Triple AAA nominees from MAHS
News | Published on January 22, 2024 at 2:36pm CST

Pictured above are the Triple AAA nominees from Minnewaska Area High School for the 2023-24 school year, Teagan Stark (left) and Jayce Kovarik. They were announced to the crowd during a boys basketball game against Melrose, Jan. 8. Jayce is the son of Holly and Kip Kovarik. He has been involved with choir, cross-country, wrestling, track and baseball, among other activities. He plans to attend SDSU to study civil engineering. Teagan is the daughter of Amie and Jeremiah Stark. She is involved in band, choir, cross-country, dance and track, among other activities. She plans to attend Gustavus Adolphus College or Winona State to pursue a four-year degree in nursing. Submitted photo.