Minnewaska Area High School Homecoming Coronation
News | Published on October 2, 2023 at 2:22pm CDT
Minnewaska Area Schools celebrated Homecoming last week. The coronation of the king and queen was held on Sunday to kick off the week of events. Ross Thorfinnson was chosen as king and Xi Li became the queen. Captains of the MAS sports teams gave updates on how their seasons have been going. Others serving the king’s court were Jayce Kovarik, Austin Ballhagen, Maeson Tank, Connor Quelle, Dylan Alexander, Myles Reichmann and Thomas Poegel. Serving on the queen’s court were Cacee Danielson, Avery Fier, Brooklyn Meyer, Haley Shea, Dreya Barsness, Grace Zenk and Miaya Guggisberg.
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