Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on July 24, 2023 at 1:32pm CDT
From Aug. 1, 1913
Lard sale – We are overstocked on lard and will cut prices to 12-1/2¢ per pound until further notice. Don’t pass this up as you will need lard for threshing. Meat Market, H. O. Jorgenson, Prop.
On Wednesday of last week, Miss Hannah Byhre and Thomas Hammond were married at the home of the bride’s uncle, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Byhre of Starbuck. The couple will reside in Walker, MN.
A certain autoist around here whirls. Watch him – he may run off with one of our girls!
Little Miss Bernice Jorgenson gave a birthday party to a number of her little girlfriends Tuesday afternoon. Bernice is 8 years old.
From July 27, 1923
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barsness were pleasantly surprised Sunday on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary. The Barsnesses have four children, Olger, Edward, Cora and Norman.
Alma Dahl, Otto Nordstrom and Alfred Engebretson were among those who left for Valley City this week to attend the Normal School.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Espelien are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl at their home last Saturday. They have five boys living, and this is their first girl.
Dr. W.W. Larson attended the annual convention of the West Central Minnesota Dental Society at Willmar last Saturday. At this meeting, Dr. Larson was elected president for the coming year.
At the annual school board election Saturday evening, Ed Chanlenburg was re-elected director to succeed himself, and Rev. M.C. Johnshoy to succeed Carl N. Nelson.
From July 27, 1933
The 4-H Club Home Economics Achievement Day last Friday was an unusual success. Twenty-eight girls took part in the individual bread baking contest. Vivian Tollefson of the White Bear Lake Club, was the county champion. She has baked 688 loaves of bread at home since January 1.
Miss Bernice Iverson of Bergen, North Dakota and Mr. Gerhard Gorder of Berwick, North Dakota were united in marriage July 20 by Rev. H.F. Hanson. The groom is the son of Mrs. Anne Gorder of Starbuck and is well known here.
The old Starbuck Male Quartet composed of Harold Peterson, Noel Johnson, Christ Westby and Leo Sylvester motored to Bellingham on Sunday evening where they took part in a program given by the Bellingham band. As usual, the boys made a hit with the audience and were requested to sing several encores. Rev. Melvin Anderson of Benson, R.S. Forde of Starbuck and Tuko Twelen of Cyrus also took part with the band.
From July 29, 1943
Mr. and Mrs. Jens Hanson received word from Hdq. Det. 59th Med. Bn (motorized), Fort Ord, California, that their son, Sgt. Harris Hanson had received the good conduct medal.
Gary John, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson was baptized at the Lutheran parsonage in Glenwood Friday evening. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jackson.
At a meeting of the Commercial Club last Friday evening it was decided that stores would close at 4 p.m. every day except Saturday, in order that business men and their help may assist farmers in getting their grain shocked.
Betty Evenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Evenson and Sterling G. Hall, son of Mrs. Cora Hall of Salt Lake City, Utah were married in Minneapolis July 10. Mr. Hall is in the Navy and is taking special training at the University. Mrs. Hall is employed at New Brighton.
Miss Tina Aaberg is working at Peter’s Hotel at Glenwood as a waitress.
At the services in the Fron Church last Sunday, several “Prayer Songs” were sung very District No. 37; Dora and Della Stadafer, Carol Rud and Gerdes Billehus. They were accompanied by Mrs. A.G.J. Anderson, who has trained them in singing.
From Aug. 6, 1953
Gary Landmark celebrated his 8th birthday Thursday. His mother entertained a group of boys in the park in honor of the occasion.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Womeldorf, Vicki June, was baptized Sunday at Fron Church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Solheim.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Olson (Lenora Berg) are the parents of a daughter born Monday.
Specials this week at Johnson’s Red Owl: Harvest Queen coffee, 1 lb. can 88¢; Fruit Cocktail, 5 – 16 oz. cans for $1.00; Chum Salmon from Alaska, 3 – 1 lb. cans for $1.00; Burnetts assorted puddings, 8 for $1.00; jello, 12 – 3 oz. pkgs. $1.00; new potatoes, 10 lbs. for 39¢.
From July 25, 1963
Funeral services were held for Norman E. Norland at the Fron Lutheran Church on Saturday, July 13, Rev. Paul Tolo officiating. He is survived by his widow, Virginia; two daughters, Inga and Marion; and a son, Norman Jr. Also surviving are his parents, four brothers and three sisters.
Miss Judith Warnkvist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Warnkvist of Starbuck and Gerald Solen, son of Mrs. Angelica Solem, Forest Lake, Minn. were united in marriage at the First Baptist church at Glenwood on June 15, Pastor William Gustafson officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Iver Aal are the parents of a baby girl born July 21. Mr. and Mrs. Ingolf Aal are the paternal grandparents and Mrs. Evelyn Hafstad is the maternal grandmother.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Johnson of Montclair, California are the parents of a son born July 16. Mr. and Mrs. Herman (Butch) Johnson are the paternal grandparents.
A large crowd of relatives and friends helped Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gilbertson celebrate their silver wedding on Sunday, June 30 at the Indherred church. The Gilbertsons are the parents of four children, Peter, Audrey, Jeannine and Ruth.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kjorstad were honored at an open house at their home on Sunday, July 14 on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. The Kjorstads have four daughters: Karen, Marjorie, Corrine and Debra and one son, Gilbert.
From July 26, 1973
Senior citizens of Pope County are again reminded of the Senior Citizens Booth at the Pope County Fair. This year the booth will be in the Woman’s Lounge Building. Any seniors of Pope County may bring in crafts, needlework and articles made of wood that they have made and it will be displayed for sale in the booth, at no charge.
The 18th annual Glenwood Waterama celebration bursts on the scene Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 27-29. And like all Wateramas, there’s something new each time. This year the new attraction is the Big Red One parachute jump team from Fort Riley, Kan., which will jump and perform maneuvers in the air at 10 a.m., 12:45 p.m., 4:45 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. Saturday, July 28.
Early Wednesday morning of last week, three diesel engines and 13 cars of a Soo Line freight were derailed and piled up about 1/2 mile east of Farwell. Fortunately no crewmen were injured.
From July 27, 1983
Kathryn Lynn Lien, daughter of Orville and Wilma Lien, and Timothy Hookom, son of David and Judy Hookom were married June 25th at Morning Glory Gardens. The couple will make their home in Starbuck.
Births: A son, Nicolas Ryan to Dan and Sheila Swartz July 22; a son, Chad to Rick and Sue Anderson of Angoon, Alaska July 21.
Funeral services for Jean Kjera, St. Paul, were held July 14 in St. Paul. She is survived by three daughters.
Cythia Deaner, daughter of Bob and Muriel Deaner, has been named to the Director’s List at the Willmar Area Vocational Technical Institute for the spring quarter.
Harold Hagen has been named chairman of the Starbuck School Board.
Emery Anderson of the Starbuck Post Office, retired after 27 years of service in LaBolt, SD and Starbuck.
Wayne “Pete” Bright has been re-elected chairman of Cyrus School Board.
From July 21, 1993
Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce members held ribbon cutting ceremonies at Buckingham’s State Farm new office at 400 Main Street in Starbuck last week.
Funeral services for Leonard MacIver, 82, were held at Fron Lutheran Church July 19. He is survived by his wife, Myrtle and two sons, Philip of Wahpeton, ND, Douglas of Duluth, and two daughters, Marjorie Guderian of Apple Valley and Charlotte Disrud of Starbuck.
Richard and Pat (Amundson) Egdorf of Chaska are the parents of a son, Patrick Dillon, born July 12.
Funeral services for Sewald Odegaard, 70, were held at Indherred Lutheran Church July 21. He is survived by his wife, Marie; two sons, Stanley of Starbuck and Harlan of Farwell; a son-in-law, Dan Olson of Brandon; and five daughters, Helen Walker of Keller, TX, Sylvia Durand of Eagan, Betty Kill of Alexandria and Cathy and Chris Odegaard of Eagan.
Navy Petty Officer Kyle Engebretson, son of Dick and Marvae Engebretson of Starbuck recently received the Navy Achievement Medal. He was cited for superior performance of duty while serving. He is currently stationed in Hawaii.
From July 23, 2003
The Culpepper and Merriweather Circus visited Starbuck on July 20 and caused a lot of oohs and ahhs. Hundreds of children and adults alike were able to enjoy trapeze artists, elephant tricks, a hula hoop act, and may other performances. The circus also had elephant rides, pony rides and fun and games for everyone.
Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce secretary Nancy Rapp reported to the chamber board that this year’s Heritage Days was a big success. Rapp said at the board’s regular meeting on July 15, that the chamber still has $5,000 left in its Heritage Days account. There are still some expenses yet to be paid and buttons that have not been turned in, but Rapp was happy with the balance.
From July 31, 2013
It’s that time of year again to put your paddle in the water and race. Starbuck’s 6th annual Dragon Boat Festival is unique to the Starbuck area and will take place this year on Friday, August 9 and Saturday August 10.
Heavy equipment of Brown Excavating of Glenwood showed up at the downtown site on Monday, and by Wednesday evening, the buildings were removed and the lot stood clean and empty with a sign. The tax-forfeited buildings had been purchased just a week before by the Klicks Foundation with the promise the deteriorating buildings would be removed in time for Waterama. By the start of Waterama, the buildings were gone. What were referred to as the “Culligan buildings” are now history with a clean lot where the dilapidated building once stood.
Minnewaska Area Schools has apparently filled the principal post vacated by Diane Cordes, who was recently named superintendent of Breckenridge Public Schools. Last Tuesday, at its regular monthly meeting, the board approved hiring Cory Larson to take the post which was advertised as a multi-program principal.