Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on December 29, 2023 at 11:14am CST
Mr. and Mrs. Dietz to adopt abandoned baby girl
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, January 3, 1924.
On last Saturday evening at about 8:30, Mrs. Mike Dietz heard a loud rap at the outer door of their back porch. She thought it was a neighbor and went to the door. On the outside of the porch on the stop step lay a little baby girl with just a thin garment on, wrapped in a quilt. The baby had no cap or stockings on and would have perished from the cold in a few minutes if Mrs. Dietz had not happened to be there. She at once called in neighbors, notified the police and called up Mr. Dietz and informed him that he had a brand new baby girl at the house. Mr. Dietz couldn’t believe what he heard, but as he was told that the new arrival had no wardrobe along, he hurried over to the first place that had anything in the line of baby clothing and sent it up to the house. The little baby girl has found a welcome home and will be adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Dietz. Whoever left the baby will have the satisfaction of knowing that their child will be well taken care of.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, January 3, 1924.
The auction sale at Clarence Gaffeney’s was held last Wednesday. The day was cold but there was quite a crowd and fair prices were paid.
Robert Malyon recently bought the barn on the Joseph Hogan farm from Isaac Cummins and has moved it over to his farm near the Covenant church.
A number of friends gathered at the John Lundblad home Friday evening to help Mr. & Mrs. Lundblad celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Brita Lorvig of Terrace had the misfortune of breaking her leg on Sunday night. She was taken to the Sonnenberg hospital at Brooten Monday and is now there under the care of Dr. Townsend.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, January 4, 1924.
Indherred young peoples’ society met Sunday evening. The program was splendid and included talks by Martin Ranum and Melvin Moe, a recitation by Ruth Berry, several solos by Richard Giere of St. Paul, and a duet by Mr. Giere and Laura Forde. Misses Mamie Lee and Nora Aal were hostesses. Afterward, there were games and the usual good time.
Students of the Morris Aggie school resumed work on New Year’s day. Miss Minnie Erickson, who is employed on the experiment farm went back on Sunday.