By Melanie Stegner

The Pope County Board of Commissioners voted to accept the Boat and Water Grant in the amount of $4,138, as well as donations from local citizens and businesses totaling $240 to the Sheriff’s Department at last week’s meeting. 

The board also voted unanimously to extend a local state of emergency for the damages to roads and culverts that resulted because of the April 11-20 quick melt of heavy snow along with heavy rain. 

Several conditional use permits were brought before the board including a non-farm residence on a 6.29-acre parcel in Nora Township where a previous old farmhouse existed. The request, proposed by Mark Martinson, was voted to pass unanimously.

Mark and Jill Heggestad requested a CUP to build an accessory structure on their non-riperian parcel located in the Smith’s Back Rolling Acres subdivision. The 2,160 square foot structure was approved unanimously.

An application for shoreland alteration was presented on behalf of Les Kalina for repairs he would like to make to a damaged boat ramp on his property. Spring runoff and water levels have taken their toll on the ramp. The board approved the request unanimously.

An application from Christopher and Nicole Hanson, on behalf of Thomas Johnson was reviewed and discussed. The proposal requests the construction of a 60 foot by 120-foot metal-clad structure on a 3.42-acre non-riparian parcel in a Shoreland Recreational Development zoned district. The property owner was at the meeting to discuss his plans for the building. “I’d like to construct a building to house my collector cars, motorcycles, RV, pontoon and tractors so that I can move to my home on the property,” he stated. Commissioner Wildman moved to vote in favor of the CUP and Commissioner Lindor seconded. The motion failed on a 2-3 vote and the CUP was denied.

County Engineer Brian Giese presented the monthly Highway Department report. The crack-filling operations have been completed along with a great deal of pothole patching. June will bring the focus to gravel surfacing, weed spraying and mowing the top cut along rural county roads. 

The Highway Department also presented an equipment purchase for an end dump pup trailer to replace an older trailer in the fleet. The department had budgeted $60,000 for the purchase, but the bid came in below the budget at $51,110. Commissioner Gordy Wagner requested that a task force be set up for a Josh Owen memorial. He would like the task force to include Commissioner Paul  Gremmels, Sheriff Tim Riley, County Attorney Neil Nelson and Wagner.