•Authors to be featured at Central Square tonight

In 1972, Peggy Brenden was awarded an athletic letter, an orange T, from St. Cloud Tech High School. Stuffed into her scrapbook, the accomplishment was hardly noted by her classmates, school or anyone else. Yet, her sister thought it was noteworthy and someone ought to tell the story of how Peggy and another Minnesota athlete, Toni St. Pierre, pushed their schools and communities to let girls enter high school arenas, gyms, playing fields and races. 

Sheri Brenden began digging into the historical record. She uncovered the details of a federal court case and the two girls’ athletic experiences. The result is her book “Break Point:  Two Minnesota Athletes and the Road to Title IX.” Sheri and Peggy Brenden will discuss a precedent-setting court case and the battle for girls’ high school sports on tonight (Monday, Oct.  9 at 7 p.m.) at Central Square. 

Quoting Joe Nathan, columnist and director of the Center for School Change, “I wish every high school student, parent, grandparent, educator and journalist would read this book”. 

Seize this opportunity to hear from the author and her tennis playing sister! Sponsored by General Federation of Woman’s Club Potpourri of Glenwood and Central Square.