YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Glenwood Township Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the Glenwood Township Hall, 19731 195th Ave, Glenwood, MN on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, at 6:00 pm, to consider the following public hearing(s):

Amendments to the Glenwood Township Zoning Ordinance. The purpose for proposed revisions is to update the Township ordinance consistent with recent approved changes to the zoning requirements from Pope County and to add Township permitting requirements regarding signs.  

Conditional use permit to expand an existing lumberyard operation and a variance from the 10 ft setback requirement for the location of structure in an Industrial (I) zoning district. Applicant: Bonanza Valley Lumber. Sec/Twp/Range: 17-125-37. Property Address: 20720 State Hwy 55. Parcel number(s):  09-0311-002.

Variance from the 1,320 ft setback requirement from a public roadway for the location of a proposed solar energy farm in a Residential district. Applicant: Mark Halvorson. Sec/Twp/Range: 24-125-38. Property Address: 19008 South Lakeshore Dr. Parcel number(s):  09-0899-600.

Any measurements or details relating to items above are approximate and subject to change during the public hearing. All persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place set forth above or may file written comments with the City Zoning Administrator at or by mail at Hometown Planning, 324 Broadway Street, Suite 101, Alexandria, MN 56308 prior to the date of the hearing set forth above. If you need any type of reasonable accommodation to participate in the hearing, please call (320) 460-7468 by the Monday prior to the scheduled public hearing. 

Dated this 3rd day of August 2023.

Fred Sandal, Zoning Administrator

Glenwood Township

Aug. 7