Conservation Officer reports
News | Published on December 29, 2023 at 11:32am CST
Last updated: 2023-12-26
CO Daniel Baumbarger (Glenwood) reports enforcement efforts for the week were concentrated on checking anglers and pheasant and deer hunters. Additional time was spent conducting follow-up investigations from the deer season. He also attended a fur-registration day in Glenwood. Baumbarger took part in a shop with a cop event with students from the Minnewaska area school.
CO Mitch Lawler (Alexandria) monitored a little bit of ice fishing traffic this week. Every angler checked was walking out and extreme caution should be taken on every lake around Alexandria. Investigations into deer-hunting complaints and late-season goose hunters were also investigated.
CO Felicia Znajda (Osakis) reports seeing more anglers out during the week. They were having moderate success, but the number of anglers and fish dropped over the weekend with the weather and holiday. Thin ice in areas is still holding some anglers back, which makes for a few more pheasant hunters. Several deer-possession permits were issued and injured-animal calls were handled.
CO Emily Douvier (Morris) reports working on multiple background investigations for the Division. Various wildlife-related complaints were also received and handled.
CO Shane Osborne (Evansville) checked anglers, fish houses and ATV riders. Ice conditions across the area vary greatly and anglers should venture out with caution. Ice-access and trespass-related questions were received and addressed.