Starbuck City Council addresses three issues at Oct. 11 meeting
News | Published on October 16, 2023 at 1:46pm CDT
By Kris Goracke
The regular Starbuck City Council meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 11, centered around three key issues: An appeal to reduce the designation of a dangerous dog, a potential alteration in sanitation pick-up procedures, and an improvement in the Starbuck Firefighter’s pension.
In an email, West Central Sanitation initiated a discussion regarding alley services in Starbuck. The email mentions that the trucks are taller and heavier, raising concerns about accessing garbage receptacles in the alleys. Another point they emphasized was the need for increased efficiency in collecting trash from the streets to reduce the number of times the trucks circled the block. Council member Dane Christensen expressed concerns about how this may impact Starbuck residents, “This change may not be easy for some people who will then have to place their containers onto the street.” In response to these concerns, the council agreed that a conversation with West Central Sanitation is necessary to find a suitable solution.
Madisen Hall addressed the council, appealing to prevent her dog, Kali, from being considered dangerous. Hall’s earlier appeal was successful last spring when the council agreed to change the dangerous dog designation to potentially dangerous. This decision was conditional upon Hall keeping the dog on a leash, enclosed within a fence, and microchipping the dog.
However, in August, Kali escaped from Hall and went beyond the fenced area. During the October meeting, Hall stated, “Yes, Kali left the property, but no one was harmed. We have met the council’s requirements and I ask that the council maintain Kali’s classification as potentially dangerous and not label her as dangerous.” The council looked to Starbuck Police Chief Mitch Johnsrud for his input. “To my knowledge, the dog has not bitten anyone but is aggressive,” said Johnsrud. Council member Steve Gorder said, “My biggest fear is Kali could bite someone. She got away from you once; that could happen again. As a council, we must do what is best for the residents of Starbuck.”
Gorder asked Johnsrud the distinctions between the requirements for potentially dangerous and dangerous dogs. “Right now, Hall has done everything that is asked for potentially dangerous, but at the dangerous dog level, the dog needs to be muzzled while on a leash when in public,” said Johnsrud. “I would prefer to err on the side of caution and keep the dog deemed dangerous and have it muzzled when out in public,” said Christensen. After some deliberation, the council voted to keep the dangerous dog designation for Kali. Hall will be able to appeal again before the council after one year.
During the Starbuck Police report, Johnsrud provided an update: “In September, we received 179 calls, a slight increase from August. The street dance was a success, and we are thankful for the support from those who attended and participated in the silent auction.” Johnsrud then gave a brief update on the status of the new squad car, which had been ordered in September 2022.
“We’ve been notified that the vehicle is yet to be manufactured, and if we don’t receive a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) by the end of October, the 2022 model will no longer be available. However, the dealership has offered to order a 2024 squad car at the same previously quoted price. We will wait and see what unfolds by the end of October,” said Johnsrud
Randy Peterson informed the city that the wastewater building needs a roof replacement, “This is a big job, but it needs to be done soon. Our insurance will cover partial costs as some of the damage was caused by the storm of 2022. Widseth’s structural engineer is looking at the roof to provide the best option. We hope to finish this project this season before too much snow is on the roof.”
Last on Peterson’s report was a quote from Lowry Manufacturing to build the dock frames for the Hobo Park Marina. This section of docks will complete replacing all docks on the campground side of the marina. The quote from Lowry Manufacturing is $25,369.12. The council accepted the quote.
Last April 2023, Starbuck Firefighter Casey Boutain asked the council to allow the fire department to pursue a cost analysis to determine if the department qualifies for a state retirement plan, Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA). “Currently, we are handling our retirement funds, which is a lot of work and not our expertise, said Boutain.
Now that the analysis has been completed, Boutain requested that the Fire Relief Association move the pension fund. According to the PERA website, The Minnesota Legislature created a Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Retirement Plan (SVFRP) for volunteer firefighters who serve a municipal fire department or an independent nonprofit firefighting corporation. PERA takes over the administration of those existing plans, with the State Board of Investment administering the investment of assets.
“Financially, it doesn’t change much for the city,” said Boutain. “But for the Starbuck Firefighters’ pension, it provides a big benefit.” “I think it is a perfect thing,” said Gorder. “Our volunteer firefighters do a lot for our community; this is one way to show our gratitude.” The council consented for Boutain to move on to the next step.
The council approved a public hearing on November 13 regarding the possible removal of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Beachside RV Park. On July 18, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Committee granted a CUP for the park to operate as a business, contingent on constructing the privacy fence. This condition still needs to be met.
According to the Starbuck Planning and Zoning Committee, Derek and Amanda Bluhm, the RV park owners, have been notified of this violation multiple times and received copies of the original CUP. With the CUP, the RV park will be permitted to operate.
In new business, the council:
• Approved Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce’s gambling permit for Bingo at the Starbuck VFW.
• Approved Resolution #2023-31 accepting donations from the Starbuck Men’s Veterans Auxiliary for the National Night Out.
• Tabled a donation request from West Central Initiative.
• Approved sending non-payment of administration citations for blight to the tax rolls at 10 percent interest. This involves five properties in the city.
• Approved sending past due utilities to the tax rolls at 7 percent interest.
• Approved Resolution #2023-32 accepting the Gladys Ness Brang Foundation donation for the National Night Out and the Bike Rodeo.
• Approved Resolution #2023-33 – Voter operations, technology, and election resources account agreement
• Approved Resolution #2023-34 accepted an outdoor access grant of $1,797.34 from Yamaha Motor Corp for ATV/Golf Cart signage.
• Approved a public hearing in November for the Subdivision of a vacant lot PID #27-0625-001.
• Approved not waiving liability limits for LMC Insurance 2024.