Salvation Army celebrates local first responders
News | Published on June 5, 2023 at 2:49pm CDT

The Salvation Army, led by local field representative Donna Ortendahl, served donuts and coffee last week to local law enforcement, EMTs and front-line responders, recognizing the important work they do each day.
The Salvation Army “Donut Lassies” started a tradition back in 1917 during WWI when the “Donut Ladies” made donuts for the country’s military men to thank them out on the battlefield working to protect the country. Since then, the Salvation has kept the tradition alive, serving donuts to front-line workers on what has become known as National Donut Day, held the first Friday of June.
“Today is about you,” said Ortendahl, who is a Central Minnesota Field Representative for The Salvation Army. “We’re here to present that same “thank you to those of you that are our protectors and people on the front lines right here in Pope County.”
“Words cannot express the gratitude we feel for the important life-saving efforts each of you do every day when duty calls,” she said Friday morning as a number of law enforcement officers, first responders, dispatchers and firefighters assembled at the Glenwood Fire Hall/Law Enforcement Center for coffee, donuts and conversation.
“We are here to celebrate you…from the dispatcher who takes a call, to the officers that respond to that call, to the EMT workers, or firefighters that respond to the call, or the nurse or doctor who provide life-saving care,” Ortendahl explained. “We need each and every one of you every day. You are the ones that answer that call for help; you enter dangerous, violent situations and protect those that need your assistance.”
She thanked all the front-line responders saying they also provide that “reassuring voice to a scared child” going through a difficult time. “You are the ones that many times hold a hand of person in critical condition and you are a force that fights evil and hold those accountable for doing evil to others.”
“The Salvation Army is here today…to thank you for the time you take away from your families to serve our community. We are better for it,” Ortendahl said. “We are stronger for it and we are grateful to you all…”
She then told the law enforcement and first responders at the morning gathering to “enjoy some coffee and a donut and know you have our gratitude for all that you do every day for our community.” She and her helpers also delivered donuts to the Glacial Ridge Health System and the courthouse for those who were unable to attend.
History of the ‘Donut Lassies’
The Salvation Army in Chicago celebrated the first national Donut Day in 1938 to help those in need during the Great Depression and to commemorate the work of the Donut Lassies who served donuts to soldiers during WWI.
In 1917, The Salvation Army began a mission to provide spiritual and emotional support for U.S. soldiers fighting in France during WWI. About 250 volunteers traveled overseas and set up small huts near the front lines where they could give soldiers clothes, supplies and, of course, baked goods.
Despite discovering that serving baked goods would be difficult considering the conditions of the huts and the limited rations, two officers–Ensign Margaret Sheldon and Adjutant Helen Purviance–began frying donuts. These taste treats boosted morale and won the hearts of many soldiers.
Nicknamed “Donut Lassies,” the women who served donuts to the troops often credited with popularizing the donut in the Unites States when the troops (nicknamed “Doughboys”) returned home from war.
The donut now serves as a symbol of the comfort that The Salvation Army provides to those in need through its many social services programs. The Salvation Army still serves donuts, in addition to warm meals and hydration, to those in need during times of disaster.
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