Shriner parade is at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 26

More than 800 Shriners and their spouses are heading to Alexandria the week of August 23rd – 26th for the Midwest Shrine Association (MSA) Convention.  The fraternal organization is known for its work with the Shriner’s Children’s network of hospitals.  Comprised of 15 Shrine Centers from the upper Midwest and Canada, many will be towing a little extra as they plan on participating åduring their time here. 

The parades for the public and a myriad of other activities will all be part of the MSA convention as a celebration of community, joy and camaraderie.  

The parade specifically means spectators can expect to see these men zipping around in mini motorized vehicles — a signature of Shriners parade units.

There will be little cars, mini bikes, big wheel tricycles, go-karts, motorcycles, ATVs and horses, with many performing in formation.  In addition there will be bands and clowns as well.  

The parades are at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 24 in Alexandria and 10:30 a.m. Aug. 26 in Glenwood. 

The routes are as follows:

•In Alexandria: Travels northbound on Broadway Street from 15th Ave to 5th Avenue and continues to Fairgrounds.

•In Glenwood: Starts at 5th Street SW & 6th Ave SW, take 5th Street to 8th Ave SE to South Lake Shore Drive, ending at 6th Ave SE. (Same route as Waterama.)

During the convention the MSA Shriners will also have a number of other activities besides the parades that are open to the public and features activities for all ages, including:

•Motorized Competitions and Horse Patrols** at the Douglas County Fairgrounds on Friday morning, an exhilarating spectacle not to be missed.

•Clown Competitions** at the Arrowwood Resort, where Shriners in their fun-loving style will delight audiences.

•Shrine Chanters Concert** at the Andria Theatre in Alexandria on Friday afternoon, offering an opportunity to experience the musical talents of the Shrine community.

•Vendor/Craft Fair** at the Arrowwood Resort on Thursday and Friday, perfect for those in search of unique and local wares.

The MSA Shriners will headquarter at the Arrowwood Resort and Conference Center, where a few of the activities, including a putting contest, pontoon rides and a “moonshine tasting party”, as well as a trap shoot at the Alexandria Shooting Park will take place.  These events are for members only.  

The MSA is led by representatives from various Shrine Centers, and this year’s President, Larry Norte, Past Potentate of Osman Shrine in St. Paul, MN, warmly invites the community to participate. “Come to the open events and parades and enjoy the fun and frolic of the Shriners. We have something for everyone, and we look forward to sharing this incredible experience with you,” said Norte.

In attendance will also be James “Ed” Stolze Jr, Imperial Potentate of Shriners International, the overarching organization that all Shrine Centers are a part of. His presence further emphasizes the importance and grand scale of this event in the Shrine community.

Explore Alexandria Executive Director Joe Korkowski says, “Along with Arrowwood Resort, we have been working with the MSA Shriners for several years to secure this convention.  In addition to all the activities that are open to the public, having of hundreds of people from all over the upper Midwest and Canada come to the Alexandria Lakes Area is a great boost for the local tourist economy.  Hopefully they’ll experience enough to want to come back at other times throughout the year.”

For more details on the MSA 2023 Summer Session, including a full schedule and additional information, visit 

The MSA encourages families and community members from near and far to join in the festivities.

The Midwest Shrine Association is a collaboration of 15 Shrine Centers from the upper Midwest and Canada. Through events, fellowship, and community outreach, the MSA strives to promote the values, traditions, and charitable efforts of Shriners International.