This is to notify the public that the regular meeting of the Pope County Board of Adjustment will take place on Thursday, August 24th, 2023 beginning at or about 6:00 pm or shortly thereafter in the Pope County Courthouse to consider the following agenda items:

• Review meeting minutes from July 27th, 2023 BOA meeting.

• New Business

o Variance hearing on the application by Bonanza Valley Lumber, if granted would allow applicant to locate a structure at a reduced setback from the rear yard setback where twenty (20) feet is the minimum setback standard in an Industrial (I) zoning district per section 8.3.1.A.2. of the Pope County Land Use Controls Ordinance. Parcel is described as being located in: Part of Northwest Quarter (NW¼), Section 17, Township 125 (Glenwood), Range 37, Pope County, Minnesota.

o Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held to receive comments regarding the application for relief from the rear yard setback standard.

o Variance hearing on the application by Chris & Jamie Boelke, if granted would allow applicant to locate a structure at a reduced setback from the road right-of-way where fifty (50) feet is the minimum setback standard in a Shoreland-Natural Environment (S-NE) zoning district per section 4.4.4.F. of the Pope County Land Use Controls Ordinance. Parcel is described as being located in: Part of Government Lot 4, Section 1, Township 125 (White Bear Lake), Range 39, Pope County, Minnesota.

o Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held to receive comments regarding the application for relief from the minimum road setback.

o Variance hearing on the application by Leann Chlian, if granted would allow applicant relief from the minimum setback standards from the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL) and the road right-of-way, in a Shoreland-General Development (S-GD) zoning district per Section 4.2.4 and 4.6.7 of the Pope County Land Use Controls Ordinance. Parcel is described as: Lot 35, Bass Beach, Section 19, Township 125 (Minnewaska), Range 38, Pope County, Minnesota.

o Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held to receive comments regarding the application for relief from the minimum setback standards.

o Variance hearing on the application by David Bohmer, if granted would allow applicant to expand an existing deck, which currently extends ten (10) feet from the residential structure, an additional six (6) feet towards the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL). Whereas ten (10) feet is the standard for open decks to extend towards the OHWL per Section 4.6.3 of the Pope County Land Use Controls Ordinance. Parcel is described as: Lot 4 and part of Lot 5, North Shore Park Addition to Scandinavian Lake, Section 17, Township 123 (Gilchrist), Range 37, Pope County, Minnesota.

o Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held to receive comments regarding the application for relief from the deck standard.

Public participation by interested parties and citizens will include an opportunity to:

1) submit written concerns and comment prior to the scheduled meeting; All such communications will be shared with the Board of Adjustment prior to or during the meeting;

2) submit concerns and comments via Pope County’s Public Comment web map (;

3) to review the staff prepared report via Pope County website;

4) observe and/or participate in the proceedings of the Board of Adjustment meeting.


Jessica Hill, Deputy Land & 

Resource Director / Zoning 


Pope County Land & Resource 


Aug. 7