy. Say, girls, be on the lookout. Wonder who will be on the lucky one. 

Supplies for city draying. We are equipped with all the necessary articles to do all kinds of draying on short notice. Call up phone 61. P.C. Heegard.


From June 1, 1923

Sixteen boys and girls received their diplomas at the local school, certifying to their completion of eighth grade work. The class roll is as follows: Clara Anderson, Betsy Aronson, Mabel Carlson, Dora Erickson, Elida Friedman, Eldred Gorder, Alvina Hendrickson, Hazel Kirkwold, Truman Kirkwold, Clarence Nelson, Laura Kjorstad, George Olson, Marcus Tolstad, Bertha Sando, Violet Wesen.

The mimers Y.P.S. will meet next Sunday evening at the school house. The following program will be given: violin solo by Oliver Rosby, recitation by Ragna Olmeim, Piano solo by norma Wollan and vocal solo by Magna Peterson.

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Casper Gorder on Saturday.

Elmer Wesen sold his restaurant Thursday to Ole Hagestuen, formerly of Asquith, Sask. Canada. Mr. Hagestuen who recently sold his farm in Asquith to Oscar Opdahl, came here on Sunday with his daughters, Hazel and Lucille and son, Arnold.


From June 1, 1933

Miss Louise Nali, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nali and Mr. Peter Barsness were married at the Indherred parsonage on May 20 by Rev. G.O. Forde. The bride was attended by Miss Inez Sylvester and the groom by his brother, Ednard Barsness. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson on Friday. 

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Kleven on Saturday. 

The three day sand storm came to an end on Thursday last week. South of Starbuck, where there had been only a slight rainfall, clouds of sand were so thick that it was impossible to see but a short distance ahead. It was necessary to replant the flax in several places as the seed had been carried away by the wind. Rain fell all day Sunday and Monday morning.

The following young people are members of the graduating class if S.H.S. 1933: Mildred Berg, Arthur Barsness, Arnold Berge, Edna Carlson, Merlin Elie, Oliver Kamrud, Geneva Larson, Urness Larson, Joy Nelson, Eugene Ophaug, Ralph Pederson, Bertha Rice, Lloyd Runquist, Helen Tolstad and Boyd Wollan.  


From June 3, 1943

Thirty-nine members of the 1943 graduating class will receive their diplomas Thursday evening, June 3. They are: Margaret Aaberg, Ralph Brevig, Lorraine Brenden, Marvin Braaten, Norman Benson, Shirley Berg, Viola Benson, Arnold Danielson, Phyllis Engen, Betty Mae Forde, Lorraine Gorder, Lewis Hidem, Mavis Hanson, Nora Hofstad, Olive Halvorson, Evangeline Heegard, Karl Halvorson, Olive Lingen, Evelyn Lorvig, Ruth Larson, Harris Larson, Lillian Mortenson, Bernice Miller, Janice Miller, Sylvia Nelson, Kenneth Nordgren, Chester Olsen, Claremont Pederson, Harold Ranum, Ernest Ranum, Arthur Raaum, Vernon Simonson, Theodore Ross, Olive Smedstad, Ellsworth Thompson, Gylia Tharaldson, Onan Thompson, Warren Wollan, Floyd Young.

Ludvig Brevig has been laid up a few days this week with lumbago. 

Relatives and friends helped Vernice Johnshoy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnshoy, celebrate her 4th birthday Thursday.

Miss Olive Runquist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Runquist and Aviation Cadet Kenneth H. Morgan were married at the Ellington Field Chapel on May 15th.  


From June 18, 1953

The firm of Hoplin and Nelson will observe their 37th year in business in Lowry Saturday.

Mrs. Arnold Opdahl entertained eight little girls and boys Friday in honor of Margaret’s first birthday.

Jeanette Marie Ihnen, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ihnen, was baptized Sunday at the Glenwood Lutheran Church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Torguson and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Jergenson.

Patricia Rae Hagen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Hagen, and Douglas D. Perkins of St. Paul were married May 23 at Minnewaska Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home in St. Paul.


From May 30, 1963

The 54th annual commencement program at the Starbuck High School was held Thursday evening. Speeches were given by three top honor students. Susan Stevens, James Walline and Thomas Pederson. Several musical selections were also given by members of the senior class.

Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Nelson of Starkweather, North Dakota are the parents of a baby girl, Dawn Renee, born May 22. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lund are the maternal grandparents.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Moe announced the arrival of an adopted child, Steven John, 16 months old. 

The Lutheran God-Home-Country award was presented to Miss Constance Tjosaas at the service at West Zion Church Sunday morning. Constance is the 17 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tjosaas and a member of the Langhei Aces 4-H Club.

Funeral services for Mrs. Marvin Hagen of Phoenix, Arizona were held at Fron Lutheran Church in Starbuck with Rev. Paul Tolo officiating.  

The White Bear Lake 4-H Beatnik Band played at the Pope County Share-The-Fun Festival in Glenwood. The following young people are members: Curtis Bardal, Susan Smedstad, Michael Smedstad, Bruce Smedstad, Tom Smedstad, David Bardal, Corinne Kjorstad, Mary Ann Teigen, Ruth Gilbertson, Ted Erickson, Wayne Olson, Gary Hanson, Linda Dahlsend, John Dahlsend and Stephen Hanson.


From May 31, 1973

Dr. F. D. Bucher, delegated by the Minnewaska Hospital Board of Directors to spearhead their request to form a district hospital, reported this week that five political sub-divisions have already signed to join the district. Dr. Bucher has been assisted by Dr. A.R. Zempel, Dr S.B. Wilson and Administrator Ed Dahleberg.

The 90th annual meeting of the White Bear Lake Insurance Company will be held in Starbuck on Tuesday, June 5th, announced Secretary Melvin Billehus. It will be held at the Olde Tyme Theatre building commencing at 1:30 p.m.

The annual Pope County 4-H Field Day will be held at the Starbuck Athletic Field on Saturday, June 2, 1973. As in the past the Starbuck Chamber of Commerce will donate $200 towards this event. 


From June 1, 1983

Alfred Aslakson celebrated his 100th birthday on April 1. He will celebrate the occasion along with the City of Starbuck, who will also clebrate their centennial this year. 

Valerie Gahm, daughter of Barb and Charles Gahm of Morris, graduated from the Registered Nurse program at St. Mary’s Jr. College in Minneapolis May 20. She has accepted a position with a new hospital in Lander, Wyoming. Julie Young and Devin Mix will represent Cyrus at the Girls and Boys State this summer.

Mrs. Sylvia Vindedahl retired after being in the teaching profession for 30 years. She had taught the past 19 of those years at the Lowry School.

The Lowry School will officially close this spring after having served the area for over 100 years. 

Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kuhnau announce the birth of their fourth son, Bradley Robert, on April 21. 


From June 2, 1993

Ninety students graduated from Minnewaska Area High School Sunday afternoon. 

Ethan Douglas, infant son of Paul and Gayl Lindeman, was baptized Sunday at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burnsville May 16. Sponsors were John and Carrie Lindeman.

Grand opening at Lyn’s Cafe will be held Monday, June 7.

Fay and Virgil Amundson were recently honored as the 1993-1994 Minnewaska Area High School Booster Club “Fans of the Year”.

Gladys Brang Award winners this year were Jolene Berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Berg, Scholastic award; and Brian Honkomp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Honkomp, Health Care Service award.   


From May 28, 2003

The members of the Pope County Board know that further cuts in expenses will have to be made, but they’re waiting for information from the state to determine where and to what extent the cuts will be necessary. 

The board met at its regular session May 21, and although the issue of budget cuts was not discussed at length, board members made it obvious that they were concerned about the tough job ahead of them. 

The Minnewaska Area School board of education is considering another operating referendum. At last week’s regular meeting the board voted to start work on a levy but set no time frame for a new vote. 


From June 5, 2013

Glacial Ridge Health System, along with Glacial Ridge Ambulance, recently purchased a new Braun Ambulance to replace the 2004 Ford Ambulance housed in the City of Starbuck. The new ambulance has more room for additional equipment and for EMS staff providing critical care enroute to the hospital.

Habitat for Humanity of Prairie Lakes recently held a groundbreaking ceremony for the organization’s ninth house to be built in Pope County. The Maijala family, of Lowry, will be working with Habitat for Humanity on the Construction of their new home.

It’s that time of year again, Thursday Night on the Town returns to the Starbuck Depot starting June 6. Food and entertainment will be provided by local organizations from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. every Thursday through August. Glacial Hills Elementary will kick off the first Thursday Night on the Town serving hot dogs, beans, chips and ice cream on opening night. The Starbuck Farmers Market will run from 4-7 p.m. starting June 6 and runs every Thursday through September.