‘Odor Buster’ program to start
News | Published on August 21, 2023 at 2:36pm CDT
Long Beach, Glenwood partner to offer program to reduce sewer gas odor
The City of Long Beach, in partnership with the City of Glenwood, TEAM LAB, PeopleService, and the MPCA, is launching an innovative program this month to reduce sewer gas odor in our cities’ sewer systems. We are welcoming all sewer accounts in Long Beach to add an Odor Buster™ pouch at least monthly. By eliminating sewer gas, we not only reduce odor, but we reduce corrosion on sewer equipment in both cities.
Flush, Record, Report,
and save
By participating in the program, residents can get a $5 discount on their sewer bill. The Odor Buster™ pail provides 36 doses to use, it was stated.
FLUSH – Easy to use:
Flush 1 pouch every 1st of each month
• Flush 1 pouch when leaving home for more than 2 days
• Flush 2 pouches when leaving for more than 1 week or at season’s end
RECORD – Mark down date and bags flushed
REPORT – Go to longbeachmn.com when you need to:
•Each November to report usage and renew discount
•Reorder another pail of Odor Buster™ to use
•Sign up for the program if new
How are residents helping?
Sewer odor is a common problem with force main Sewer Systems like the one used by the City of Long Beach. Odor develops from a chemical (H2S) that is created when sewer water sits and becomes septic. Once H2S develops, it is expensive to remove. However, these pouches are designed to help prevent H2S from developing in the first place. That is how you become an Odor Buster™ partner!
How are residents saving?
You save by getting an immediate $5/month discount on your sewer bill just for joining the program. You can renew that discount each year in November by reporting how many pouches you flushed. The City pays TEAM LAB for the pails containing 36 pouches and provides them to you during pickup windows.
The Odor Buster™ pouches can help reduce greasy buildup on your sewer pipes as the product deploys on the way to the city grinder pit. This can reduce maintenance costs on your sewer lines.
Finally, your sewer bill savings in the longer term would be realized as both cities reduce the amount of equipment maintenance costs from wear caused by corrosive H2S chemical that has been removed from the system, according to Pfeiffer.
Current Pickup Windows at the City of Long Beach City Hall are: Wednesday, August 23, 2023, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.; Tuesday, August 29, 2023, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and on Monday, Sept. 25 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
For questions, please visit our website longbeachmn.com or call the Mayor’s hotline at 320-634-6710 ask for Mike Pfeiffer.