Sunset Beach Hotel ninth annual opening next Sunday

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, June 7, 1923.

The patrons, friends and boosters of the Chippewas Falls Creamery company, located at Terrace, will hold a picnic on the coming Sunday, June 10th. Terrace is one of the beauty spots in the county and an ideal spot for a picnic. With the interest that is now shown for creameries all over the state, it is expected that people from all over the county will attend the Terrace Creamery picnic.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, June 7, 1923. 

The eighth-grade graduation for the schools of Pope County will be held in Glenwood at the high school gymnasium on Thursday of next week, June 14, at 2 o’clock p.m. All the young girls and boys from all parts of the county who finished the eighth grade will come in on that day and get their diplomas. 

H. P. Peters announces that the ninth annual opening of the Sunset Beach Hotel will be next Sunday. Dinner will be served from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. on that day. Mr. Peters will be glad to welcome as many as desire to come to the opening. The dinner will be $1.25.

A number of improvements have been made at this hotel since last year. There is a large sun parlor with full basement. The cottages have been moved and rearranged. A 100 foot toboggan slide has been erected, and a fine up-to-date bath house accommodating 60 bathers is under construction. 

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, June 8, 1923. 

The American Legion decided to lease the Du Glada Theatre for the month of June. The Legion came to the conclusion that people must have good clean enjoyment. If they do not find it at home, they will go elsewhere. The movie is our form of enjoyment which the people want and we do not mean the cheap, sordid pictures that leave an unclean impression on the mind after having seen it but worthwhile pictures that have a moral and teach us something as well as entertain us. 

The Legion has not entered this for commercial purposes only, but feel they can in this way benefit the community. No Sunday shows will be held but week-day nights will be used entirely.