Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on September 18, 2023 at 12:18pm CDT
From Sept. 26, 1913
The Wells Hanson store now has McFadden Happy Day coffee for sale. None finer. It was the coffee that carried off the Gold Medal at the World’s Fair and the State Fair.
Olive Hegg has started school in town now.
A group of women enjoyed themselves ever so much Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sam Koland.
Dr. C.R. Christenson, Dr. C.M. Campbell and Dr. J.M. Ekrem, physicians and surgeons, calls answered promptly. Starbuck, MN.
From Sept. 21, 1923
High School notes – by Signe Bardal: The Senior class has charge of the High School notes this year, each member reporting for two weeks. The number of seniors enrolled is 12. Two of the classes have elected their officers: Freshmen President, Eldred Gorder; Vice president, Clarence Nelson; Sec’y-Betsey Aronson; treas., George Olson. Juniors: President-Mabel Olson; Sec’y-Treas.-Irving Stenson.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Lerdahl on Tuesday.
A twelve pound baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Vinge on Thursday.
The following young people were confirmed at the East Zion church on Sunday: Hartvik Pederson, Myrtle Amundson, Bertha Larson, Myrtice Dokken, Clarinda Hanson, Myrtle Naig, Adeline Bottleson, Ruby Davidson and Mable Gulbrandson.
Miss Tina Signalness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.R. Signalness and Mr. Jack C. Williams of Minneapolis were united in marriage at the Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis on Sept. 12, Rev. Dr. Stubb officiating. The bride’s attendants were Hilda Signalness and Sophie Solvie. The groom was attended by Leo Winer and Melvin Signalness.
From Sept. 21, 1933
Miss Mildred Amanda Dalva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Dalva and Mr. Oliver B. Standsvold were united in marriage at the Fron parsonage on Saturday, Sept. 16, Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy performing the ceremony. The bride was attended by her sister, Lucille Dalva and the groom by his brother, Bernard Standsvold.
Arne Swenson, local blacksmith, left for Minneapolis on Wednesday where he will go back to work at his old job at the Charles Olson Balcksmith shop. His family will leave as soon as their auction sale has been held.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Moen on Friday.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Dodds on Monday, September 18.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Barsness on Saturday, twins, a girl and a boy. The boy, however, lived only a few hours.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Gardner was baptized on Sunday at St. Pauli church by Rev. J.G. Vaage. She received the name Harriet Louise. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hagen was also baptized on Sunday, receiving the name David Luther.
The following specials were advertised by Voight’s Meat Market: Choice of roast, 9¢ a pound, choice of soup meat, 6¢ a lb., summer sausage, 15¢ a lb., bacon, 1/2 lb. for 8¢.
From Sept. 23, 1943
A girl, Darlene Hilda, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Anderson last week at the Glenwood Hospital.
Lloyd Lundgren of Glenwood was killed on Friday evening, Sept. 18 while working at the Alexandria Airport. He had gone into the rockcrusher to oil the machine when it was started by someone who didn’t know he was in there. Mr. Lundgren was crushed to death. He was the brother of Mrs. Adolph Carlson of Starbuck.
The next group of selectives, who have already passed their physical examiniation, will report to the draft board Thursday morning, Sept. 23. They will then leave for Fort Snelling at 8 a.m. Harry P. Aslagson and Marvin L. Runquist of Starbuck will be among the electives.
Funeral services for Hilmer Hoverson, 55, were held for the Immanuel Lutheran Church on Sept. 16. He is survived by his widow, Severena; and the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. Eilert (Laura) Barsness, Mrs. Theodore (Nettie) Sylvester, Theordore Sylvester, Mrs. Conrad (Christine) Barsness, Mrs. Louie (Alma) Tonn, Mrs. C. R. (Olga Sylvester), Mrs. C. J. (Julia) Berg and Casper T. Hoverson.
From Sept. 24, 1953
Noel Johnson, formerly of Starbuck, assumed his duties Monday at the Red Owl. He will have charge of the meat department, taking the place of Jack Finstad, who will be employed at Detroit Lakes.
Funeral services for Carl Kjolsbeck, 64, were held Sept. 12 at Minnewaska Lutheran Church. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Dagmar Hanson in Denmark.
Miss Doreen Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson of Starbuck and Marvin Amon of Seattle, Washington were married in Seattle Sept. 12. The couple will make their home in Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pederson had their baby daughter, Barbara Liz baptized at East Zion Lutheran Church Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Amundson and Ilene Pederson, as proxy for Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Pederson.
Miss Mary Grossman of Chokio and Ralph LaQua of Starbuck were marries Sept. 5 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Chokio. The couple will make their home in Starbuck.
From Sept. 19, 1963
The Rev. Paul S. Samuelson, a native of rural Starbuck, from Sandwich, IL, has accepted a call to serve as the new pastor of Big Bend and West Bend Lutheran Parish there. He officiated at his first service there Sunday.
Vallory Skoglund Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester F. Peterson of Starbuck, and Eugene John Wallman of Cortland, Nebraska, were married at Fron Lutheran Church Saturday, August 3. The couple will make their home in Anoka.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Engebretson are the parents of a son, Todd Walter, born Friday, Sept. 13.
Margery L. Kyvig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kyvig of Starbuck has returned to Augsburg College for the 1963-64 school year. Margery, a senior, is majoring in physical education.
From Sept. 20, 1973
Mr. Jim Maki, acting Administrator of the Minnewaska Hospital and Mrs. Lyle C. Husby, R.N., administrator of the Minnewaska Lutheran Home, will be two of the many Minnesota health care providers attending the Minnesota Hospital and Nursing Home Association Annual Meeting Sept. 19-21 in Brainerd. This year’s program will revolve around the theme, “Challenges of Survival.”
The 1974 edition of the new Fords will go on display Friday at the Star Motor Company. It is expected several new units will be on hand.
The Starbuck Lions Club had their first meeting of the season Monday evening with President Virgil Amundson at the helm. Special guests for the evening were the coaches from the Starbuck High School.
From Sept. 21, 1983
John and Amy Bangsund are the parents of a daughter, Paige Marie born Sept. 11.
The teachers at the Starbuck and Cyrus school districts have filed intent to strike notices on Tuesday, Sept. 13. The teachers have the right to strike as of midnight, Sept. 26 if they so choose or anytime after Sept. 26 for the next 20 days.
Navy fireman Michael Opdahl, son of Howard Opdahl and LoAnne Opdahl of Starbuck has completed recruit training at the Recruit Command, Great Lakes, Illinois.
Diane Hoverud of Starbuck, enrolled in the Dental Assistant program, was named to the director’s List at Moorhead Area Vocational Technical Institute for having earned a 3.5 average or higher during summer quarter.
Graveside services for Gladys E. Westby, 79, of San Luis Obispo, California were held at Los Osos Valley Memorial Park in San Luis Obispo. She is survived by two daughters, Marlys Colling and Clarice Cattaneo and three grandchildren.
From Sept. 15, 1993
Steve and Pam Otteson of Eden Prairie are the parents of a daughter, Kimberly Lauren born Sept. 8.
Alma Rosten of Glenwood celebrated her 100th birthday with her family present at the Lakeview Care Center in Glenwood Saturday.
Students of the month at Starbuck Elementary School are Joseph Swartz, Sarah Pederson, Karly Watson, Scott Faehrich, Cody Greeley, Nathaniel Beaumia, Kalya Kennedy, Theresa Beuckens, Paige Bangsund, Kelly Jansen, Culling Johnson, Kurt Pederson, Shawn Petersen, Nathan Mork, Paul Grant, Kerik Danielson and Therese Freeman.
Trinity Lutheran Church of Cyrus will be honoring Pastor John Smith on the 20th year of his Ordination with an open house Oct. 3.
The third Annual Eple Tiden (Apple Time) Festival will be held Sept. 25.
Kristi Ann Erickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arlan Erickson of Starbuck received a degree in Music Therapy at the University of Eau Claire in Wisconsin August 7.
From Sept. 17, 2003
The Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce met at its regular meeting on Sept. 15 and heard that the new city map is still not complete. The chamber paid Richard Schletty $1,000 to begin work on the new map and he said he would have it completed by the fishing opener, however, that day has long past.
After bids came in higher than expected for the city’s storm sewer improvement project the city was forced to rework it’s budget. A special meeting was held on Sept. 15 to discuss the new budget and whether the project would continue as planned.
Youth and enthusiasm from faith have hit Fron Church just in time for winter. Chris Hermansen will leave sunny California behind to spend a year in Starbuck.
From Sept. 25, 2013
Staff at the Pope County Health and Human Services building have been playing Tetris for well over a year now – the real-world version. Employees have shifted and re-shifted, doubled up offices when possible, and now, have finally reached the end of the game. There is a new employee coming on board soon, and space is literally not available. Human Services Director Nicole Names presented commissioners with a solution at last Tuesday’s county board meeting.
The Cyrus City Council met on September 17 and approved going ahead with the water project they have been debating on doing for several months.
The 23rd annual Eple Tiden (Apple Time) celebration will take place on Saturday, Sept. 28, at the Starbuck Depot with hours from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.