The Minnewaska Area Schools Board of Education met in special session on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 in the Minnewaska Area High School Cafeteria. The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by Chairperson Barsness. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Members Present: Barsness, T. Reichmann, Lagred, A. Reichmann, Ogdahl

Members Absent: Zavadil, Holtberg

Motion by Lagred, seconded by Ogdahl, to approve the agenda as presented. 

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Barsness, T. Reichmann, Lagred, A. Reichmann, Ogdahl

Nay: None

Motion carried.

Superintendent Rankin gave a presentation before community members followed by a public comment period. The presentation highlighted the imperative of the technology levy, stressing its transformative potential in education. The public hearing allowed public members to ask questions and make comments.

The first reading of the following policies. 

•102 Equal Educational Opportunity

•418 Public and Private Personnel Data

•418 Drug-Free Workplace/Drug-Free School

•419 Tobacco-Free Environment

•424 License Status

•425 Staff Development

•427 Workload Limits for Certain Special Education Teachers

•507 Corporal Punishment and Prone Restraint

•509 Enrollment of Nonresident Students

•513 Student Promotion, Retention, and Program Design

•514 Bullying Prohibition Policy

•515 Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records

•515 Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records Form

•516.5 Overdose Medication

Naloxone Emergency Response

Naloxone Condition Specific Protocol for School Setting

Naloxone Self-Knowledge Check

•524 Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy

•532 Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams

•534 School Meals Policy

•601 School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals

•602 Organization of School Calendar and School Day

•603 Curriculum Development

•604 Instructional Curriculum

•613 Graduation Requirements

•616 School District System Accountability

•618 Assessment of Student Achievement

•620 Credit for Learning

•621 Literacy and the READ Act

•624 Online instruction

•708 Transportation of Nonpublic School Students

•709 Student Transportation Safety Policy

•722 Public Data and Data Subject Requests

•806 Crisis Management Policy

•MC Policy: Selection of Instructional Resources & Library Media Materials

•MAS Request for Reevaluation of Materials


 • October 16, 2023, School Board Regular Meeting, 7:00 pm, MAHS Media Center

 • November 7, 2023, Special Election, 7:00 am – 8:00 pm Minnewaska Area Schools Auditorium

 • November 10, 2023, MAS Annual Veterans Day Program, 9:00 am, MAHS Gymnasium

 • November 16, 2023. School Board Special Meeting Canvassing Election Results, 7:30 am, MAS District Office Board Room

 • November 20, 2023, School Board Regular Meeting, 7:00 pm, MAS District Office Board Room

 • December 18, 2023, School Board Regular Meeting, 7:00 pm, MAS District Office Board Room

Motion by T. Reichmann, seconded by Lagred, to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 p.m. Motion Carried.

Angie Reichmann, Clerk

Minnewaska Area Schools,

ISD 2149

Glenwood, MN

Oct. 23