Enrollment steady, increasing at MAS as school year begins
News | Published on August 28, 2023 at 2:30pm CDT
Classes at Minnewaska Area Schools begin today and at last week’s school board meeting, administration gave updates on enrollment and goals prior to the start of the year.
Susan Currens, Elementary Principal, stated, “the school is fully staffed but looking for paraprofessionals. Kindergarten enrollment is at 80 kids and there are still preschool openings.” Superintendent Chip Rankin added that there was recently a meeting of the daycare collaboration and that a project date is forthcoming with construction of the daycare addition beginning in mid-late October.
Middle School Principal Scott Lempka added that the middle school finished hiring staff positions and their enrollment is up 16 students. The high school is also fully staffed with steady enrollment.
W.I.N. Academy is up six students in enrollment and fully staffed aside from one paraprofessional. Over the summer the school had new water fountains installed, it was also stated.
As of the meeting, week two of fall sports were ongoing and 286 kids were registered for the six activities.
The kitchen and the custodial department are both fully staffed. “The main concern now is just wrapping up projects from the summer. The old boiler is removed from Starbuck and the new one will be installed soon. The roof was repaired there and at the high school,” stated Rankin.
Several people were recognized for their support and help at the meeting including the Athletic Development Program. “145 Laker student athletes participated over a period of eight week, four days a week,” said Athletic Director Phil Johnsrud.
From the community education office, the summer recreation staff was credited with their work over the four-week run. Over 150 students in grades K-6 registered for the various activities.
The Laker Legends program, geared for ages 4-12, ran every day at the elementary school with over 80 students enrolled and present at any given time. “The continuing importance of these programs and how critical they are for local families is evident by the continued increase in enrollment,” Rankin added.
Discussion continued with the food service department director Bridget Gallagher speaking reiterating the importance of families filling out the forms for free lunches even though lunches will be free this year. “The forms also cover other things such as activity fees, discounts on things such as telephone, internet and several others, so it’s important to get them filled out.” The board also voted to increase the price of adult lunches to $5 due to increasing costs.
Tech levy election set for Nov. 7; absentee voting can
take place at school
The board approved a resolution calling for a special election for the tech levy in November as well as a resolution for an election services agreement with Pope County. “We wouldn’t run a special election if we didn’t have to,” Rankin added. The current tech levy expires after taxes payable in 2024. The agreement with the county is in place so that the school can make use of the balloting machines. The machine for absentee voting will be placed in the district office boardroom on September 22.
In other business, a fee increase from $4 to $6 was approved for community education, the snow removal and softener salt bids were accepted and the e-learning plan was adopted. With the e-learning plan, the district still has wiggle room with two true snow days, it was stated. The meeting then went into closed session for the superintendent’s annual evaluation.
The next school board meeting will be held on Monday, September 18 at 7 p.m. in the district office board room.