From Sept. 5, 1913

On Monday occurred the wedding of Miss Agnes Nordstrom of Starbuck to Ed Olson of Carpio, ND. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gotfred Nordstrom. The groom is also well and favorably known here, having held the position as assistant cashier at the First National Bank for sometime before moving to Carpio, where he is cashier of a bank. He is the son of Dr. Sam Olson, the dentist/mayor of Kensington.

Mons Larson Urness, 65, passed away from stomach cancer Monday morning. Funeral services were held Wednesday. He is survived bu the following children: Ole, Lars, Edward, Syver, Louisa, Martin and Severina.

Notice to hunters – Notice is hereby given that on account of the prevalence of hog cholera, the running of hunting dogs in the towns of Langhei and Hoff townships, Pope County, Minnesota, is hereby absolutely prohibited under penalty of a fine of $25 for each and every offense during the year 1913. Swen Nelson, Chairman of Town of Hoff and Ole Oien, Chairman, Town of Langhei. 


From Aug. 31, 1923

Miss Cassa Cornelia Benham and E.R. Selsnes were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents at Troy, Ohio on August 22. E.R. Selsnes is county attorney for Pope County.

Miss Marguerite Grevstad and Rev. Peter M. Troen were united in marriage at the Indherred church on Thursday, Rev. John Linnevold officiating. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Rosten of Minnewaska township last Monday. 

Funeral services for Mrs. Casper Gorder were held at the Indherred church on Monday, Rev. G.O. Forde officiating assisted by her brother, Rev. Peter Troen and brother-in-law, Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy. Mrs. Gorder is survived by her husband, 1 daughter, Naomi, 7 years old, and a three month old son, Carsten. She is also survived by two brothers, Rev. Peter Troen and Magnus, and two sisters, Ellen and Olava (Mrs. M. Casper Johnshoy).


From Sept. 7, 1933

Andrew T. Sanvik, Starbuck hardware dealer, received official notice this week from the Post Office Dept. at Washington, D.C. that he had been appointed acting postmaster for Starbuck. He succeeds B.H. Holte who has been postmaster here for 33 years.

Congestion at the South St. Paul livestock market had made it necessary to have a Pig Permit Committee, organized to maintain an orderly marketing program. Shippers in the country are to make written applications to the Pig Permit Committee for permission to ship pigs to be sold to government. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin Alfson of Cyrus on Saturday morning. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bjokne of Lowry on Monday. 

Theodore Aune, president of the Minnesota Independent Bankers Association and head of the Glenwood State Bank yesterday married Maude Martin, matron of the Home School at Sauk Centre. 


From Sept. 2, 1943

Reported dead: Master Sergeant Ralph Opheim died July 17, according to a telegram received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Opheim of Cyrus, this week. He was serving in the Armed Forces in the Orient.

Miss Cora Nygaard of Benson and Sgt. John Oss were married at the bride’s home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Klevann entertained relatives and friends Thursday afternoon in honor of Patricia’s first birthday. 

Miss Hilma Linde came home Tuesday from Minneapolis to enjoy a brief vacation before leaving for Mound where she will be music instructor in the high school.

Neighbors and friends helped Louisa Friedman celebrate her 98th birthday Saturday.

Funeral services for Leonard O. Smedstad, 80, were held from the Hoplin Funeral Home in Lowry Sunday. He is survived by his wife, Rudolph, Hulda Lorenze, Leo, and Bertina. 


From Sept. 3, 1953

A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pederson August 23. 

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thorstad was baptized Priscilla Jean at the Minnewaska Church Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. George Knutson and Mrs. Perry Berg. 

Miss Gloria O. Hagen, daughter of Mrs. Olga Hagen of Starbuck and Carl B. Heggestad, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Heggestad of Windom were married August 29 at the East Zion Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home in Minneapolis. 

Ronald Melvin, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin (Adeline Larson) Moe of Willmar was baptized Sunday by Rev. Rem. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Broadland of Glenwood. 

Lt. Philip H. Peterson of Hancock, a prisoner of war of the communists for two years and 10 months was among seven soldiers from Midwest freed August 26 at Munson, Korea. Mrs. Peterson received a cablegram from her husband the following Friday stating he was well. They have one daughter, aged 4. 


From Aug. 29, 1963

Walter Anderson, 50, of Cyrus, died in a cave-in outside the Ralph Kurtzman home at Morris Monday afternoon. Two other men who were working in a trench with Anderson, were buried almost to their arm pits by the cave-in. Mr. Anderson is survived by his wife and two daughters. 

Bonnie Lou Griffith of Santa Monica, Ca, and David Walter Ranum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ransum of Starbuck, were married at Mount Olivet Lutheran Church on Saturday, August 3. The couple will make their home in Santa Monica. 

Carnival rides – the Pope County Fair Association has made arrangements with the Roger Bros. Carnival whereby if you buy carnival ride tickets before the Fair starts on Thursday, Sept. 12 at noon, they cost only 10¢ per ride. They are good for all 3 days of the fair for children 12 and under. You can buy as many as you want, as long as they last regular price is 25¢ per ticket.

Births: A son, Thomas Allen to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jackson (Jeri Thompson) of Minnetonka Mills August 26; a daughter, Stacey Lennae to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brown (Sylvia Brevig) August 24. 

Robert Kevin, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gregersen, was baptized at Fron Lutheran Church on Sunday, August 25. Sponsors were Mrs. James Harris, Clarice Johnson of Morris and David Gregersen.  


From Aug. 30, 1973

The Starbuck Public School opened its doors Monday and as one teacher quipped “This is the hottest opening day of school I can ever remember.” Teachers and students alike sweltered in the heat and high humidity. Enrollment for the entire school was down from last year by twenty students. 

Mayor Oliver Hoplin and the city commission of Glenwood have brought court action against the Board of Commissioners of Pope County to force them to redistrict the county according to population. 

State Representative Delbert Anderson of Starbuck met Thursday with Minnesota’s three Public Service Commissioners to discuss problems related to transporting the state’s grain to market. “Each year the transportation problem has deteriorated,” declared Anderson. “The shortage of boxcars has called public attention to three areas of concern: the future of small rural elevators, the ability of farmers to sell their, grain at market, and the increasing food prices which result from a grain shortage.” 


From Aug. 31, 1983

Janice Leverson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Leverson of Starbuck and Robert Danielson of Lowry were married July 9 at the Fron Lutheran Church.

A son, Travis John, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hagert of Buffalo. 

Funeral services for Roy Johnsrud, 82, were held from St. John’s Lutheran Church August 22. He is survived by six children, John (Jack), Emily (Mrs. Ivan Gullickson), Kenneth and Robert of Starbuck, Richard of Chokio and Ruth Dordan of Burnsville.

The Starbuck Stars won the fifth straight playoff game last Sunday as they downed Hill City 12-2. The Stars will now play Hermantown on Saturday at Arlington.

Carol Ann Dahlseng, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Dahlseng, and David Wayne Kirkpatrick of Minnesota Lake were married at Indherred Lutheran Church July 9. The couple will make their home in Tampa, Florida. 


From Sept. 1, 1993

Funeral services for Alvin Dokken, 87, were held at the Glenwood Lutheran Church August 24. He is survived by two sons, Stanley and Archie and his wife, Esther Dokken, all of Glenwood. 

Nancy Ann Cumbow of Valentine, NE and Jonathan Aal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Iver Aal of Starbuck, were married May 29 at St. Nicholas Catholic Church in Valentine. The couple will make their home in Rochester. 

Martin and Catherine (Aal) Murau of Coldwater, Michigan, are the parents of a daughter, Amanda Catherine born August 9.

The Starbuck Chamber of Commerce welcomed new businesses to town last week by presenting them with their “First Dollar of Profi.t. They were Johnson Chiropractic and Sports Clinic, Evergreen Publishing, Glacial Wood Products, Inc., and Starbuck Iron. 


From Aug. 27, 2003

Mary and Ralph LaQua have more than just their fiftieth anniversary to celebrate this month. They can also feel fortunate that Ralph is now recovering after a bout with West Nile Encephalitis and working hard to get strong enough for their upcoming party. 

The appeal of spending months at a time in a camper is lost on many, but perhaps time as Hobo Park would change some minds. Campers there would say there’s nothing better. The park’s camping lots consistently sell out and there is a long waiting list for seasonal lots.

The Minnewaska Area School District will seek a five year, $1.1 million a year operating levy in November. The levy, which would be decided Nov. 4, will be used to offset school funding shortages cutbacks in state aid, according to school officials. 


From Sept. 4, 2013

At 82 years old, Doris (Otterson, a Starbuck native) Bakken of Kerkhoven, teaches piano out of her home three days a week to seven students. Music has been a part of her life since she was young, and she totally loves it. She’s been teaching out of her home since 1954. “It’s been a long time, and I’ve been playing the organ at the Kerkhoven Lutheran Church for most of that time. 

Whether it be for agriculture or tourism, recreation or lakeshore living, Pope County residents all have a vested interest in protecting the resources that make this county prosper. Last week, the Pope County Board of Commissioners took a step toward protecting that prosperity by hiring Amanda Strommer as the new Land Resources Director – someone they believe will lead Pope County’s Land and Resource Management department with energy and enthusiasm.