Pope County ATV safety class will be Aug. 12
News | Published on July 24, 2023 at 2:00pm CDT
Anyone between the ages of 10 and 15 years old can attend an ATV safety class on Saturday, Aug. 12 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The class will be held at Pope County Fairgrounds and attendees must preregister by emailing Conservation Officer Daniel Baumbarger at daniel.baumbarger@state.mn.us.
In order to attend, students must take and pass the online ATV safety training course found on the website www.atvcourse.com/usa/minnesota before arriving at the class. Students must print and bring the certificate showing a passing score to show to the instructor on the day of the class.
Students should bring an ATV that fits them; if a student doesn’t have an ATV, one will be provided by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Students should also bring a helmet to the class for the riding test.
A one-time $29.95 fee is required to be paid through the DNR for students to receive their certification upon completion of the course. This will be done online at the ATV safety training course website listed above.
For more information on the class or on any safety training class, visit the Minnesota DNR website www.dnr.state.mn.us under the “education/safety” tab or call Conservation Officer Daniel Baumbarger at 320-287-2383.