Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on December 29, 2023 at 11:15am CST
From Dec. 19, 1913
Iver Knutson, one of the prominent residents of Barsness, died last Monday at the age of 61. The funeral took place at the East Zion Church on Wednesday, when a large assemblage turned out to show the last respects to a good friend and neighbor. Mr. Knutson leaves to mourn the loss of a good husband and father to his wife and six children. They are all at home except the second oldest, Mrs. P.O. Pederson, who lives in Blue Mounds. The others are Christian, Eldore, Olga, Fred and Mabel. Mr. Knutson will be greatly missed in the community.
Nels Hefte of White Bear Lake, the father of John Nelson and Mrs. Christenson, died last Tuesday at the home of his daughter. Mr. Hefte was 72 years old, a Norwegian by birth, but emigrated to this country. He was a soldier in the Civil War.
Aren’t we having splendid weather? It’s certainly great when we here in Minnesota can sit in our shirt sleeves on the porch and read about the snow storms and people freezing to death down in Colorado.
The Merry Farmers Boys band helped to inspire the large crowd at the Morris Corn and Alfalfa Show, and rendered some excellent music on Friday.
From Dec. 28, 1923
In the wrestling match which was held Saturday evening, Ed Gilbertson was the winner, securing his first and only fall of the match in 52 minutes of lively mat work with a single hammerlock and wristlock combination that Devil Dillion was unable to break. In the preliminaries, Ingval Larson threw Bill Foster with a full nelson after 25 minutes of wrestling.
Otto Bolstad, who attends St. Olaf College, is home for the holidays. He received honorable mention in the All Conference Football team as a star right guard.
Radios are becoming very popular in Starbuck. The past week, W.C. Torgersen installed a large 4 tube set in the Security State Bank, H. Kjonaas has installed a set, and A.H. Dreyer installed a Westinghouse for Dr. Opheim.
The following students at Park Region College at Fergus are spending the holidays at their homes: Borghild and Sophie Otteson, Cora Barsness, Ingeborg Bolstad, Cora Kamrud and Alexander Forde, Otto Bolstad is home from St. Olaf College.
From Dec. 28, 1933
Fire caused by a blow torch used to thaw out a frozen water pipe caused damage estimated at $20,000 in Starbuck Sunday afternoon when the Wells-Engebretson Co. General Store and Johnson’s Hotel and Cafe were burned to the ground. Firemen from both Starbuck and Glenwood battled for three hours in 15 below zero weather, using five hose lines to keep the fire confined to the two buildings.
Miss Cora Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bennett, and Dr. Maynard Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Nelson were united in marriage on Christmas Day, Rev. J. Vaage officiating. The bride was attended by her sister, Margaret Bennett and the groom’s attendant was his brother, Warren.
Paul Tessem Byhre, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Byhre was baptized at the Fron church Sunday by Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy.
Funeral services for Carl N. Nelson were held at the Fron church on Tuesday, Rev. M.C. Johnshoy and Rev. K.R. Palmer officiating. Mr. Nelson is survived by his wife, Minnie; five children, Harris of Billings, Montana, Agnes of Minneapolis, Clarence of Rochester, New York, Marian at St. Olaf College, Eldred in Northfield High School; a brother, Henry of Tioga, N.D.; and a sister, Mrs. A.K. Moen of Starbuck.
From Dec. 31, 1953
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dahlquist received a long distance call from their son, Leighton Dahlquist of El Paso, Texas Friday evening telling them that he had been promoted to Sergeant or A/1c.
A 10 lb. 1/2 oz. baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Walker of Morris Christmas Eve at the Morris hospital. Their second son will be named David Samuel.
Janis An Hake of Alexandria and Judd B. Nason of Glenwood were married December 27 at the Calvary Lutheran Church in Alexandria. The couple left Monday for Long Beach, Mississippi where the groom is stationed in the U.S. Navy.
Funeral services for Olney Christianson, 35, were held Friday at Hoplin Funeral Home, Olney had been living with his mother, Mrs. Pearl Christianson near Lawrence Point on the north side of Lake Minnewaska.
From Dec. 26, 1963
Funeral services for William Merrill, publisher of the Starbuck Times from 1914, until his wife took over as active publisher in 1934, were held from the Fron Lutheran church on Dec. 9, Rev. Paul G. Tolo officiating. Mr. Merrill is survived by his wife, Frances; two sons, Dr. Robert Merrill of Morris and Dr. John Merrill of Worthington; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; one brother; and one sister.
Among the students home for the holidays are Loretta Hustad, Lorna Halvorson, Donald Johnson and James Walline.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. David Savre on Dec. 16.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Paulson last week.
David Hanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hanson, who has spent the last two years in France, returned home last week, having been discharged after serving four years with the U.S. Air Force.
From Dec. 27, 1973
The local public skating rink opened Saturday at the marina and as the photos in the Times indicate, the youngsters really came out to take advantage of the opportunity. The project is a joint effort of the Village, Starwaska Club and other individuals. A warming house is available located on the west end of the marina.
The Pope County District Hospital Board met last Wednesday evening to consider the recommendations handed down by the Central Minnesota Health Planning Council in St. Cloud recently. The recommendation was threefold: 1-The two hospital districts in Pope County merge. 2-Choose a site for a new 35-bed hospital. 3-The site be located somewhere other than in the corporate limits of either Starbuck or Glenwood.
The appointment of eleven members to the region IV Environmental Education Council was announced today by Gov. Wendell Anderson. The council was authorized by the 1973 Legislature.
From Dec. 28, 1983
Funeral services for Inga Smedstad, 81, were held from the Fron Lutheran Church Dec. 16. She is survived by her husband, Oscar; and four daughters, Mrs. Harland (June) Severson of Northfield, Mrs. Warren (Delores) Burstrom of Freeport, Illinois, Mrs. Donald (Colleen) Gandrud of New Brighton and Mrs. Ronald (Gail) Johnson of Bloomington.
Notice: As of January 1, 1984, the Glenwood Chiropractic Clinic will be owned by Dr. Randall E. Pederson. I have truly enjoyed the past 20 years at Glenwood Chiropractic Clinic. -Dr. Howard L. Lecander.
The Minnewaska District Hospital raised $4,500 through various skills to purchase an incubator for the hospital. It arrived this week and is the very latest model available. Pictured with the unit are auxiliary members Jean Wilson, Marvae Engebretson, Shirley Danielson and Jeanette Prause.
Special this week at Pederson’s Super Market: Round steak $1.69 lb.; ground beef $1.19 lb; Hills Bros coffee, 3 lb. can $5.99; Kemps vanilla ice cream, 5qt. pail $2.99; fresh cherry tomatoes, pint 69¢.
From Dec. 29, 1993
A number of issues were raised concerning taxes at the truth in taxation meeting held at the county level at the Pope County Courthouse on the evening of Dec. 14. Those issues raised included doing something to encourage growth in the county to are we getting our dollar’s worth out of Family Services to why do we need the civil air patrol?
In a joint effort to promote winter safety, the Minnewaska District Hospital and Glacial Ridge Hospital, with the generous support of many local merchants, were able to supply over 450 pre-school and elementary students with the materials needed to make winter survival kits as Christmas gifts for loved ones.
Santa and Mrs. Claus visited the Rainbow and Rhymes Nursery School last week during the children’s Christmas Program. Pictured in the Times was Nathan Erickson receiving a gift from Santa and Mrs. Claus.
From Dec. 31, 2003
Rainbow Rider Transit has appointed a new director. As of December 1, 2003, Harold Jennissen heads up the area’s public transit system.
Pope County Engineer Brian Noetzelman presented the Five Year Road and Bridge Plan to the Pope County Board of Commissioners Tuesday, December 23. Pictured in the Times was detailed specific road improvement plans, locations, and funding for the five year plan.
Almost all of the Pope County acreage proposed for the JOBZ revitalization program was approved. A total of 44 of the 47-acre county proposal was accepted by the State Department of Employment and Economic Development for the program, which is designed to help revitalize rural areas of the state by attracting industry and good-paying jobs.
From Jan. 1, 2014
Students and staff at Minnewaska Area High School kicked off vacation with the annual Talent & Variety Show with 21 acts participating: the female faculty earned the 2013 People’s Choice Award for their synchronized swimming skit.
Glen and Ethel Lundblad received first place in the Lowry Christmas Lighting Contest and will receive $50 in Lowry bucks. Rick and Aja Mayer earned second place getting them $35 in Lowry bucks and Darrell and Kristina Ingebretson got third place for $25 in Lowry Bucks. Congratulations to the winners.
Evidence was presented and a mystery solved at Tuesday’s county board meeting. The question of who exactly owns the Pope County Museum building and property – the county or the Pope County Historical Society – had been brought up during 2014 budget discussions. Merlin Peterson, executive director of the Pope County Historical Society, had told commissioners he would do some digging to find out.