Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on November 6, 2023 at 12:14pm CST
From Nov. 14, 1913
A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday of last week at the parsonage of H.O. Koefod, when Clara Rorvig of White Bear Lake became the bride of Alfred Wrolson, also of White Beak Lake. The couple will locate in Montana where the groom has a farm.
A large number of people from away from here attended services at the Conference Church Sunday.
Born last Thursday, a baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Olaus Maanum.
Herbert Stenson was clipping off the miles at a fearful rate in his automobile last Monday evening according to Village Marshall C.C. Heegar, who stopped him on the street. The next morning, the marshall arrested Mr. Stenson, charging him with having violated the village speed ordinance and brought him before Justice I.M. Kalnes for trial. Mr. Stenson asked for an adjournment and court was adjourned to Wednesday morning wen Attorney A.L. Markoe argued on the special question of the validity of the ordinance and moved to dismiss the case, citing Session Laws of Minnesota for 1911, which prohibits villages from passing ordinances limiting the speed of motor vehicles with two or three exceptions which did not apply in this case. The cost of the prosecution will be taxed against the village.
From Nov. 9, 1923
The New Prairie elevator was sold by the board of directors last Saturday to Gust Engebretson, the only bidder.
Miss Marion Moe, daughter of Peter Moe, and Mr. Howard Ollom of Glenwood were married last Wednesday.
High School notes (by Oliver Kyvig). A game of football has been arranged with Wheaton next Saturday. The line-up will be as follows: Byhre and Schuetz are fighting hard for end with Aal, “Dearie” and Gorder going hard for tackles, and likely Friedman and Tessem at guards. Holte is making a hard try for center. Torgerson is hitting the line hard for full and Helgeson and Ophheim are rangy half’s. Stenson will call signals, with Thompson, Kirkwold and Wold as substitutes.
Rev. and Mrs. George Holm and children motored here from Minneapolis for a visit with friends and relatives. Rev. Holm is connected with the Chengyang, China, Mission of the Lutheran United Missions. They left China for furlough in March and sailed for Norway byway of the Suez Canal, arriving there May 7. They left Norway Aug. 10, arriving in Minneapolis Aug. 24. Mrs. Holm stated his report sent out last fall that they were captured by bandits was an error, as they got up in the middle of the night and escaped from the mission.
From Nov. 9, 1933
Twenty seven high school boys expressed a desire of being members of the High School Boys Glee Club which has just been organized. Supt. Peterson will direct the club and Margaret Larson will be the accompanist.
The farm stroke will become effective today (Thursday) in Pope County and farmers are urged by the Farmer’s Holiday Ass’n. to withhold all products from the markets until cost of production prices can be obtained.
The Indherred Young Ladies Aid will serve a chicken supper in the church parlors Nov. 17. Prices are 25¢ and 15¢. Music will be furnished by the Indherred Orchestra.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Sanvik Wednesday. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Byhre Thursday. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Nelson on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Borstad are parents of a baby girl born on Sunday.
From Nov. 11, 1943
Tracy An Thorstad, a junior, was elected carnival queen at the annual high school carnival Friday evening. Attendants were Dorothy Hanson, a senior; Bernice Hagen, sophomore; and Carol Tessem, freshman.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole T. Jergenson received the Medal of War, the Purple Heart from their son, Pfc. Orville H. Jergenson, who was wounded in the Southwest Pacific Dec. 5, 1942.
G.A. Hagert received a Polar Bear hide last week, sent him by his son, Philip, who is in the Alaska region. Mr. Hagert says hi boy does not claim that he shot the bear.
Mrs. Bertha Barsness and Mrs. C. Bollingberg were honored guests at the Minnewaska Ladies Aid Wednesday, Oct 27, of which they have been members and are the oldest at the present time.
The junior class of Starbuck High School presented their play, “Everything Happens To Us” Friday. The cast of characters included Richard Schroeder, Richard Peterson, Dean Dahlin, Curtis Pederson, Walter Larson, Gerhard Forde, Gladys Rud, Tracy Ann Thorstad, Ila Steen, DeLoris Olson, Dorothy Kleven and Donna Mosel. The production staff were Chester Baukol, Henrik Sylvester, Gordon Hagestuen and Harry Erickson. Ushers were Joyce Tharaldson, Marlys Flaten, Tina Aaberg and Ardis Knutson. Alice Ranum was the student director.
From Nov. 19, 1953
Funeral services for Dr. E.M. Elsey, 50, prominent Glenwood physician and surgeon were held Wednesday at the Glenwood Lutheran Church. Dr. Elsey was killed while deer hunting near Blackduck Saturday. He is survived by his wife, Gwenith; two daughters, Roberta and Gwenith; a son, James; and his father, Dr. J. R. Elsey.
L. Brekkestran of Starbuck were among those leaving from Glenwood November 24 for induction into the Armed Forces.
Brenda Jane, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnshoy, was baptized Sunday at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbert, Angeline Kamrud and Janice Johnshoy.
Miss Roberta Robieson of Lowry and Robert Clayton of Brownsdale were married October 25 at Brownsdale. The couple will make their home in Austin.
Marion Plifka of Minneapolis and Norman James Ogdahl of Lowry were married at First Lutheran Church in Minneapolis Oct. 16. The couple will be at home on a farm near Farwell.
From Nov. 7, 1963
Janet Smedstad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Odell Smedstad, who is a senior at Concordia College, has been a student teacher in business education at Climax the first 8-week period of school.
Ronald Olson, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Olson of rural Starbuck received his Eagle Badge, the highest award of the Boy Scouts, in a District IV dinner at the Viking Motel in Alexandria last week.
Friends and relatives were entertained at the DeWayne Jackson home Sunday afternoon in honor of Ryan’s 4th birthday.
A class of four young people were confirmed Sunday at St. Petri Church in Cyrus. They were Mavis Anderson, Dennis Armstrong, Duane Jergenson and Patricia Thompson.
Eleven were confirmed Sunday at the Cyrus Lutheran Church. They were Mary Lou Anderson, Daryl Bright, Theodore Estenson, Beverly Gunvalson, Sheryle Kjeldahl, Marilyn Lang, Roger Larson, Dorothea Mattson, Julie Payne, Mona Lee Solvie and Richard Walker.
Births: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Tegner Hustad November 2; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Bucholz (Sylvia Peterson) of Granite Falls October 16.
Confirmation services were held at West Zion Lutheran Church Sunday, November 4. Those confirmed were Jackie Dokken, Sunday Harstad, LaMonte Jeitz, Mary Knorr, Karen Landmark, Ronald Sundheim and Norma Tollefson.
From Nov. 8, 1973
The Starbuck Lions Club hosted District Governor Maurice Faehnrich of District 5M-8 Lions International at the regular meeting on November 5, 1973. This was his official visitation to the club. During his year’s tenure as District Governor he will visit each of the 47 Lions Clubs in his District. His desire was to renew and make acquaintances with the club members, and advised and instructed Club President, Amundson, Club Secretary Staples, the Officers, Directors and all members on club administration and the objects of Lionism in general.
In a letter mailed Friday and released to the public today, U.S. Representative Bob Bergland has called on President Nixon to resign “for the good of this Nation.”
The true spirit and character of the people of this area displayed its reputation again when several friends, neighbors and relatives gathered at the Maurice Jergenson Farm last Wednesday to pick up over 100 acres of corn. Mr. Jergenson has been having some health problems and needed the help to get his work done. The workers came with corn pickers, picker shellers, wagons, elevators and trucks to get the job done. Included in the group were: Luvern Lundebrek, Ray Danielson, Arnold Berge, Edner Danielson, Richard Larson, Kenneth Johnson, Gordon Syverson, Keith Johnson, Leroy Dokken, Bruce Rittgers, Arnold Braaten, Alvin Larson, LeRoy Kennedy, Clarence Erdman, Vernon Jergenson, Robert Jergenson, Orin Syverson, Tilford Jergenson, Tyrone Jergenson, Roger Jergenson, Robert Homan and Julius Gulsvig.
From Nov. 9, 1983
Mrs. Peder (Timmie) Baukol has assumed the duties of branch manager at United Federal Savings and Loan Association of Starbuck.
Funeral services for Martin Moe, 94, were held from the Indherred Lutheran Church Nov. 1. He is survived by one son, Lawrence Moe of Starbuck.
Irwin and Verna Knutson are happy to announce the birth of a granddaughter, Kaia Marie born to Jeffrey and Joanne Knutson of Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 20.
The Starbuck football team ended it’s season Saturday when they fell 31-14 to the Silver Lake Lakeites in the State Nine-Man playoff.
Funeral services for Reuben Evenson, 89, were held from the East Zion Lutheran Church on Oct. 29. He is survived by his wife, Frieda of Glenwood and five children, Richard Evenson of Villard, Mrs. Kenneth (Elsie) Johnson and Charles Evenson of Starbuck, Mrs. Sterling (Betty) Hall and Frances Dalluge, both of Riverside, CA.
From Nov. 10, 1993
Funeral services for Linton A. Levin, 84, of Minneapolis, were held at Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church Sept. 13. He is survived by one son, Linton K. Levin of Bloomington.
Work was completed last week on the new sign for the Chamber of Commerce office to be located near the Starbuck Depot.
Pastor Gordon Syverson has resigned his position of serving East and West Zion Lutheran Parish and has accepted a call to the Dunnell and Petersburg Parishes in Southwestern Minnesota. He has been pastor of East and West Zion for 27-1/2 years.
Funeral services for Martin Hoium, 88, were held at Fron Lutheran Church Nov. 6. He is survived by his wife, Florence and one son, Maynard of Wheaton.
From Nov. 5, 2003
Halloween was a festive day for the Starbuck Community with many participating in the fun. Starbuck elementary students toured the town in their costumes. They dressed in everything from bears and mice to witches and princesses. The students visited Minnewaska District Hospital, Holly Ridge Manor and Minnewaska Lutheran Home. They were able to trick or treat at the hospital and Holly Ridge.
Most area farmers seem to be pretty satisfied with this season’s crop yield. According to Gene Strickler at Prairie Lakes Co-op, corn averaged about 145 bushels per acre which he said is a pretty fair crop.
Minnewaska Regional Health System continues its quest to enhance patient choice by adding a certified nurse practitioner, Lisa Hennen.
From Nov. 13, 2013
At the Pope County HRA/EDA Board meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 6, HRA/EDA Executive Director Dick Dreher told the board about the Bay Meadows open house that took place on Sunday, Nov. 2. Dreher stated that a lot of people stopped by throughout the day and he estimated that number to be about 80 to 90 people.
The Lowry City Council met for just over an hour on Tuesday, Nov. 5. The city approved accepting a bid to fix the roof on the community center with steel since there are some spots where the roof leaks that need repaired. The city agreed to sell five acres of land west of the former settlement ponds to Ken Weisel for $18,000. After discussion the council decided that Weisel has worked the land for many years so the first option to buy it should be his. The city will work up a bill of sale to complete the process.
A new feedlot housing 2,000 finish swine is one step closer to being built in Hoff Township. The Pope County Board of Commissioners approved a conditional use permit last Tuesday for Gary and Heidi Nohl to construct a 100-foot by 192-foot total confinement barn on their property in Hoff Township. According to the application, the barn will accommodate 600 animal units (2,000 swine ranging from 55 to 300 pounds) and will include an eight-foot deep engineered under-foot deep engineered under-floor concrete liquid manure storage pit.