Work to begin on road between Starbuck and Villard

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, June 14, 1923.

F.M. Sheppard reports that the proposed trunk road between Starbuck and Villard is materializing rapidly. Babcock has set the machinery in order that will bring about the road. The right-of-way will be secure the coming week. According to reports from headquarters the contract will be let next month and the road will be completed this season. 

  The “Nordlandslaget” will meet in Glenwood on June 22nd and 23rd. A banquet will be held in the Lutheran church on the 22nd and a program will be planned for the same evening. An automobile outing is planned for the 23rd. [Note – the Valdres Samband will have their meeting in Starbuck June 22-24, 2023.]

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, June 14, 1923. 

A rare honor for an undergraduate student was enjoyed last week by Celius Dougherty, junior in the school of music at the University of Minnesota, when a concerto composed by him was played by the University Orchestra. He played the piano solo parts. 

Dougherty shows rare talent as a composer according to Carlyle Scott, director of the school, and Donald Ferguson, instructor in composition. He is a native of Glenwood who has been at the University of Minnesota for three years. “Dougherty’s talent lies as much in his originality as in his form,” Mr. Ferguson said. “He has musical ideas which are apparent in his compositions.”

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, June 15, 1923. 

The Minnewaska Hospital picnic held on the picnic grounds just north of Spring Grove last Sunday attracted at least 2,000 people, who came to spend the day at this beautiful picnic grounds. A delicious lunch was served at noon under the auspices of the Hospital Auxiliary. After lunch Dr. Christianson in a few well-chosen words introduced Superintendent Miller of the West Central School of Agriculture who delivered the address of the day. The most interesting event of the afternoon was the ball game between the White Bear Lake and Greenland teams. The White Bear Lake boys took the game by 12 to 7. No mention of the picnic would be complete without a reference to the Starbuck Band, which furnished music for the occasion. It is a band that a large city might be proud to claim, and the entertainment it furnished added greatly to the enjoyment of the day.