Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on February 12, 2024 at 2:27pm CST
From Feb. 13, 1914
The members of the FB Club have decided to name their farms. You may see their new names in these items before long.
Come to the town hall Saturday evening and buy a heart, only 10¢. This heart includes lunch, program and games.
The new Minnewaska Hospital – steam heated, lighted, sanitary ventilating system. Superintendent: Miss Ella J. Haug; staff and physicians: Dr. C.R. Christensen, Dr. L.L. Gibbon, Dr. C.M. Campbell, Dr. M.L. Ransom, Dr. C.E. Caine, Dr. H. Linde,. Pathologist: C.M. Campbell. Starbuck, MN.
There will be entertainment and curiosity box social in the Johnshoy school house, District No. 53 on Friday evening, Feb. 27.
From Feb. 8, 1924
Funeral services will be held Monday at the Minnewaska Church for Ole G. Olson, Rev. Kleven officiating. Mr. Olson is survived by his widow Ella and four children: Mable, Alice, George and Thelma; also by a brother Knute Olson and a sister, Mrs. Johanna Munson.
Woodrow Wilson, famous war time president of the United States, died in Washington last Sunday. A memorial service was held at the town hall on Wednesday afternoon. All places of business in the village were closed from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. A program of speeches by Rev. Johnson, Rev. Kleven, Prof. Jorstad and Mayor George C. Arneson.
Twenty-eight cows in the Pope County Cow testing Asso., of which Chester J. Helland is the tester, have qualified for ribbons of merit issued by Northwest Farmstead, Minneapolis. J.H. Nelson and Martin Aune are the two winners from Starbuck.
School notes (by Sylvanus Tessem): The English II class has completed the study of drama “As You Like It”, by Shakespeare, and will commence studying the works of Edgar Poe.
Out of Seventy-two students in high school, thirty seven were neither tardy not absent the past month.
The following are the names of the pupils from the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades, who are going to sing between the acts of the opera to be given in the near future: Fifth and sixth Mildred Mortenson, Marion Nelson, Larraine Crandahl, Sylvan Opheim, Kermit Johnson, Robert Merrill, Andrew Knutson, Raymond Olson, Arthur Gronberg, Grace Torguson, Evelyn Pederson and Mable Aaberg. Seventh and eighth: Arnold Holte, Maurice Overson, Thelma Olson, Myrtle Erlandson, Alfred Aaberg, Hazel Kjonaas, Cora Schefle, Adeline Dreyer, John Skaret, Lillian Einarson, Lillian Pederson, Evelyn Bingham and Clarence Friedman.
School district 33, 32 and 3 held a spelling contest at Dist. 3 on Friday afternoon. Alice Bagne of Dist 32 “spelled down” the other contestants.
From Feb. 8, 1934
Creamery patrons to get cream divided here next Saturday. $2,357.88 will be paid patron. R.A. Trovalten will be the principal speaker. Mr. Trovalten is making an honest attempt to improve dairying in Minnesota each. The Terms of P.E. Olmeim and A.R. Ranum are expiring. The annual amounting to $2,357.88 will be paid at this meeting. A check will be available at the creamery if you are unable to attend Saturday.
A drawing will be held and the lucky numbers will get 15 pounds of Land O’Lakes Cheese.
The Augsburg College Choir will leave Sunday, Feb. 18 on a two week concert tour, thru Wisconsin and to Chicago, Ill. On Saturday, Feb. 24 at 11:30 a.m., they will broadcast over the NBC network from Chicago. Miss Geneva Larson is a member of the choir.
The examination for postmaster of Starbuck was conducted in the high school building at Glenwood on Saturday forenoon with John Ostrom in charge. Four applicants took the examination. They are Andrew Sanvik, Otto Byhre, Henry Dosdall and Stanley Rasmussen. One will be picked out of the three highest.
Monnie Skaret, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Skaret who has been enlisted three years ago, has finished his enlistment period and returned home last Thursday. He has been stationed at Fort Crook.
From Feb. 10, 1944
Ralph Walters, who has been employed at the Starbuck Creamery Company the past eight years, was appointed manager of the creamery upon the resignation of C.R. Johnson. Mr. Johnson has taken the position of salesman for Land O’Lakes. The Johnson family will continue to make their home here.
Funeral services were held from the Indherred Church Wednesday for Sonja Irene Feigum, 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tinus Feigum. She died Monday evening at the Minnewaska Hospital due to heart complications following an illness from the flu. Besides her parents, she is also survived by a brother, Richard Karl Feigum, age 13 months.
Miss Harriet Vinge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole J. Vinge of Blue Mounds and Woodrow Wilson of Red Lake Falls, MN were married Friday, Feb. 4th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoverud. The couple will make their home in Red Lake Falls.
Walter Heglund, son of Hans Heglund of Cyrus and Violet Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olson were married at the Fron Parsonage on Dec. 23. The couple will make their home in Cyrus.
A baby girl, Mary Lou, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schiller at the Glenwood Hospital Thursday.
From Feb. 11, 1954
At a meeting last week, the Douglas County Board officially set the size of the community hospital in Alexandria as a 50-bed hospital.
Dr. and Mrs. John I. Merrill had a daughter born December 7 at the Lutheran Welfare Home. The little lady will make her home with them.
Donald M. Aaberg, who received his discharge at Camp Carson, CO on January 29, 1954, returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.E. Aaberg on January 29. He was in the service for over two years which were served in Korea and Japan.
The following will be inducted on February 24, 1954: Roger D. Helgeson, Starbuck; Walter L. Hoefer, Glenwood; and John M. Braaten, Farwell.
A1C DuWayne Stensby arrived in Minneapolis Sunday morning and was met by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stensby. DuWayne has been in Japan for 2-1/2 years and will be now stationed in Texas.
From Feb. 13, 1964
Peder M. Baukol, 31-year-old farm operator in White Bear Lake Township, was named the Outstanding Young Farmer of Pope County for 1963 at a dinner meeting of the Glenwood Junior Chamber of Commerce Tuesday evening.Mr. Baukol is married to the former Thelma Rosten and they have three children, Suzan 6, Peder 5 and Steven, 4 months.
Funeral services for Mrs. Adolph Helgeson, 60, were held at the Minnewaska Lutheran Church Tuesday, Feb. 4. She is survived by her husband and 8 children: Edwin and Gordon of Arizona; Roger and David of Minneapolis, Malford of Starbuck, Irene Tague of Minneapolis, Doris Vaughan of West St. Paul and Dorothy Skarsten of St. Paul.
Kathy Timm of Garfield and Wayne Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson of Alexandria, were married December 14 at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Garfield. The couple will make their home in Alexandria.
Births: a daughter, Kari Lee to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Samuelson of Minneapolis Feb. 5; a son, Timothy Scott to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Iverson (Shirley Christianson) of Benson Feb. 6; a son, Paul Donald to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gandrud (Colleen Smedstad) of Coon Rapids Feb. 7; a son, Paul LaVerne to Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Jorgenson Feb. 9.
From Feb. 7, 1974
The ninth annual meeting of the Central Minnesota Health Planning Council was held at the St. Cloud Elks Club on Thursday, January 31. The regular board meeting began at 9:00 a.m. with the decisions on the Starbuck and Glenwood Certificate of Need applications as the main items of discussion. In actions taken by the board of directors of the health planning council, the Pope County Hospital district received a conditional recommendation of approval to construct a new 35 bed hospital in Pope County.
The first snow of the season which has amounted to anything this winter, blanketed the area over the weekend with the majority coming on Monday. A total of around eight inches fell in that period. Fortunately, no high winds without a doubt would have produced a dandy blizzard.
Neil Westberg, president of Runestone Electric Association’s Board of Directors announced the appointment of Wayne “Pete” Bright of rural Cyrus to fill the vacancy on the board created by the death of Palmer Barsness. Mr. Bright is a member of the township board and the Cyrus School Board. He is also a Charter Member of the Cyrus Lions Club and a member of the Pope County District Hospital Board.
From Feb. 8, 1984
Funeral services for Clarence Aaberg, 70, Minneapolis, were held from the Enga Memorial Chapel in Minneapolis Feb. 3. He is survived by his wife, Elaine of Minneapolis.
Liz Aal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Iver Aal and a student at the University of Minnesota, Morris, is student teaching at Lincoln Elementary School in Alexandria this winter. She is working with Kindergarten and Grade 5.
Funeral services for John Larson, 90, were held from the Fron Lutheran Church on Jan. 23. He is survived by his wife, Hazel; one son James and one daughter, Lila, both of Minneapolis, and two grandchildren.
Shaun Stottler and Chuck Freeman won their way into the Starbuck Hall of Fame as the duo claimed championship honors at the Pheasant Conference meet held Saturday at Herman. Stottler won the title at 155 and Freeman at his customary 185. Starbuck now awaits the District Tournament.
Curtis Bredeson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Bredeson, has been named to the Dean’s List for the first semester at Concordia College in Moorhead.
Funeral services for Hilmer Erickson, 84, were held from the Minnewaska Lutheran Church Jan. 27. He is survived by his wife, Emma; and two sons, Adolph (Bud) Erickson and Harold Erickson of Alexandria.
From Feb. 9, 1994
Cody Michael Kobberman was the first baby of 1994 born at Minnewaska District Hospital to Ann and Tom Kobberman of Clontarf.
Rev. Richard Hagestuen, son of Juline Hagestuen of Starbuck was recently featured in the Mandan, ND News for his 35 years of pastoral duties.
February Students-of-the-Month at Starbuck Elementary were Matthew Gullickson, Jessica Mitchell, Trevor Larson, Andrew Anderschied, Abe Jergenson, Ben Mork, Ashley Holte, Nicole Erickson, Shari Johnshoy, Jennifer Johnsrud, Linda Thompson, Joe Hammer, Justin Anderson, Andy Valek, Kyle Nichtern, Jennifer Jergenson, Kristie Johnsrud, Megan Hanson and Sharon Mitchell.
Brianna Faith, infant daughter of Tony and Carrie Janu of Burnsville, was baptized Sunday, Feb. 6 at Indherred Lutheran Church. Sponsors were Barry and Jane Pederson, Joy Lundebrek and Jason Janu.
From Feb. 11, 2004
A final list of budget cuts has been approved by the Minnewaska Area Schools Board of Education. It includes $93,215 worth of cuts or increases in fees to make up for the shortage of money faced by the district. Although it has not been determined exactly who will be affected, the equivalent of five teachers will be eliminated.
Four full-time Starbuck City employees will have their pay frozen for 2004. The Starbuck City Council took the action at Monday’s monthly council meeting in order to save $4,500 from the 2004 budget. The motion passed on a 3-2 vote.
Pictured in the Times, Anna Branby holding a photo of her father, Pete E. Barsness, in his dress Union Army uniform. The 96-year-old Starbuck woman is one of the few surviving daughters of Civil War union veterans in the Country.
From Feb. 12, 2014
Grant funds are available for rental property rehabilitation within specific targeted areas of Alexandria, Starbuck, and Osakis. These grant funds may be used to bring a property up to Housing Quality and Building Code standards. It may also be used for energy efficiency, weatherization and accessibility construction, and health & safety.
Starbuck Postmaster Terry Walker made many memories over her eight years in Starbuck. As of January 31, her last day on the job, she retired from the mailroom. A lot of her memories were made through customers that came into the post office. Walker said, “You get such a connection with most of them, they make every day special. There are a lot of wonderful people.”
Starbuck Fire Chief Todd Johnshoy asked the Starbuck City Council at Monday night’s meeting, for permission to start looking at a new pumper truck. Johnshoy said a new truck without any amenities is $328,000; a new truck, realistically, will be closer to $400,000. This new pumper truck would replace a unit which was purchased in 1995.