Representatives of the Minnesota Citizens for the Arts (MCA) were at Central Square Arts and Cultural Center in Glenwood last Thursday to showcase how important the Legacy Fund is to the arts and culture of Minnesota.    

Glenwood native Sarah Fossen, who is the MCA executive director, along with other representatives of MCA were in Glenwood as part of a statewide effort to bring people together to showcase how important “arts and culture are to our communities and to make sure we support them.”

“It’s great to be back in Glenwood,” she said before introducing Rep. Paul Anderson, who welcomed the community members to the event.  Fossen said Anderson has been “a true champion for the arts and he’s right here representing you,”

Anderson thanked Fossen, the MCA and the Lake Region Arts Council for the work they do promoting arts throughout the state and within the West Central Minnesota region.  

According to Fossen, MCA is spending weeks traveling across Minnesota to discuss how Legacy Arts Funding has helped the arts flourish in communities throughout the state. 

She told more than 50 local residents who gathered at Central Square to voice their support for the arts, adding “our arts industry is one of the things that makes Minnesota a great place to live and work, and it’s imperative we help highlight their far-reaching benefits.”

The stop in Glenwood was also a time for MCA to meet with local artists, local arts organizations, community leaders, business owners, residents and families about the impact art has on their lives and to stress how important the Legacy funding is for the entire state.

Those at the gathering told how the arts had impacted their lives and even attracted them to locate in Minnesota or return to the Glenwood area.  Pope County Commissioner Gordy Wagner and retired police chief Ivan Fossen talked about the importance of having Central Square in the community.  Both talked about the many events hosted at Central Square.  “This facility is bringing people together,” Fossen said.  “That’s what we need is to bring people together and Central Square, through its many attractions and events “is doing just that.”

He said the first thing people want to know when they are considering a job or career in Pope County is “what does this communuity have offer.”  He said showing them the area’s parks and lakes is great, but during the dead of winter it’s nice to have a facility like this to show, with the many activities that are going on.  “It’s amazing to see what we have to offer just in this building,” he said.  “It’s a wonderful asset for people of all ages.”

Music, theater, and the arts in general are a major selling point for attracting and retaining talent, drawing in tourists, and entertaining families in communities across the state, said Sarah Fossen.  “The stories and conversations we hear on our visits will help us ensure future funding makes it to local arts organizations to continue the ripple effect with families and businesses in your area.”

The meet-up events like the one last week at Central Square provide a casual conversation with MCA Executive Director Sarah Fossen, MN State Arts Board Executive Director Sue Gens, McKnight Foundation Arts and Culture Program Officer Caroline Taiwo. 

MCA’s goal is to make sure future funding continues to support local arts organizations to continue the ripple effect with families and businesses in towns like Glenwood across Minnesota.

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