From Dec. 21, 1923

Funeral services for Rev. H.O. Koefod, former pastor of Fron congregation, were conducted in Glenwood in the forenoon and at the Fron church in the afternoon with all the area pastors taking part in the service. Among the survivors are a brother, John of Duluth and a brother, Lauretz of Granite Falls. Also a sister, Mrs. M.A. Wollan of Glenwood. 

The following program was given at the Minnewaska Y.P.S. at the town hall: a talk by Rev. T. Kleven; recitation by Edna Olson; solo by Mrs. T. Kleven; reading by Mrs. A.P. Norby; and a song by three girls, Hazel Kirkwold, Alma Roll and Blanche Peterson, who also played their guitars.

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Benjaminson of Langhei on Sunday.

Miss Anna Billehus, daughter of Mrs. Ole Billehus and Mrs. Carl Rud, son of Mrs. Marit Rud, were united in marriage at the parsonage last Wednesday evening, Rev. M. Caper Johnshoy officiating. They were attended by Miss Johanna Rud and Oscar Peterson. 

Miss Bertha Bollingsberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Bollingberg, and Mr. Sam Raaum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Raaum of Perham were married at the home of the bride’s parents on Tuesday evening. Rev. Kleven officiated. The only attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Christ Bollingberg.

High school notes by Thelma Sando: Last week the juniors recognized their class. Their officers are as follows: president, Cora Tollefson; vice president, Gunnerius Aal; secretary – treasurer, Orville Thompson.

The Starbuck Lumber Company presented every pupil in school with a pencil. 


From Dec. 21, 1933

The Starbuck Study Club met at the home of Mrs. Harold Corder on Dec. 14. Mrs. W.W. Larson presented a paper on Chinese Education and its achievements and Mrs. H.R. Peterson gave a paper on Japanese Education and its achievements. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ingolf Aal on Monday, Dec. 18. 

Efforts of Senator Shipstead and others to secure federal drought relief for farmers have resulted in a federal appropriation of feed and seed. G.C. Torgerson of Glenwood has been appointed county director for drought relief.

Members of the Indherred choir assisted the choir of Our Redeemers church at Benson in singing Handel’s Messiah Sunday evening. On January 1 the combined choirs will give a concert at Indherred.

Funeral services for Mrs. Alma Wold were held at the Immanuel church on Monday, Rev. G.O. Forde officiating. She is survived by four children, Walter and Alice of Pope County, Marie (Mrs. Wendell Forsgren) of Portal, N.D. and Lyle of Hill City, S.D. 


From Dec. 30, 1943

Miss Evelyn Beatrice Strand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Strand of Glenwood and Herbert Gjderdingen, son of Edwin Gjerdingen of Starbuck were married Tuesday, December 28. The couple will make their home on the groom’s farm in Rolling Forks township. 

Mr. and Mrs. Wm Kuusisto left for Minneapolis Tuesday where Mr. Kuusisto wrestled with a big Polish giant, Talun, who is the heavyweight champion of Poland. Mr. Kuusisto won the match in 16 minutes.

George Rud, Jr. celebrated his 13th birthday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rud, Sr. Tuesday. 

Luther Tollefson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tollefson was hurt when sliding on a sled downhill. He ran into a fence and ran a gash in his thigh. He was taken to the hospital and several stitches were taken.

Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Rosby entertained relatives and friends on Friday in honor of the first birthday of their son, Richard James. 

Leonard Rustad and Helma Gulsvig were married Dec. 28 at the West Zion Lutheran Parsonage by Rev. Plamer.


From Dec. 24, 1953

Winners in the home Christmas lighting contest are as follows: 1. W.C. Torgerson; 2. Ernie Stensby and 3. Ralph Walter.

A 7 lb. 11oz. baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Luvern (Doris Hagen) Syverson at the Benson hospital Dec. 20.

Funeral services for Mrs. Thea Ronnie, 83, were held at Immanuel Lutheran Church Saturday afternoon. She is survived by children: Olando, Martin, Edward, Norval, Julia (Mrs. Olaf Erickson), Amanda (Mrs. Melvin Berg) and Selma.

Mity-Nyce Bread is still only 20¢ a loaf. Starbuck Bakery.

Roslyn Tauber, 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tauber of Glenwood was medically discharged from Elizabeth Kenny Institute in Minneapolis Dec. 21 after having been hospitalized there since  October 17 for treatment of polio. 


From Dec. 19, 1963

Work of printing and binding a new telephone directory for the Starbuck Telephone company was completed last Thursday in the Times plant, and the books are now being distributed to telephone subscribers. One thousand copies were printed.

Herman S. Rosholt, New Prairie township, was elected permanent chairman of the Rural Areas Development committee Tuesday night, December 10, at a meeting of the committee in the Pope County courthouse at Glenwood. 

A transfer was made last week whereby Adeline and Clarence Rose of Cokato bought the Starbuck Café from Carl A. Carlson. They took possession on Monday, December 16. They owned a restaurant in Cokato before coming here. The place will continue under the name of Starbuck Café. 

The schoolhouse in District 65, referred to in a feature story in Section I, was located on the southeast corner of Victor Lysen’s farm in Langhei. Lysen bought the half-acre school site before the district was consolidated with the Benson school district. Neighbors helped Myron Forbord last fall to move the school house he bought from the district to his farm yard where it is serving s a dairy house.   


From Dec. 20, 1973

The Central Minnesota Health Planning Council will be meeting on January 7, 1974, in St. Cloud with representatives from both the eastern and western parts of Pope County. The meeting has been called to begin discussions on the recommendations made by the Health Planning Council at its December 10 meeting. These recommendations stated, “The Central Minnesota Health Planning Council recognizes the need for a 35-bed hospital to service the health needs of Pope County; that the two hospital districts of the County should merge into one County-wide district; that the merged hospital district should determine the site for a new hospital; and that a new site should not be within the corporate limits of either Glenwood or Starbuck.”

Ernest Janisch, Supt., Starbuck Schools; John Kleisasser, Supt., Hoffman Schools; and Fred Switzer, Supt., Morris School, were chosen to represent the Midwest Special Education Inter-district Cooperative on the newly formed regional Advisory Council on the education of handicapped children. The eleven-member council was chosen by schools in the nine-county region.

The Starbuck Village Council with the co-operation of the Starwaska Women’s Club will be sponsoring a public skating rink.


From Dec. 21, 1983

Funeral services for John Carlson, 80, Benson, were held from the Starbuck Funeral Home Dec. 20. He is survived by a brother, Adolph Carlson and two sisters, Edna Carlson and Mrs. Carl (Alice) Dahlseng, all of Starbuck.

Temperatures in West Central Minnesota registered a minus 32 degrees last Monday which was the lowest temperature in December since 1917.

Friends and relatives were entertained at the Bruce Holten home Sunday evening in honor of Derek’s first birthday.

Funeral services for John Skaret, 73, Austin, were held December 15 at St. Olaf Lutheran Church in Austin. He is survived by his wife, Lydia; one brother, Monnie; and three nephews, Norman, David and  Karl Engh.

Special this week at Chuck’s Supermarket: spare ribs 79¢ lb.; lutefisk $1.59 lb.; lefse, six sheets for 89¢, medium eggs, 89¢ doz.; cool whip, 8 oz. 69¢; whipped cream 89¢ pint.


From Dec. 22, 1993

Winners in the Starbuck Chamber Home Decorating contest were LuVerne Flaten, Donald Nelson, Arnold Dahlseng and Robert Lubenow. 

Funeral services for Dorothy Khera, 78, were held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church November 22. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leonard.

Tony and Carrie Janu are the parents of a daughter, Brianna Faith, born December 19.

Stacy (Jeitz) Guggisberg was one of 660 students who graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree (Cum Laude) from St. Cloud State University Nov. 20.


From Dec. 17, 2003

Eric Elbes qualified for the 2003 Minnesota Vikings NFL Pepsi Punt, Pass & Kick Team Championship on December 20. Elbe will participate in the Championship event just before the Vikings take on the Kansas City Chiefs on Saturday. 

The flu vaccine shortage across the U.S. hit locally this week, as flu shot clinics were canceled across the state, including a flu vaccination clinic scheduled in Starbuck. Along with many counties across the state, vaccination supplies in Pope County have been depleted. The rush to get the shot stems from a new flu strain that comes on suddenly. The flu season started early this year and in high numbers.

Efforts to expand and stimulate the use of broadband technologies locally continued December 11, as part of the Starbuck community involvement in the Minnesota Rural Partners’ Rural Broadband Promotion Project. 


From Dec. 25, 2013

The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train stopped in Glenwood on Monday and did a concert for the public and all the Minnewaska Area Elementary students and students from Glacial Hills Elementary in Starbuck and Kingdom Kids Daycare Center. It was the second consecutive year the Holiday Train stopped in Glenwood as it moved up the line to Alexandria later on Monday. The Holiday Train presented a check for $4,500 to the Pope County Food Shelf and the Glenwood Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce added another $325 to the local food shelf through local donations. 

The Glacial Hills Elementary School Board met on Monday, December 16. Director Deb Mathias told the board that grades 3-5 will be participating in the Audubon Center of the North Woods (ACNW) and Audubon Adventures program. 

The Pope County HRA/EDA Board met on December 18. HRA/EDA Executive Director Dick Dreher discussed with the board a new floor plan for Phase II of Bay Meadows (near the Starbuck Airport). In the new floor plan both bedrooms are moved to the back of the unit which will allow for a bigger second bedroom.