From Jan. 9, 1914

Miss Ida Hegg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hegg of Minnewaska and G.C. Gilbert of Duluth were married Friday at the home of the bride’s parents. The happy couple will make their home in Duluth.

Ole Tharaldson and Johnny Evjen were busy sawing ice on the lake Saturday. 

Dr. C.M. Campbell of Starbuck and Rose F. Belhoffer were married in Houston, Texas Saturday evening, Jan. 3. The couple will make their home in Starbuck.

There will be a social at Dreamland Friday afternoon and evening. In the afternoon coffee, cake and sandwiches will be served for 10¢. In the evening coffee, cake, sandwiches and ice cream will be served for 15¢. All are invited.


From Jan. 4, 1924

Miss Lillia Elvester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Elvester and Mr. Henry Stockness, son of Mrs. Karie Stockness were married at the bride’s home at Cyrus on Saturday evening, Rev. A.G. Quamen officiating. 

Funeral services were held for Ole Lien at the West Zion church on Thursday, Rev. Chr. Pederson officiating. He is survived by his wife, Marit and ten children: Otto, Edward, Oscar, Olavus, Carl, Gustav, Bertha, Mrs. Andrew Sundwold, Mrs. Albert Espelien and Mrs. Bennie Kleven.

The Young People’s Society of Rev. G.O. Forde’s three congregations held a joint meeting at the town hall last Friday evening. “The Christmas Carol” was read by Eldred Gorder; Otto Bolstad gave a talk; J. Melvin Moe gave the New Year’s address; Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy gave a few remarks; and the combined choirs sang several selections. The soloists were Misses Selma Ranum, Agnes Forde and Astrid Flak, Martin Ranum and Richard Giere. Mrs. Laura Forde was the accompanist.

Miss Mabel Scheflo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scheflo and Mr. William Lofstad of Glenwood were married at the parsonage on Jan. 1, Rev. T. Kleven officiating. Their attendants were Miss Mabel Dullum and Mr. Alvin Lofstad. 

The Jr. Choir of the Fron church gave a splendid program last Sunday afternoon. Some of the special numbers were: A son by four boys, Maurice Anderson, Sylvan Opheim, John Sakret and Arnold Holte; a song by a group, Clarence Nelson, Arnold Holte, Maurice Anderson, Sylvan Opheim, Adeline Dreyer, Cora  Scheflo, Lillian Peterson, Evelyn Bingham, Mabel Aaberg, Lillie Pederson, Lester and Anstes Smedstad. 


From Jan. 4, 1934

Minnewaska Church has first New Year’s wake in the church on Sunday evening,  Dec. 31. In spite of the severe cold weather there was a large attendance. $19.00 was received for lunches. The evening’s program consisted of a song service, readings and talks. 

Arthur Nordberg sang the baritone solo, accompanied by the choir in “Lift Up Your Eyes.” Mrs. Victor Larson, Mrs. H.R. Peterson and Milo Hagen sang the trio part in “ How Beautiful are the Mountains.” Mrs. Claremont Kirkwold was unable to sing so Mrs. H.R. Peterson took her part. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nordberg sang the baritone and alto solos in “A King Shall Reign” accompanied by the choir. A solo, “In the Watches of the Night” was sung by Luverne Thorstad. The reading by Hulda Hagen “The Healing of a Lame Boy” was very well given. 

After the program lunch was served by A.N. Thorstads, Victor Larson and Mrs. Julia Johnson. 

Loren Dalager was elected president; Joseph Nordaune, vice president; Margaret Larson, secretary; and Oliver Kyvig, treasurer. After the business meeting, the Misses Astrid Flack and Gebeva Larson played several piano solos. Remarks were given by Miss Helen Kyvig. At 12 minutes to 12, Rev. Dalager led in devotion as the church bells rang out the old and rang in the new year.

County Relief Agent. P. A. Swanson, Chisago County, Minn. has been appointed corn-hog agent for Pope County. He has established an office in the jury room a the courthouse in Glenwood. The committee appointed to work with him are as follows: C.H. Bennett, Lowry; John McIver, Lowry; Arne Avok, Hancock; Iver Femrite, Lowry; Arthur Anderson, Villard; John Anderson, Starbuck; Emil Erickson, Terrace.  


From Jan. 6, 1944

Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Pederson, proprietors of the Pederson Quality Lunch sold their cafe on Monday to Mrs. Myrtle Fairfieldd and Mrs. Eddie Yarger of Morris. They will take possession this week. The new owners are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Stenson of Starbuck. 

Miss Betty Richards of Benson and Capt. Brenten Myking were married Dec. 30 at the Pilgrim Congregational Church in Benson. The couple will make their home in San Diego, California.

Funeral services for Alfred Erickson, 69, were held from West Zion Lutheran Church Dec. 30. He is survived by his wife, Julia and the following children: Mrs. Jens (Agnes) Grundvald, Edwin, Mrs. Cashmier (Ruth) Kielb, Arthur, Herbert, Mrs. Donald (Clarice) Nelson and Mrs. Walter (Verna) Smith. 

Mr. and Mrs. Thorwald Johnshoy and their infant son, Curtis Thorwald, baptized New Year’s Day. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnshoy and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sylvester. 

Rev. and Mrs. G.O. Forde had their infant daughter, Astrid Ann baptized Sunday at Indherred church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Wm Barsness, Magna Peterson and Nels Forde. 


From Jan. 7, 1954

Joy Paulson, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Selmer B. Paulson of Glenwood was beaten by a girl of her own age Sunday evening and landed in the Glenwood hospital as the culmination of an argument over a job in a Glenwood restaurant. She suffered bruises on her face, bumps on her head and a mild concussion. The girl who beat her was turned over to juvenile court and placed on probation for one year. Miss Paulson started work at the restaurant on Monday. 

Mrs. Luella Sundheim entertained 10 little girls last Wednesday afternoon in honor of Carol’s 11th birthday.

A boy was born to  Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Teigen (Delores Pederson) at Seattle, WA New Year’s Eve. 

Orvald P. Forbord is the new mayor of the City of Glenwood defeating incumbent D.H. Fralick. 


From Jan. 9, 1964

Nancy Lou, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Anderson of Cyrus was the New Year’s Baby born at the Minnewaska Hospital on Wednesday, Jan. 1. 

John H. Boon, 38, was fatally injured when he became caught in a silo chopper on his farm near Hancock Tuesday night. Authorities said he was able to get out of the silo, but died shortly afterwards. 

Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne Jackson entertained a number of people Thursday in honor of Tyrone on his 3rd birthday.

Voters in the Sedan School District surrounding rural area defeated a proposal to consolidate with the Glenwood Independent School district by a vote of 43 to 21 last week. 


From Jan. 3, 1974

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lommen, Kim, Gretchen and David of Eden Prairie and Robert Olson of Minneapolis spent the holidays with Mrs. Olson. On Christmas Eve they, together with Mrs. Olson, were guests at the Ed Lommens in Alexandria. 

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boldenow and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Boldenow and family of Chokio were entertained at the Gary Boldenow home in Fergus Falls on Christmas Day for dinner. 

Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bucher of Osseo, Jane and Becky Bucher, students at the U of M, St. Paul are spending the holidays with their parents, the F.D. Buchers. Foster L. Bucher of Cambridge is also spending a few days with his son and family. Mr. and Mrs. David Bucher, Kyle and Paige of Bemidji were added Christmas Day guests. 

The Julian Pederson children and their families enjoyed a potluck Christmas Eve at the home of their parents. Unable to be present were the Philip Pedersons, because of illness, the Rollo Pedersons are entertaining a new baby girl, and the Mike Beckers (Corliss), who are spending Christmas with his parents in Phoenix, Arizona. 

Mrs. Alida Hagestuen was a supper guest at the Allan Hagestuens on Christmas Eve. Gloria Hagestuen of St. Paul came Friday and spent over Christmas with her folks. 

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barsness, Jr. and boys of St. Cloud, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rasmussen and Jason of LeSueur and Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Heggestad and Heidi of Brooklyn Center were Christmas Day dinner guests at the Ednard Barsness home. 


From Jan. 4, 1984

At the regular monthly meeting of the Minnewaska District Hospital, Administrator Glenn Christian reported to the Board the findings of the Minnesota Rate Review Program. Each year the hospital submits financial information to the Rate Review Program for the review and compiling of this material to evaluate a hospitals request for changes in the charges based on the analysis of peer group comparison. 

The Minnewaska District Hospital of Starbuck recently purchased a unique piece of equipment known as a fetal heart monitor. This electronic, computerized machine records the continuous rate of the heart beat of the baby while the mother is in labor. The machine also records the frequency of the uterine contractions of the mother during labor. 

The 1984 New Years Baby has not made its arrival at the Minnewaska District Hospital in Starbuck as of press time. But when he or she does, the baby and family will be the recipients of many beautiful prizes being awarded by twenty-four businesses from Starbuck, Lowry and Cyrus in the First Baby Contest. 


From Jan. 5, 1994

Funeral services for Dale Emmert, 49, of Hancock, were held at the Hancock Evangelical Free Church in Hancock Jan. 5. He is survived by his wife, Carol and three children: Brian, Angie and Michelle Emmert, all of Hancock. 

Harold Knutson, General Agent at White Bear Lake Insurance Company, was honored at an open house last week at Nodland Café after serving in the position for 14 years. 

Funeral services for Paul J. Sather, 70, of Benson, were held Dec. 16 at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church in Benson. He is survived by his wife, Gladys; one son, Lee Sather of Benson; and one daughter, Lynn Sather of Crystal 

Suzanne Stoen, daughter of Ron and Jeanette Stoen of Lowry and Wayne Kujas of Brownton, MN were married at the Fron Lutheran Church July 10. The couple will make their home in Hutchinson.


From Jan. 7, 2004

“Tonight people will start calling right at midnight for their 2005 camping reservations,” said Marilyn Mortenson, Starbuck City Clerk, on New Year’s Eve afternoon. By 2:30 a.m. on New Year’s Day, Mortenson said she had taken 41 reservations. 

Eighth District Judge Jon Stafsholt met with the Pope County Board of Commissioners during a year-end meeting on Dec. 30, 2003. Stafsholt’s visit was informational as he is heading up an area task force for a new program in Minnesota designed to cater to children in the family court system. The program is called the Children’s Justice Initiative and was pioneered by a judge in South Carolina. 

The board of the Minnewaska Regional Health System received news that its annual audit report showed the newly integrated health system lost over $600,000 for operations in the fiscal year that ran July 1, 2002 – June 30, 2003. However, Eide Bailly representative Craig Swanson told board members at their Dec. 17 meeting that he chalks up most of the deficit to “your year of change.” 


From Jan. 8, 2014

Plans to upkeep and improve Pope County’s roads have been mapped out. The county’s five-year road and bridge plan was approved by commissioners as presented at the Dec. 26 board meeting. 

Mark Olson is pleased to announce his retirement from First National Bank of Starbuck effective Dec. 31, 2013. In addition, Mark would like to sincerely thank all of our customers for their greatly appreciated business throughout these many, many years. 

Christmas Care in Starbuck drew a crowd on Dec. 21 at the Starbuck VFW. Children and their parents found gifts to give each other and also enjoyed some food. Pictured in the Times is just one of the many children that had their picture taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus.