By Melanie Stegner

The Pope County Board of Commissioners approved the retirement of the late Deputy Josh Owen’s K-9 partner, Karma, at last week’s meeting. Physical and legal custody and ownership of Karma was transferred to Deputy Owen’s wife, Shannon. 

Pope County Engineer Brian Giese provided an update from the highway department. September’s focus of the maintenance staff is roadside mowing. There will also be some activity in maintaining gravel road surfaces into fall harvest. On the engineering side of things, the summer 2023 projects have finished up. The previously ordered new trucks have arrived and two maintenance personnel were hired and will begin on September 18. 

Five properties were classified as forfeited lands. “These are mostly bare lots, but one has a camper and some other things on it,” stated Stephanie Rust, County Auditor/Treasurer. Two of the properties are in Glenwood township, two are in the city of Cyrus and one is in the city of Starbuck. Letters will be sent to municipalities to approve the sale of the properties. They have 60 days to respond. In November if all goes according to the timeline, the county board will approve the sale and set minimum prices and the public sale will be one month later.

An interim use permit was approved for Sandy Lesmeister to locate an RV on her non-riparian parcel in Leven Township for a period in excess of 90 days. The site includes a septic system however there is no residential structure. 

Two conditional use permits were approved for Gary, Mavis and Jesse TeBrake. One for a non-farm residence in Gilchrist Township, the other for a distillery. The Planning Advisory Commission sent forth their recommendation after a unanimous vote in support of the permits. Gary TeBrake attended the meeting and stated that the distillery would be using locally-sourced ingredients for their products. 

Another conditional use permit was approved for Daman Terhaar to construct a non-farm residence on a 20-acre family farm site in Bangor Township. The site has an existing residence but is eligible to have a second residence with the approval of the permit.

Following the meeting, appropriation requests were heard from the county attorney, the auditor/treasurer and the Land and Resource Management offices. The next meeting of the board will be a work session on Tuesday, September 12 in the third floor meeting room of the courthouse.