County finalizes levy with 6.9 % increase
News | Published on December 22, 2023 at 12:04pm CST
By Melanie Stegner
The Pope County Board of Commissioners finalized the 2024 budget and levy reducing the levy slightly from the preliminary levy adopted earlier this fall.
The preliminary expenditure budget was $20,840,901, revenue budget was $8,261,318 and a preliminary levy was at $10,678,472, which was a 7.9 percent increase of the approved levy amount.
The levy increase for year 2024 was set at 6.9 percent. This increase in levy dollars actually decreases the fund balance to -$535,611. The levy amount increase was approved 4-1 with Wagner casting the dissenting vote.
Three US Fish and Wildlife Service easements were approved at the board meeting. The properties are 62 acres in Blue Mounds township, 138 acres in Barsness township and 88 acres in Lake Johanna township. These easements are perpetual and landowners continue to pay taxes and maintain responsibility for condition of the properties.
The emergency operations plan and some clerical changes made after the board of appeals meeting were approved. Two items were approved for purchase by the highway department, a mobile lift system and a jetter truck. A stipend was approved for Dave Orlowski and he steps into a new position with the highway department, but continues his ditch inspector duties.
The Pope County Soil and Water Conservation District Outstanding Conservationists for 2023 were honored at the meeting. Joe and Melanie Cihlar of Rolling Forks Vineyard received the honor.
Tobacco licenses were approved for county tobacco vendors. Fee schedules were set within the county departments. A public hearing and intent to adopt an ordinance establishing a county housing trust fund was also approved. This fund will be used for funds that come from the state, federal and private sectors for affordable housing aid.