•City hears proposed revisions for Beachside Park CUP

By Kris Goracke


The City of Starbuck conducted its Truth and Taxation Public Hearing on Monday, December 11. The purpose of this hearing is to allow residents to express concerns and pose questions related to the city’s expenditures and the proposed budget for the upcoming year. It serves as a platform for taxpayers to participate actively in the local government’s budgeting process.

During the hearing, one Starbuck resident addressed the council, expressing her concern about the increased valuation of her home. This, in turn, led to a significant rise in the portion of taxes allocated to the city. Dorothy DeJager specifically questioned the rationale behind the city’s budget, stating, “My city taxes alone increased by $800 – why is such a substantial amount of money required to operate the city?” In response, Mayor Swenson clarified that the tax amount is contingent on the valuation of individual homes, “We don’t seek additional funds from the county because of valuation; the city’s needs determine our budget.”

For the fiscal year 2024, the city adopted $987,539, a 5 percent levy increase over 2023.

Following the conclusion of the Truth and Taxation public hearing, the regular council meeting reconvened. Derek Bluhm, the owner of Beachside RV Park, addressed the council, outlining the revisions he seeks in a new Conditional Use Permit (CUP).

Since 2017, Beachside Park had not complied with the CUP  initially agreed upon to operate their park within the city. The permit was granted with the condition the park would install privacy fences. However, the Bluhms had not fulfilled this obligation for over six years. After the city initiated the process of revoking the CUP this fall, the Bluhms began to take corrective action.

That action was presented to the council at the regular council meeting in November when Bluhm asked to revise the unfulfilled 6-year-old C.U.P. to reflect changes in ownership of the surrounding properties. Bluhm stated at the November meeting, “I would like to see the C.U.P. amended. I would like to see a fence not required by the “red house” or my dad’s house (gray house). I am happy to erect a 4′ chain-link fence behind the bus garage. I will work with the one residential home alone, and then no fence behind our home.” The council instructed Bluhm he would need to apply for a new C.U.P. if he wanted changes.

The Starbuck Planning and Zoning Commission met on December 5, where a discussion was held regarding a new C.U.P. for the R.V. park. At the meeting, Bluhm requested that the “red house” at 616 South Main and the newly acquired “gray house” at 604 State Hwy 29 be added to the C.U.P. as one consideration, even though the properties have separate parcel numbers.

Looking at Bluhm’s request, the commission did agree that a 4ft chain link fence would be acceptable screening for the south border of P.I.D. 27-0580-011 but would like a 6ft privacy fence installed along the western border of P.I.D. 27-0580-008 and 27-0580-010. Commissioner Anderson stated about the privacy fence: “… the fence must be consistent in nature, maintained, and aesthetically pleasing.” However, the commission told Bluhm he would need to combine parcels to adhere to the city ordinances.

After discussion, the commission passed two separate motions concerning Bluhm’s request.

The first was to revoke the original Beachside RV Park C.U.P. The second motion was a recommendation to the city council to approve a C.U.P. for Beachside RV Park with the following conditions:

•The original C.U.P., dated July 18, 2017, must be revoked.

•Parcel Numbers 27-0580-013, 27-0580-012 and 27-0580-011 are combined.

•A 4-foot chain link fence is installed along the south border of Parcel 27-0580-010.

•A 6-foot privacy fence is installed along the western border of Parcel 27-0580-008 and 27-0580-010.

Disagreeing with the commission’s recommendation, Bluhm told the council he did not want to combine parcels. “All parcels we own are under the same name, T.T. Properties L.L.C., and will continue to be operated by Beachside RV Park. But for personal reasons, I do not want to combine them,” he said.

Council member Dane Christensen addressed Bluhm, stating that combining the parcels is needed to meet the city ordinance. “I appreciate the layout of what you have done,” said Christensen, “however, my concern is we need to enforce the ordinances, and if the parcels are left as separate, we are not in compliance with the ordinances. The only way to avoid this is to combine the parcels. We need to follow the ordinances.”

Council member Steve Gorder, however, said he could understand why Bluhm wanted the parcels to be separate and felt Bluhm was a responsible person who would come forward if changes were ever made to the separate parcels and no longer owned by T.T. Properties L.L.C.

The council approved to move ahead and hold a public hearing on January 8 regarding the CUP  and the recommendations made by the planning and zoning commission.

Starbuck Police Chief Mitch Johnsrud reported that the police department had 159 service calls in November. He also updated the council that the S.R.O. contract at W.I.N. Academy had been resolved for the 2024 school year.

Water and Sewer Supervisor Randy Peterson informed the council of the new roof project for the wastewater building. “Kirkwood Construction is scheduled to start after Christmas,” he said. The roof sustained damage during the storm in 2022, and the city’s expense for the project is limited to the $500 insurance deductible.

Peterson also discussed the need for new pumps and rails for the lift stations. “It isn’t something we need immediately, but sooner is better than later,” he said. “Just last week, we had one of the pumps go out.”

Last in Peterson’s report was the floats for the new docks at Hobo Park. “The bids are in, and I recommend we purchase our floats through Glacial Lakes Recreation this year. The bid for the floats is $18,456,” stated Peterson. The council approved the purchase of the floats through Glacial Lakes Recreation of Starbuck.