Glenwood becoming more and more of a summer resort town

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, July 12, 1923.

The stockholders meeting of the Glenwood Creamery Association was held at Glenwood on Friday afternoon of last week. It was decided that the association should buy out the Glenwood Ice Cream and Butter Company in order not to have any competition. It was decided to offer Peterson $1,000.00 for the good will in buying the business and to pay whatever an interested party of three said the machinery was worth. It was also decided to build a new creamery rather than to rent some old building.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, July 12, 1923. 

Glenwood is a summer resort town. It is becoming so more and more and is such that there is a future for Glenwood. There are certain persons who are taking the lead in making Glenwood a summer town. Are we backing these men all we can in their effort to do this? The summer people this year will bring to Glenwood more than $100,000. Glenwood cannot afford to lose this amount of money. If it does not come to Glenwood, it will go somewhere else. Let us treat the summer visitors courteously. Let us show them we are glad they are here. Let us treat them so that they will come back. Let us encourage those who are taking the lead in this matter. Let us do all we can to encourage those who are at the head of our summer hotels. We have two mighty good ones. Let us boost them. 

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, July 13, 1923. 

Student Elmer R. Larson, of Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, closed a very successful term of parochial school in Fron congregation Saturday, July 7th. Mr. Larson has had many years’ experience as a teacher. He is naturally gifted for this kind of work and exceptionally good results were attained with the children. Classes were conducted both in Norwegian and in English. The confirmation class (English) also attended these four weeks of parochial school. The children, their parents and friend of the parochial school enjoyed a picnic at Spring Grove Saturday afternoon.