Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on June 30, 2023 at 11:38am CDT
From July 11, 1913
A little baby boy came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theordore Sylvester some time ago.
Found, some money. Too much to lose. Owner can have same by proving ownership and paying for this ad. Call at N. Johnson’s restaurant.
From July 6, 1923
Miss Rosa Rasmusen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rasmusen of Minnewaska, and Mr. Martin Feigum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mona Feigum of White Bear Lake were married at the parsonage in Glenwood last Saturday by Rev. H. O. Koefod. Miss Cora Rasmusen and Mr. Carl Rasmusen were the witnesses.
The rain Wednesday afternoon put the road between Starbuck and Glenwood in a pretty slippery condition and in the evening several cars ran into the ditch. No one was injured and little damage was done except to the good nature of the drivers.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Ormseth of Farwell last Monday.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eldor Knutson of Barsness township on Saturday.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Erickson last Thursday.
Noel Dokken recently constructed a radio, which he placed in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Dokken. The family can now enjoy concerts, sermons and lectures from all over the United States.
The Young People’s Convention of the Willmar Dist. of the Lutheran Free Church was help in the St. Peter’s congregation in Cyrus. A large tent was used to accommodate the crowds, and even this was taxed to its capacity.
From July 6, 1933
Miss Esther Lee, daughter of Mr. Tom O. Lee and Arthur Nordberg, son of Mr. Adolph Nordberg were united in marriage at the home of the bride on Sunday afternoon. Rev. G. O. Forde officiating. The bride was attended by her sister Ruth Lee and Miss Cora Pederson. Little Carol Finstad was flower girl. The groom’s attendants were Rudolph Lee and Torben Brenden.
Gradation exercises for 13 Pope County eighth graders were held at the Glenwood Theater on Tuesday. Honor students receiving special mention were Eldred Svenning of Dist. 3 and George Bollum of Dist. 49. In the Spelling contest held in the morning, Vivian Aslagson of Dist. 14 won the oral contest, and Bernice Berge of Dist. 7 won the written contest.
Miss Agnes Vinge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Vinge, and Mr. Noel Dokken, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Dokken, were married at the Zion parsonage on Friday evening, by Rev. K. R. Palmer. The bride was attended by Myrtice Dokken and Ruth Vinge, and the Groom by Carl Lien and Marvin Dokken.
From July 8, 1943
Edward Mickelson, Jr., eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mickelson of near Cyrus, was run over by a tractor last week. Edward jumped and fell off when Donald Woolridge started the tractor and run over him. His leg was broken below the hip and he suffered some head injuries, but is getting along nicely at the Stevens County Hospital in Morris.
Miss Lillian Aaberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Aaberg and Arvid Flaten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Flaten were married June 28th at Fron Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home in Starbuck.
Albert Olson, Nora farmer, was accidentally killed last week while shooting crows near the pig pen. The crows had been molesting the pigs and chickens.
Thieves visited automobiles in Glenwood on Friday and removed unmarked auto stamps. It is wisest to use India Ink.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dokken had their infant daughter, Jean Marie, baptized at the East Zion Lutheran Church Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dokken and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lien.
From July 16, 1953
Miss Corrine Olive Hoverud daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoverud and Jerome K. Hoium were married June 29 at West Zion Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home in Starbuck.
Twenty-five relatives and friends helped Teddy James Erickson celebrate his 5th birthday Saturday.
Little two-year-old Neal, the twin son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Olson accidentally cut two fingers off in the lawn mower July 4.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Sorenson was baptized Jeffrey Alan Sunday at Fron Lutheran Church Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Halstead of Alexandria.
From July 4, 1963
The Fron Lutheran Church was the scene of a happy and unusual event on June 16 when Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Bredeson were honored on their 60th wedding anniversary.
Funeral Services for Mrs. Warren Nelson, Lowry, were held from the St. Paul’s Church n Saturday, Rev. Duane Berg officiating. Mrs. Nelson is survived by her husband, one daughter Barbara and one son David.
The following young people from Starbuck are on the Dean’s list at U.M.M. for the Spring quarter just completed: Ronald Carlson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Carlson; Cortlan Krogstad, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Krogstad; Sylvia Opdahl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Opdahl; Robert Ophaug, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ophaug.
From July 5, 1973
The Farmers Union Oil Company of Starbuck held their annual meeting Friday at the local high school auditorium. The annual report showed that the company had a total sales of $639,514 for the past fiscal year, slightly less than last year due to weather conditions.
Voting on the proposed Western Pope County Hospital District drew to a close Monday evening as the Village of Farwell was the last precinct to take such action. They decided to join the eastern end with 13 voting for Glenwood, 10 for Starbuck and two for no district.
Arnold Opdahl announced this week that he has sold his building to the Samuelson Brothers. It is adjacent to the present drug store building. The Samuelsons stated they needed more room to display their merchandise and will be doing some remodeling in the near future,
From July 6, 1983
The world’s “Largest Lefse” was produced during Starbuck Centennial Days last weekend. The lefse measured 9’ by 9’1” and a large piece of lefse was sent to Minnesota Governor Rudy Perpich.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stammer announce the birth of a daughter, Katie Marie born June 21.
Rose Ann Moen, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Tilfred Moen of Glenwood and Curtis Dahlseng, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dahlseng were married at the Glenwood Lutheran Church May 21. The couple will make their home on a farm in rural Starbuck.
Funeral services for Muriel Hoium, 73, of Glenwood, were held from the Glenwood Lutheran Church June 13. Besides her husband, Martin of Glenwood, she is survived by three children; her father, Alfred Aslakson and two sisters, Mrs. Delores Otteson and Mrs. Marvin (Adeline) Nelson of Starbuck.
Connie Braaten, Anne Evenson and Lois Banister Shreim of Starbuck have been recognized for their scholastic achievement at St. Cloud State University for the spring quarter.
Funeral services for Rock Koepsell, 50, were held June 28. He was a former Starbuck High School teacher.
From July 7, 1993
Paige Bangsund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bangsund was crowned “Little Miss Starbuck” in ceremonies at the Starbuck Lakeshore Park Sunday. Named princess was Teresa Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jon Davis.
Funeral services for Orville Runquist, 75, Hancock, were held at Pedersen Funeral Home in Morris July 2. He is survived by his wife, Doris of Hancock and two daughters, Mrs. James (Gail) Jensen of Sioux Falls, SD and Mrs. Larry (LuMae) Rohloff of Atwater.
The Nodland’s Cafe Sign, a Starbuck “landmark” was removed from the old Nodland’s Hotel/Cafe Monday morning and replaced with a newer version.
Funeral services for Agnes Dahlin, 90, were held at Fron Lutheran Church June 26. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Elmer (DeLois) Olson of Kensington and one son, Dean Dahlin of Dallas, Texas.
From July 2, 2003
Hundreds will converge on Starbuck for the twenty first annual Heritage Days celebration. Events begin this Friday and continue through Sunday evening.
Jaci and Blake Heidecker went to the auction at Serendipity on June 20 and left as the building’s new owners. Rob Rinde and Kate Hall previously housed their store Serendipity in the building, but when they left, owner Joyce Wahlquist decided to auction the building (108 W. Fifth Street) and its contents.
The historic Terrace Mills, located 12 miles south of Glenwood on Highway 104, is one hundred years old this summer. Centennial celebrations will begin on Sunday, July 6 with the acapella singing of Tonic Sol-Fa. Gates open and entertainment begins at 1 p.m.
From July 10, 2013
Because of extraordinary weather conditions including excessive rainfall this spring, some area lakes are seeing record high water marks. Combined with wave action from wind and watercraft, the high water has intensified shoreline erosion and caused destruction of property. At Tuesday’s board meeting, Pope County commissioners got the ball rolling to temper the damage.
The Minnewaska Coronation concluded with the crowning of the 2013-2014 Minnewaska Royalty at the City Park. Morgan Lange was crowned Miss Minnewaska Queen. Sponsored by Minnewaska Community Health Services, Lange is the ninth Miss Minnewaska Queen. Joining her as 2013-2014 Miss Minnewaska Royalty are Princesses Shaeley Flaherty who was sponsored by Tom and Penny Haavig and Katelyn Elwood who was sponsored by Minnewaska Wellness & Fitness. The new Miss Minnewaska Royalty were crowned by the outgoing royalty, Queen Renae Mullins, Princess Tera Engebretson and Princess Connor Olson.
Residents from South Shore Drive in Starbuck packed the board room and spilled into the hallway at Tuesday’s Pope County board meeting, hoping to have their voices heard. They were concerned about the amount of field-run-off water coming mostly from the south side of County Road 18.