Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on July 10, 2023 at 2:05pm CDT
From July 18, 1913
This July 18 issue is missing from the file.
From July 13, 1923
Henry T. Ronning, Glenwood attorney, has been appointed secretary to Senator Shipstead.
At the semi-annual meeting of the directors of the First National Bank last Tuesday, Edward S. Olson was elected a director to take the place of S.L. Gaarder, who resigned.
A little Fern Sanvik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sanvik of Blue Mounds, lost the ring finger on her left hand when it got caught in the lawn mower.
Funeral services were held at the Immanuel Church on Wednesday for Mrs. Carrie Caykendale, Rev. G. O. Forde officiating. She is survived by a nephew, Irvin Anderson, who has made his home with her since infancy.
From July 13, 1933
Miss Ruth Simonson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.T. Simonson and Mr. Odin Barsness, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Barsness, were united in marriage at the home of the bride, Rev. G. O. Forde officiating. Their attendants were Miss Esther Barsness and Mr. Walter Simonson.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dyrstad were honored on their silver wedding anniversary on Sunday afternoon when over 300 relatives and friends gathered at the Dyrstad farm in Minnewaska Township. The Dyrstad’s have ten children: Oberlin, Alma, John, Evelyn, Melford, Gerhard, Donald, George, Opal and Laura Mae.
Miss Alice Opdahl, daughter of Mrs. Mina Opdahl and Mr. Reuben Thompson, son of Mrs. Alfred Smedstad were married on Saturday evening, July 8, at the Fron parsonage by Rev. Casper Johnshoy. The bride was attended by her sister, Huldah Opdahl and the groom by his brother, Orville Thompson.
The Ladies Aid Society of the St. John’s church will give an Ice Cream Social in the church parlors Friday evening. A charge of 10¢ will be made. The following program will be given: Selections, Indherred orchestra; songs by Tangen girls quartet; music by each of the following: Blanche Lingen, Jeanette Kjera, Mildred Ronnie, Sylvia Kamrud and Celia Ronnie.
From July 15, 1943
The following telegram was received last week by Hilbert Akers: “regret to inform you that the commanding general European area reports your son, Technical Sergeant James O. Akers missing in action since 22nd June. If further details or other information of his status are received, you will be promptly notified.” The Adjutant General.
Funeral services for Frank Fairfield, 27, were held from his home in Osakis on Tuesday. He is survived by his wife, Myrtle; one son, Lloyd David, age 3 and a seven-week-old daughter, Julie Oline, who had been baptized the day previous to her father’s sudden death.
Mr. and Mrs. Luverne Barsness are the parents of a baby girl, LouAnn Elizabeth born Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Luverne Barsness are the parents of a baby, Burton Gorder, born last week at the Minnewaska Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Flodin entertained relatives and friends for dinner Sunday in honor of their son, Marvin Elmer’s confirmation.
Pictured in this issue is a card sent to Mrs. Dina Dahlseng from her son, Pvt. Clarmont Dahlseng for Mother’s Day. The card is hand sketched and in the form of V-mail.
From July 23, 1953
Lloyd Hoium, 38, of Glenwood, employee of the County Highway Department of Pope County, was instantly killed by a gravel truck at 4:20 p.m. Monday four miles southwest of Glenwood when he was either hurled or jumped from the gravel truck he was driving and run over by the rear wheel. Funeral services were held at Glenwood Lutheran Church Friday afternoon. He is survived by his wife, Marie and seven-year-old father, Erick Hoium, seven sisters and four brothers.
Vernon Amondson and his bride were charvaried Tuesday night, the procession continuing for quite a while. Harry Henriksen had borrowed a 1913 Ford for the occasion which he paraded downtown during the afternoon.
Mary Roiland celebrated her 7th birthday July 14 by entertaining 12 of her little friends.
Miss Gerdes Billehus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Billehus of Starbuck and Bryant L. Ulseth of Crookston were married July 11 at Fron Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home in Crookston.
Miss Elizabeth Phyle of Minneapolis and Pvt. Jerome H. Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson were married July 11 at Barsness Lutheran Church. The bride will make her home in Minneapolis while the groom reports for overseas duty as a cook in the U.S. Army.
From July 11, 1963
Through the cooperation of Shrine members in the Starbuck area and the Starbuck Chamber of Commerce, all pupils in the fourth and fifth grades will receive free tickets to attend the Shrine Circus at Fergus Falls on Thursday, July 18. Transportation will be provided by school buses, and each bus will have at least two chaperones to look after the youngsters on the bus.
A new 20×40-foot shelter has been added to the Starbuck Lakeshore Park, donated by Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Caldwell and the Starbuck Telephone Company.
Over 10,000 Minnesota 4-H’ers are expected to take part in six district Share the Fun festivals during July.
Dr. F.D. Bucher was re-elected president of the board of education of School District No. 614 at the first meeting of the school year Monday, July 1. Other officers elected were Julian B. Pederson, vice president; Norman Hagen, clerk; and Arnold Opdahl, treasurer. The other board members are James Erickson and Magnus Otteson.
From July 12, 1973
Pope County has completed its third year of participation in the Food Stamp Program according to John DeMorett, Pope County Family Services director.
Such a beautiful park, what spacious camping areas, didn’t know there was such a nice campground so close to home were some of the comments this reporter heard as he spent the 4th of July at the Glacial Lake State Park south of Starbuck four to five miles.
Three young men from Minneapolis after much planning left on a bike trip June 11 and headed for Duluth and the North Shore Drive. They were Rick Dalton, Tom Halvorson and John Heer. Tom Halvorson is a nephew of Mrs. Earl Larson.
From Duluth, the bikers headed into Canada, Port Arthur and then on west to the Lake of the Woods. Heading south again, they headed through Roseau, Thief River Falls, Bemidji and on the 4th of July, came to Starbuck to Spend the Day with the Earl Larsons.
From July 13, 1983
The Herbert Hippe family have adopted three burros through the Midwest Burro Adoption Center, who places thousands of burros through the country to homes who care about these wild animals.
Funeral services for Ole Bardal, 82, were held from Indherred Lutheran Church July 4. He is survived by his wife, Clara and two sons, Paul of Minneapolis and Burt of Faribault.
Karla Kleinschmidt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kleinschmidt of Glenwood and Blaine Pederson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin D. Pederson were married May 7th at the Glenwood Luther Church. The couple will make their home in Starbuck.
Births: A daughter, Lindsey Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lehtola (Ilene Tharaldson) July 11; a son, Christopher Scott to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rombach (Sherry Pochardt) June 20.
Funeral services for Kermit S. Pederson, 73, were held from the Fron Lutheran Church July 7. He is survived by his wife, Alice of Starbuck and one son, Dennis Pederson of Clear Lake, MN.
From July 14, 1993
Mabel Hoverud lost her life in a two-vehicle accident in Magee, Mississippi June 30. She was traveling home from a two-week vacation with her daughter, Helen Ann Hoverud and a friend, Helen Claire Anderson. Helen Ann is hospitalized at Fairview Hospital in Minneapolis and Helen Claire is convalescing at home.
Funeral services for Calvin Dahl, 42, were held at the Zahrbock Funeral Home in Madison, MN July 14. He is survived by three brothers, Carmen of Starbuck, Jeffery of New London and Wendell of Lake Lillian.
Former Starbuck Buck standout Kent Anderson served as assistant summer basketball camp coach for North Carolina Coach Dean Smith. Amundson is a senior high English instructor at Moorhead High School.
Funeral services for James Swenson, 70, of Butte, Montana, were held July 6 at Wayrymans and Richards Funeral Home in Butte. Among his survivors are two sisters, Esther Jergenson of Starbuck and Norma Hesse of Alexandria.
From July 9, 2003
Budget issues are now fixed on the minds of all those who on the minds of all those who wander the halls of county buildings. A Team for Solutions, made up of department heads, was formed to tackle budget problems and find any and every way to pinch pennies.
The administrative picture at Minnewaska Area Schools became clearer last week. Three of the district’s four schools will have new principals, even though that represents only two people. Earlier this year the MAS board of education decided to reduce its elementary principal staff from two to one.
The Fourth of July started with more of a roar that a bang for a lot of people in the Starbuck area. High winds toppled trees, flattened barns, flipped boats and boat lifts, knocked down power lines and generally made a mess of things.
From July 17, 2013
Pope County’s new Alcohol Prevention Grant coordinator, Laura Backhaus, will continue the task started by Renee Brandt more than a year ago working toward a decrease in youth alcohol abuse in Pope County.
Jim Gilman, a partner of Conway, Deuth and Schmiesing, PLLP (CDS), Certified Public Accountants & Consultants gave an audit report to the Starbuck City Council on July 8 at the regular council meeting. Gilman gave an overview of the financial data telling the council they had a total cash balance of 1.5 million at the end of 2012.
Gilman also stated the city has struggled with debt levels but have been striving to reduce the overall debt. The City Council approved the audit as presented.