Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on August 14, 2023 at 1:56pm CDT
From Aug. 22, 1913
Ladies and men’s belts 19¢; ladies oxfords $1.12; shoes $1.00 pair; ladies waists 25¢; mens shirts 38¢; lace and embroideries 50¢ per year; corsets 38¢; sun bonnets 19¢; one lot of calicos, gingham, percales, outing flannel and remnants of dry goods at 5¢ per yard. The Farmers Store.
Miss Pauline Lysen returned home after having been the domestic servant at Andrew Olson’s in Hancock.
Johnnie Evjen terminated his engagement at Albert Espelien’s Thursday. Mr. Evjen is a careful and efficient man.
The Hoosier School Shoe is the standard by which all other shoes are measured, and it has no equal for style, fit or finish. Ask for it. Ericson Brothers, Starbuck.
From Aug. 17, 1923
During the thunderstorm last Monday morning, lightning struck a large tree near the cottage of Geo. C. Arneson, and entered the cottage, doing some damage. There were a number of people in the cottage at the time but no one was injured.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Hoium on Monday of last week.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Iver Hagen last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Samuelson left Wednesday of Ottowa, Illinois where Mr. Samuelson will take the position of janitor at the Lutheran College there.
Dr. W.W. Larson has had a radio set installed in his office, and Doc sits during the balmy evenings alone in his office listening to the sweet strains of syncopated music caught from the ethereal waves.
From Aug. 124, 1933
Clifford Anderson, 22, of Gilchrist signed a confession last Saturday admitting his share in the frustrated robbery of the First National Bank last week. The other bandit, John Kjornes, was killed while trying to escape. Edward Olson, cashier at the bank, and Borghild Brenden, bookkeeper, were in the bank at the time and were forced to lay on the floor together with some customers in the bank.
With “Shorty” Aaberg’s batting eye working par excellence Sunday, the Bucks won the last game of the season by defeating Benson on the Swift County diamond 14 to 9. Aaberg stole the show by banging out three homers. The last of the homers was the longest, the old horsehide being hit in the direction of Pope County, and as one fan said “they are still hunting for it.”
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Gaarder on August 16.
The annual picnic and program of the Pope County Old Settlers Ass’n will be held at Glenwood August 27. The following is part of the program: Selections, Hoffman Band; Instrumental trio, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Forde and Mrs. H. R. Peterson; selections by the Old Time Fiddlers, M. P. Eidberg, E. C. Landaas, Hans Olson, Peter Fornes, Gilbert Moen, Julius Haugen and Gust Gandrud accompanied by Mrs. P.O. Brandvold.
From Aug. 19, 1943
Word has been received here by Mrs. Marie Hagen, that her son, Cpl. Norman Hagen, who is somewhere in North Africa, has received the rating of sergeant.
Funeral services for Mrs. Louis (Kaija Mathilde) Berg, 48, were held from the Fron Lutheran Church on August 17. She is survived by her husband, Louis, and one daughter, Lucille.
Miss Florance Arlene Stangeland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Stangeland and Cpl. Morgan Haugen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Haugen, were married at the Lutheran service Mens Club at Seattle, Washington on August 9. The groom is stationed at Camp Maxey, Texas and the bride is employed at the Station Hospital in Fort Lawton, Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wollan had their infant son, Gary, baptized at the Anton Wollan home Sunday. Sponsors were Mrs. Ralph Stewart, Oluf Wollan and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Erickson.
From Aug. 20, 1953
Sim Jensen and Carl Carlson are the new owners of the Chalenburg Cafe and took possession Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen and Mr. Carlson will make their homes in Starbuck.
David Naig, age 7, is getting along nicely at the Sheltering Arms in Minneapolis where he was taken last week for polio care. Only slight paralysis was evident in his case.
Miss Madelyn Maanum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Danielson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Danielson of Starbuck were married July 12 at West Zion Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home in Minneapolis.
Several people helped Ardis Ronnie celebrate her first birthday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ronnie on Friday.
From Aug. 15, 1963
Helen Jean Pederson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Pederson of Starbuck and Paul Pladsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Pladsen of Clear Lake, Iowa, formerly of Starbuck, were married at East Zion Lutheran Church on Saturday, August 3. The couple will live in Minneapolis.
Friends and relatives gathered at the Donald Dullum home Sunday and helped little Donald Boyd celebrate his 4th birthday.
Starbuck new grid coach Julian Gulsvig reported this week that he had 12 lettermen report for conditioning this week. They are Mark Brenden, Bill Kyvig, Bob Aaberg, Conrad Barsness, Marcus Baukol, Dave Bardal, Gene Berg, Richard Thorstad, Harvey Erickson, Ron Olson, Glen Johnshoy and Dan Janisch.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Foster (Janice Nordaune) are now residing in Columbia Heights, MN, following their marriage in Minneapolis July 26.
From Aug. 16, 1973
San Antonio – Airman Steven B. Wilson, son of Dr. and Mrs. Sanford B. Wilson of Starbuck, Minn., has been assigned to Sheppard AFB, Texas after completing Air Force basic training.
Supt. Ernest Janisch announced that Kenneth Lien, a native of Pine River, Minnesota has been hired as a “reading teacher” in the elementary grades. He received his basic education in his home town of Pine River while his college days were spent at Bemidji State College where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. His Starbuck assignment will be his first teaching position.
Good old summer vacation time is soon over and school bells will again be ringing shortly at the Starbuck Schools announced Supt. Ernest Janisch. The 1973-74 session begins on Monday, August 21 at 8:30 a.m. for both elementary and secondary students and will be a full day.
From Aug. 17, 1983
Janet Thompson, a 15-year-old 4Her from the Cyrus Boosters 4-H club won double honors at the 1983 Pope County Fashion Revue held August 9 by being chosen as the top fashion forecaster in both “The Clothes You Make” and “The Clothes You Buy” divisions.
A farewell reception was held for Pastor Don and Sandy Oldenburg Sunday at the Fron Church. Pastor Don, Sandy and their children, Kristen and Michael left Monday for their new home at Lindstrom where he will begin a one year residency training program as a counselor at the Hazelden Chemical Treatment Center north of the Twin Cities.
Funeral services for Violet Hegland, 63, were held from the Fron Lutheran Church August 5. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Robert (Leola) Schnobrick of Starbuck and three sons, Roger of California, Howard of Minneapolis and Eddy of Marshall.
A major improvement has been added to the Pope County Fairgrounds this year when a newly built livestock building was built. The 95’ x 120’ structure will house dairy, beef, hogs and sheep.
Births: A daughter, Linda Dawn to Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson August 11; a son, Matthew Robert, 6 months old, was adopted by Greg and Sue Dvorsak.
From August 18, 1993
Minnewaska Area High School Senior High Principal John Hornung has announced his resignation and has accepted a position as superintendent for the Triton Public School District.
Funeral services for Clarence Braaten, 80, were held at Bethany Lutheran Church in Onamia August 12. He is survived by his wife, Gladys of Onamia, and the following sons: Adlore of Minneapolis, Curtis of Princeton, Gerald of Onamia, Larry and Dean of Milaca.
Marianne Bennett, a 25-year member of the Lowry American legion, has been named the seventh District Minnesota Poppy Queen.
Ella Irgens and Walter Gullickson were named the Outstanding Senior Citizens at the Pope County Fair last weekend.
From August 15, 2003
Cassie Burgess loves to be on stage, but for the Front line Continentals she had to perform for more than just her own enjoyment. The Continentals are a non-profit interdenominational ministry formed in 1967 and the group’s performers are sent all over the world to spread the word of Christianity.
The Western Pope County Hospital district board has approved spending up to $402,490 in capital purchases during the next year to enhance patient care.
Hobo Park is getting a jump in technology, though a small one. The Starbuck City Council approved the purchase of a new computer at its regular meeting on Aug. 11. The intent of the purchase is to enable the staff to use updated reservation software.
The Pope County Board heard another resignation at its regular meeting on Aug. 6. After resignations in the veteran’s services office and the assessors office so far this year, county coordinator Sherry Parker announced her resignation effective Sept. 5.
From Aug. 21, 2013
Rich and Kori Anderson have once again decided to open their home to a foreign teenage exchange student. Daria is a 17-year old girl from the Kyrgyz Republic. She loves doing a variety of outdoor activities, reading, working with her hands, and spending time with family and friends. Daria often cooks with her mother at home as well. Her parents, who are both mountaineers, instilled in her a love of nature and often take her hiking and climbing in the mountains.
The Holly Skogen ribbon cutting brought several people out to the park on Sunday (August 18) afternoon. Pictured in the Times from left to right are Starbuck Mayor Bruce Bakewell, Lake Region Arts Council (LRAC) Executive Director Maxine Adams, Holly Skogen Park Creator and Developer Arne Pederson and Artist Philip Rickey. Adams presented Mayor Bakewell with an Arts Legacy City sign to put up showing Starbuck as one of six Minnesota cities that has received an Arts Legacy Grant.
The Starbuck City Council got word from Larry Van Hout of Widseth Smith and Nolting that the 5th and Wollan street project should start sometime the week of August 9. The council approved the 5th and Wollan Street project at the July 29 special meeting.