Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on November 20, 2023 at 12:10pm CST
Fire program planned for Thanksgiving evening
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, November 22, 1923.
The Glenwood football season was successfully closed Saturday by one of the best games played on the local field this year. At least best in that Glenwood walked off with a hardily contested, but at no time threatened victory of 12-0.
A dozen photographs will solve 12 puzzling gift problems.
The perfect gift—your portrait.
The business men have started an athletic club, which holds its meetings every Monday and Thursday evening at 7:30. The club needs a few more members. Anyone wishing to join should meet at the H. S. gymnasium at the time named. The dues are very small and the benefit to be gained great.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, November 22, 1923.
Green street is being torn up proper. When it gets finished it should look fine as new gutters and curbing are being laid all along. The street will also be graveled and put in first shape before it is considered finished.
The weather is still fine. For November weather it has been so good that better weather could not have been wished for. Today it has started snowing for the first time. It looks as if it is going to continue.
August Schilla, Joseph Gandrud and Wallace Ogdahl, all of the Glenwood schools, attended the Junior Stock show in south St. Paul last week. Joseph got second prize in the Poland China class for his hog and fifth against all breeds. Wallace received third prize for his goose. August had a Hereford baby beef for which he got no special prize.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, November 23, 1923.
Thousands of signs, big and little, billboards to tin tags, will be removed from state trunk highways beginning Dec. 1, when the new law prohibiting advertising displays on public roads goes into effect. The Time’s warning some weeks ago prompted many to salvage costly displays hereabouts but many others remain to be torn down.
The members of the Starbuck Fire Department have planned a fine program for Thanksgiving evening (next Thursday). Speeches will be made by Mayor Geo. C. Arneson, Rev. M. C. Johnshoy and Rev. T. Kleven. There will be songs by the choir, the Starbuck Trio, and music by the Starbuck Orchestra. There will also be a debate between two teams consisting of local people. The program elsewhere in this issue. The proceeds from the program will all go to the Firemen’s Fund. The firemen are receiving enthusiastic support from the local business and professional men, and it is expected that the hall will be packed to its capacity by those desiring to hear this splendid program.