Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on January 15, 2024 at 11:53am CST
Championship debate to be held at Cyrus High School
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, January 17, 1924.
Frank, Christine and Lilian Benesh were out to Johnnie Chan’s Saturday evening. There was a party over to Frank Chan’s near Lake Mary, and a large crowd attended and a fine time was enjoyed.
The Alexandria and Cyrus High School will have a debate at Cyrus to establish the championship for this district. We hope to see Cyrus carry off the honors for Pope County.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, January 17, 1924.
The members of the Dorcas Society of Glenwood are very proud of the fact that they are the authors of a cookbook. One thousand of these books have been made and more than two hundred of them were sold within a week after the first ones were ready.
The Villard basketball team met the Sedan team at Sedan Friday. The game was not played as good as usual, the score ending in 12 to 0 in favor of Sedan.
Mr. Takken of Terrace was a Glenwood visitor last Monday. He was here for the purpose of working up sentiment for the road between Willmar and Alexandria. He wants this new route to pass through Terrace.
Several from Lowry attended the meeting of the Reno Catholic Church Tuesday evening. The basement of the church was just finished last week.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, January 18, 1924.
The board of directors of the White Bear Lakes Telephone Co. met last Monday and declared a stock dividend of six percent, which no doubt came as an agreeable surprise to the stockholders at their annual meeting today. No complaints of any kind were made at the meeting and everything passed off quietly. About 115 were present but not all were in time for the voting.
Dorothy Hess rode horseback to Alexandria Friday evening and took in the basketball game returning the same night.
Magnus Pederson and Henry Stokeness began hauling ice to fill the ice house for the Cyrus Meat Market this week. The ice is reported to be about 18 inches thick.