Heading into week 5 competition, the Laker’s trap team had high hopes of staying in first place.  After week 4 scores were finally posted, the Lakers found themselves down to Kenyon-Wanamingo by just four points. “The league uses true team scoring so it’s hard to tell exactly how we slipped out of first, but the one thing I can see is we did not have any 46s and they had one.  They beat us last week by 24 points,” said coach Jennie Stone. “We are very closely matched to this team, so it really does come down to the final competition.” 

The Lakers have already shot their week 5 scores, and now must wait for the league to put out final results.  With a mild headwind, the team fought hard for targets.  High gun was a tie between Dylan VanZee and Mason Reichmann both crushing 49×50.  

“It’s going to be tough to move up this week because the scores just weren’t as high as we need them to be.  We didn’t have any 48s or 47s and that may be our demise,” said coach Stone.  “All we can do is hope they had a tougher week than us.”

The team still has several team members jockeying for place in the top 25 in conference.  In the top 100 for the state, out of 11,289 shooters, Kyler Anderson is hanging on and joining him is Mason Reichmann.  If they are able to stay in the top 100, they will qualify for the MSHSL Individual Championship, which takes place in Prior Lake on June 23. 

The team will also be shooting to qualify for the State Team Championship on that same day when they compete in Alexandria on June 13.