From Oct. 24, 1913

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Aaberg, a baby girl. Pass the cigars, Anton!

Mrs. Linde of Cyrus went thru here on the train Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson are busy these days getting the school house cleaned, curtains washed and floors varnished before school starts again. 

Mason Meyers caught three pike Monday of which one was a three pounder. No wonder Mason thinks fishing on Lake Minnewaska is fine. 

Joseph Johnson and his better half were most pleasantly entertained Sunday in the Johnshoy home in Greenland.


From Oct. 19, 1923

Ed Gilbertson of Benson purchased the blacksmith shop from the Starbuck Hide and Fur Company last week. Mr. Gilbertson has acquired quite a reputation as a wrestler and plans to put on some matches here during the winter. 

From high school notes by Lester Friedman: The football team under the able direction of Coach Jorstad and Capt. Stenson is making great progress. They intend to play their first game next week. Myrtis shocked her classmates last week when she came to school with her hair bobbed. 

Rev. Chris. Peerson delivered his farewell sermon at East Zion last Sunday. He has served this congregation for a period of 43 years. 

Miss Josie Stavig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Stavig of Rosholt, So. Dak. and Melvin Einarson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Einarson of Starbuck were married on Wednesday last week. Miss Ida Stavig and Elmer Einarson were attendants.

Herman B. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Anderson died from lockjaw last Wednesday night. His left hand was injured in a corn picker las week. Funeral services will be held at Fron on Sunday. Herman is survived by his parents and the following brothers and sisters: Belle, Casper, Edward, Adolph, Clara and Harry.


From Oct. 19, 1933

About 500 relatives and friends honored Mr. and Mrs. Olaus Disrud at the Barsness church on their golden wedding anniversary and Mr. Disrud’s birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Disrud are the parents of seven children: Ole Disrud, Mable (Mrs. Clarence Anderson), Ida Gandrud, Gertie (Mrs. Joseph Johnson), Amanda (Mrs. Hjalmer Nesland), Alma (Mrs. Carl Amderson)  and Hazrel (Mrs. Melvin Billehus).

The Minnewaska Lutheran church celebrated its 50th anniversary Friday, Saturday and Sunday with each session very well attended. Rev. Dahlager, presided at all the sessions. 

The vicinity was visited by the first killing frost on Thursday. Water froze in pails, the ice being more than an inch thick.

The Fron Jr. L.D.R. was organized at the home of Mrs. Constance Erickson Saturday. The following officers were elected: President, Pearl Erickson; vice president, Marion Landaas; Sec’y Vera Landmark; Treas., Ione Larson; program committee, Darlene Hidem, Dorothy Samuelson, Eloise Hagen and Lillian Stadsvold.

Miss Amanda Velde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Velde of Cyrus and Mr. William Miller of St. Paul were married Oct. 16, the Rev. John Fearon performing the ceremony. They were attended by Olive Velde and Michael Miller.


From Oct. 21, 1943

Captain Brenten Myking, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.K. Myking has received an Air Medal for meritorious achievement while participating in serial photographic flights over enemy territory in the Solomon Islands area during a period of eight months from January to August, 1943. Capt. Myking made more than 25 combat photographic and reconnaissance missions as a pilot, which totaled over 200 hours. 

Miss Geneva Skoglund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Skoglund has been appointed to a position at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing in the General Hospital. She has been formerly employed as public health nurse for Kellogg Foundation in Allegan, Michigan. 

N.J. Ogdahl of Farwell is having a large addition built to his store and hatchery building to take care of his increasing business. It is constructed of cement blocks.

Weekend specials! $7.95 gabardine slacks, $6.95; $5.59 gabardine slacks, $5.00; blouses 75¢, $2.98 voile dresses, $2.50; Cripeane print pajamas $1.75-$1.00. Hagen Sisters. 


From Oct. 22, 1953

Miss Marilyn LaVonne Chapman of St. Paul and Andrew Frederick Brevig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thormod Brevig of Starbuck were married Sept. 19 at First Lutheran Church in Morris. The couple will make their home in rural Starbuck.

T.A. Olson, who has hauled the mail to and from the depot of the post office the past 10 years, terminated this job Oct. 15. Lewis O. Anderson started hauling mail on Friday. 

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Valnes of Hoff township are the happy parents of a girl born Wednesday at the Stevens County Hospital. 

Funeral services for Mrs. Olaf Flack, 87, were held at Indherred Lutheran Church Oct. 16. She is survived by her husband and three children: Edgar Flack on the home farm, O.A. Flack in White Bear Lake Township and Mrs. G.O. (Astrid) Forde, also in White Bear Lake Township.

Miss Charlene Holmberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Holmberg and Maynard Lundebrek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Lundebrek were married Oct. 3 at the Evangelical Free Parsonage in Kerkhoven. The couple will make their home in Benson. 


From Oct. 17, 1963

Are the tomato plants still bearing? You bet they are, and Buddy Peck picked up a large ripe one Sunday to prove it. A few weeks ago, he picked one that weighed 2 lbs. 10 oz.

Judy A. Aaberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Aaberg of Starbuck, was graduated recently from a private secretarial course at the Minnesota School of Business in Minneapolis. She is now employed in the office of the U.S. Referee in Bankruptcy in the new Federal Court House building in Minneapolis.

A 21-year military career will be officially terminated at the Bellefontane Air Force Station next Monday when Master Sergeant Elvin B. Feigum retires from the Air Force. Sgt. Feigum, 38, a native of Starbuck, began his armed forces career in the Navy August 29, 1942. 

A five-year-old boy of rural Kensington, David Norlien, was the subject of an afternoon search by several hundred people, last Wednesday afternoon, and was found safe and sound, and soundly asleep on a shelf in the chicken coop.

Births: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lund of San Diego, CA Oct. 14; a son, Matthew Allen to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tichy Oct. 15; a son, Vaughn Arden to Mr. and Mrs. Torger Bagstad Oct. 10.

Thomas Allan, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jackson was baptized at Mirpah Congregational Church in Hopkins Sunday, Oct. 13. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Loren Seeley of Minneapolis. 

Philip Clay, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Bartz was baptized at East Zion Lutheran Church Sunday, Oct. 13. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Laven of Osakis. 


From Oct. 18, 1973

State Representative Delbert Anderson of Starbuck today announced the re-instatement of Saturday rail service to Cyrus, Starbuck and Villard.

James B. Olson, Chippewa Falls Township farmer, was re-elected president of the Pope County Farm Bureau at its annual meeting held Thursday evening, October 11, in the United Parish Church Basement, Glenwood.

Gene G. Watnaas, Mayor, Village of Starbuck, has been appointed to a statewide committee on community planning and development by Arthur G. Vogel, President of the League of Minnesota Municipalities and Alderman-at-Large, Austin.


From Oct. 19, 1983

Barbara LaQua, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph LaQua and Thomas Meyers of Glenwood were married August 6 at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Glenwood. The couple will make their home in Brooklyn Park.

Randy Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Anderson and Todd Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston were members of the University of Minnesota, Crookston Trojan Football squad. Randy is a sophomore and Todd is a freshman. 

Army Reserves Pvt. Sheila M. Johnshoy , daughter of Mary and Robert Johnshoy has completed basic training at Fort Dix, New Jersey.

By a unanimous ballot, the Cyrus School Board accepted the recently negotiated proposal to share a superintendent with the Morris District on a one-year basis to finish the 1983-84 term which ends June 30, 1984.

The new log building at the Pope County Museum in Glenwood was dedicated on Sunday, Oct. 16. The building will house antique farm machinery which have been donated to the museum. 


From Oct. 20, 1993

Funeral services for Wallace Morlander, 61, of Lowry, were held Oct. 16 at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Glenwood. He is survived by his wife, Diane of Lowry and two daughters, Penelope Pawlitschek of Kansas and Elizabeth Blahosky of Iowa.

Paul Hedberg, president and CEO of Western Broadcasting Company, the license of KMRS & KKOK-FM in Morris has announced the sale of the stations to Mid States Development of Fergus Falls.

Funeral services of Sylvan Velander, 81, were held at Nora Lutheran Church in rural Kensington Oct. 19. He is survived by several cousins.

Trinity Lutheran Church of Cyrus will observe its 25th anniversary Oct. 16 when it marked the merger of three area congregations – St. Petri Free, Scandi Free and Cyrus Lutheran. 


From Oct. 15, 2003

Not only can bikers, walkers and runners look forward to the trail from Starbuck to Glenwood, they can now look for improvements on the trail from Glacial Lakes State Park to Starbuck. Community members from groups such as Project Starbuck, the Jaycees and the Gladys Ness Brang Foundation met on Oct. 8 to discuss the future of the trail, which has suffered due to the lack of maintenance.  

The Starbuck City Council met for its regular meeting on Oct. 13, but moved away from the agenda to discuss a weekend car accident. 

It was an idea that started in the teacher’s lounge many years ago and has now spread nation wide. The idea came from Ron Hill, when he was a teacher in Northfield. He and his colleagues got a first hand look at students who were lacking things necessary for learning or just keeping.


From Oct. 23, 2013

Pope County’s annual drainage hearing drew little public attention. Two people were on hand at the hearing to speak – Peder Baukol on Ditch #2 and Bob Nyhammer on Ditch #4. The county’s ditch inspector Dave Orlowski, provided commissioners with a packet of reports on Pope County’s 16 ditches and six judicial district ditches – those that fall under multiple counties’ jurisdiction. Each report included condition assessments, fund balance information, and in some cases work that had been completed. 

The Pope County HRA/EDA Board met for just over an hour on October 16. Executive Director Dick Dreher gave an update on Bay Meadows Townhome project (near the Starbuck airport) saying cabinets are going into the units. Dreher stated that the first three units will be cleaned and ready to move in on October 23 with staging in one of the units completed on October 24, with an open house for the townhomes scheduled for early November.

Gary Swenson of Starbuck had an idea about helping to spruce up the Starbuck beach and it quickly became a reality.