Faythe Mills is featured artist at Bremness Waterama Art Show
News | Published on July 17, 2023 at 2:03pm CDT
Waterama Art Show is at Ann Bickle House from July 24-28
By Kris Goracke
“In 5th grade, I won the American Legion Poppy Poster Contest. My slogan was “Pray for the Living, Honor the Dead.” And that started a lifelong love of creating art for Faythe Mills of Glenwood.
Mills is the featured artist in this year’s Bremness Waterama Art Show held at the Bickle House in Glenwood. Mills’ collection is a variety of silver prints of Lake Minnewaska, watercolors, pastels and acrylics. “I am excited to be the featured artist this year, and it is really an honor as it is the 35th anniversary of the Bickle House,” she said. Mills’ show offers many new pieces as well as some favorites of the past.
Many of the pieces for sale are brightly colored artwork inspired by Teacapan, Mexico, where Mills, along with her life-partner Neil Engquist, winter. These paintings capture the people and wildlife from the small fishing community. Each morning Mills walks the town with a watchful eye, appreciating the beauty of nature and people from an artist’s perspective. “I enjoy walking past the working fisherman and taking pictures of the birds along the water. The Blue Herons are graceful and fun, and the pelicans are unique birds. I also like to walk throughout the town. Each street presents a different view of life and the city,” said Mills.
When at home, Mill’s inspiration comes from her surroundings. “I enjoy kayaking, and while on the lake, I saw the subject of two of my pieces, Summer Colors and Stairway Reflection. Whether I am walking, kayaking, or just out and about, I notice the beauty in many ordinary things that perhaps we take for granted. For example, going on the dock on a foggy morning and seeing the fog hovering over the trees and lake – it’s like heaven,” she said.
Winning the American Legion Poppy Poster Contest was just the beginning for Mills and her love for art. “I had wonderful high school art teachers who encouraged me,” she said. However, in her 20s, art was put on hold when she was raising her two sons, Tony and Ryan. But once they got older, her friends encouraged her to take some art courses. And so, at the age of 37, Mills went back to school. “I took Art 101 at North Hennepin Community College, and that just opened my eyes to all that art could be,” said Mills. “Lance Kiland was my illustration teacher, and he was my inspiration. I would think my art piece was done, and Lance would always say, “That’s really good, but you aren’t done yet.” He was a very positive person who really impacted my art education,” Mills said.
In 1990, Mills graduated with a graphic design degree. “I was in my early 40s and starting a career in graphic design and doing artwork as a sideline,” she said. In 1989, Mills met Engquist. She moved to Glenwood in 1991, where she joined Engquist in Marine Specialties – a boating business. After selling the business in 1994, Mills began working with Shar Jorgenson of Quilting From the Heartland as a graphic designer for Jorgenson’s quilting books. As Jorgenson moved into retirement, Mills found herself with more time and began her artwork, “My mom was so happy when art became my focus again. When I told her, I was doing more art, my mom said to me, “This is what you are supposed to be doing.”
Although Mills still does some freelance graphic artwork, her primary focus is art. Lately, Mills says she has been doing portraits of people and people’s pets, but she still finds time to create artwork of the surrounding beauty she sees each day. “I enjoy what I do, and each time I work on a piece, I find myself lost in the moment just creating,” said Mills.
Rose Meade, the coordinator for the Bremness Waterama Art Show, commented on how pleased the group is to have Faythe as their featured artist this year. “Faythe has been a valuable volunteer to the Bickle House for several years. She has designed our brochure and always supports any event we have. She is a generous, kind person, and we appreciate her. She is a talented artist, and we hope many come to check out her show,” said Meade.
The Bremness Waterama Art Show opens Monday, July 24 – Friday, July 28, with hours 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, July 29, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.