Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on February 26, 2024 at 12:08pm CST
From Feb. 27, 1914
The saloon petition: To the Honorable Council of Starbuck, Pope County, Minn. and to the Recorder of said Village.
The undersigned legal voters of the said village of Starbuck do hereby respectfully petition that you give notice at the same time and in the same manner as the next village election, that the question of license for the sale of intoxicating liquors in such village will be submitted for determination at such election. That the question shall be voted on by ballot provided by law. C. Broderson, A.J. Nordstrom, S. Vestberg, A.E. Trana, J.S. Skogluns, W. F. Golie, Tillman Smedstad, Osmund Johnson, Halvor Johnson, Adolph Bredeson, O.H. Wollan, O.A. Johnson, V.A. Wesen, A.R. Scheutz, J.A. Field, George W. Noyes, Ingval Engebretson, A. C. Englund.
A.K. Thorson was seen going to Starbuck one day last week.
The stork called at the Peder Gulsvigs on Friday of last week and left a little baby girl.
A baby girl came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Johnson in Rolling Forks one day last week.
From Feb. 22, 1924
The Peerless Five, a local basketball team consisting of Ervin Stenson, Hilmer Opheim, Grant Byhre, Grant Torgerson and Norman Ness, have been covering themselves with glory in their recent games. The boys have no hall or gymnasium in the village in which to practice and so they have had to go to Cyrus and practice there. In spite of this, they have capped three games recently with good scores: Sedan town team at Sedan, score 18 to 12; Sedan high school at Sedan, score 26 to 14. Cyrus town team at Cyrus, score 8 to 3.
Funeral services for Mrs. Christine Sanvik were held at the Immanuel church on Wednesday, with Rev. Forde officiating. She is survived by the following sons and daughters: Mrs. A.O. Barsness, Mrs. O.M. Baukol, Edwin, Albert, Casper and Andrew.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Savik on Friday.
Rev. Eugene Aal left Thursday for Campbell, Nebraska where he will take up the duties. His previous call was in Huron, SD, where he spent eight years.
Funeral services for Nilas Ordean Howe, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Howe of Walden Township, were held at Immanuel Church last Saturday. Rev. G.O. Forde officiating. Besides his parents, Nilas is survived by three sisters and two brothers.
From Feb. 22, 1934
Ole Espelien, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Espelien is in the Minnewaska hospital suffering from injuries received in a runaway Tuesday morning.
Miss Mattie Haubris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Haubris of Montevideo, and Mr. Oley T. Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nelson of Lanhei, were married at the bride’s home on Feb. 17, Rev. Helgeson officiating. They were attended by Miss Lillian Nelson and Lester Stensburg.
A.A. Johnson, who lost his cafe and hotel in the fire on Christmas Eve, has purchased a dining car from the Northern Pacific railroad which he will use for a cafe here. The car is 70 feet long and after a kitchen has been partitioned off, will have seating capacity for about 30 people.
Plans have been completed for the special train that will take about 100 people from this area to the Land-O-Lakes convention in Minneapolis on March 8. The train will be made up of 5 large steel passenger coaches, seating 80 people each. Passengers will be picked up between Cyrus and Little Falls, arriving in Minneapolis at 8:45 a.m., and returning the next evening. H.B. Morgan of Starbuck has received a concession from the railroad company and will serve refreshments in the baggage car on both trips. The Starbuck Band and quartet have been assigned a special coach for the trip, which will make it possible to put in a practice session en route. Miss Luverne Johnson will go with the band as a soloist. She will be attired in an Indian costume, representing the Land-O-Lakes trademark.
From Feb. 24, 1944
Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Knutson are the parents of twins, a boy and a girl born on Sunday morning, Feb. 20. Mrs. Knutson and the twins are doing nicely at the local hospital.
Sgt. Vernon Hegg of Glenwood was recently decorated with an Air Medal for his resourceful courage while participating in aerial combat with the Japanese in an action that occurred shortly before Christmas.
A deal was made this week whereby Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Naseth became the owners of the Vang farm west of town. Mr. Vang taking the Naseth home in trade.
The pupils of District 32 in Ben Wade Township had a birthday party for their teacher, Miss Carolyn Kjera on Friday afternoon. The mothers were asked and a new lunch was enjoyed.
From Feb. 25, 1954
Mr. and Mrs. Odell Braaten are the parents of son, Royce John, born at Our Lady of Mercy hospital in Alexandria.
Bradley Dale, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Perkins was baptized Sunday, Feb. 7 at Immanuel Lutheran Church in St. Paul. Sponsors were Carol Perkins and Dean Hagen. Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. George Crust.
Miss Donna Foss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Foss of Glenwood and Joseph C. Denzer of Minneapolis were married February 19 at the Lutheran Parsonage of Rev. Paul Dowedat in Minneapolis. The couple will make their home in Minneapolis.
Funeral services for David Baukol, 57, were held at Rugby, ND February 10. He is survived by his wife Ruby; two daughters, a son, and four brothers, Harris of Douglas, AZ, Fred of Devils Lake, ND, and Marcus and Olaus of Starbuck.
From Feb. 27, 1964
Law enforcement officials report that a crew of punchboard salesmen are operating in the area, and all merchants are warned to be on the alert. The racketeers first move into town and sell the “boards,” knowing the location of the winning numbers, arrive in town and clean up the prizes. Punchboards are illegal in Minnesota and you are to contact law enforcement if you are approached by these salesmen.
This week’s meat values at the Starbuck Locker: ground beef, 25 lbs lots 50¢ lb.; 2 lb. pkg. 55¢ lb.; beef front, 38¢ lb.; hinds, 49¢ lb.; sides, 42¢ lb. Real good steers! Pork sausage rolls, 45¢ lb.
Miss Lorna Halvorson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Halvorson of Starbuck, was recently pledged to the Gamma Chapter of Gamma Omicron Beta Society at the University of Minnesota Morris.
The following names will be inducted into the service on March 11: Arlan Harvey Erickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Erickson; Andrew Nils Thorstad III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thorstad; Curtis Allan Billehus, son of Mrs. Hannah Billehus, all of Starbuck; and Thomas Eugene Klaahsen of Sedan.
From Feb. 21, 1974
The Pope County Hospital District Board reached a unanimous decision handed down by the Central Minnesota Health Planning Council on January 31, 1974. That decision was to grant the “Certificate of Need” for a new county hospital to the district with the condition that construction not commence until a merger with the eastern district is a reality.
Tom Hughes, a Danvers area farmer, announced this week that he has signed a letter of intent with Rauenhorst, Bellows and Associates, Inc. (RBA) of Olivia for the construction and management of an edible bean plant. The half-million dollar plant, to be constructed on a site in the vicinity of Danvers, will be called the Hughes Bean Company. RBA will provide a complete turnkey edible bean plant for the Hughes Bean Company.
The 1974 Pope County DHIA Annual meeting was held Monday evening, February 18, 1974, at the Minnewaska House. One hundred herd owners, wives and guests attended. Ole and Roger Tollefson, Starbuck, had the high herd with a herd average of 17,355 lbs. of milk, and 673 lbs. of Butterfat, per cow. The Tollefsons also won the NSP award for the high 3-year average.
From Feb. 22, 1984
Births: a son, Mitchell Alvin to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoverud Feb. 13; a son, Joey Lawrence to Dr. and Mrs. Ted Hammer on Feb 16.
Shari Kittelson, daughter of Larry and Linda Kittelson of Starbuck will be featured in a vocal and piano recital at the Humanities Fine Arts Center recital Hall at the U of M, Morris Feb. 26. Shari is a senior, studying music.
Construction is expected to begin this spring on a bingo parlor, “Jackpot Junction” near Morton, MN which will be financed by Starbuck resident, Tom Guggisberg, George McCarthy of Benson and Marlin “Punky” Torguson of Spicer. Guggisberg believes that their initial investment of $500,000 will be returned in one to three years.
Jon Blocher of Starbuck has been named to the Fall Quarter Dean’s List at the U of M, Morris.
Shawn Stottler captured the individual championship at the District 22 wrestling tournament in the 159 lb. division. Other Bucks advancing to the Region VI tourney include Dave Strommen, Chuck Freeman and Tony Jellum.
From Feb. 23, 1994
Harvey and LeAnn Chlian are the new owners of the Starbuck Laundromat.
Brenda (Stoen) and Noel Johnson are the parents of a son, Erik Steven, born February 6.
Funeral services for Alma Carlson, 84, were held at Fron Lutheran Church on Feb. 16. She is survived by two daughters, Carol Dokken of Glenwood and Marlys Rollofson of Barrett.
Richard Farnell, 54, of Roseville, passed away Feb. 10. He is survived by his wife, the former Vail Peterson of Roseville; one son, Allan of Atlanta, GA; and one daughter, Ada of Minneapolis.
Sharon Freeman of Starbuck recently joined the Pope County Extension Service as a nutrition education assistant.
From Feb. 25, 2004
On the heels of approving $693,000 worth of adjustments to balance the Minnewaska Area Schools’ (MAS) budget for next year, the MAS Board of Education learned Feb. 17 that it has additional funding issues to deal with yet this year. An unanticipated drop in enrollment, staffing change, and increases in expenses have combined to create a deficit for this school year of about $288,000.
The board of directors of Minnewaska Regional Health System decided Monday night that the issue of Dr. Robert Bösl is closed; it will not seek mediation or make other attempts to seek a contract with him. The board made this decision 40 minutes into an hour and 35 minute long monthly meeting.
Minnewaska Regional Health System employees wore red to work on Feb. 17, to help promote February as National Heart Month and overall, bring awareness to heart health.
From Feb. 26, 2014
Carol Holten spoke to the Women of Fron about “Christmas Care.” It is sponsored by the VFW and Jaycees. They collect and distribute gifts and food for needy families in Starbuck and Cyrus in December. Families came to choose gifts for their parents and children. They are served a meal. The families go home with gifts and a box of food for a good Christmas meal. Families are very appreciative and those involved in the giving are humbled and rewarded. Christmas Care is one of the projects the Women of Fron support.
Snow, cold and a slow bite has some ice anglers removing permanent fish houses from Minnesota waterways earlier than normal, report conservation officers (CO) with the Department of Natural Resources. Dark houses, fish houses and portables must be off the ice of inland waters no later than 11:59 p.m. on March 3 in the southern two-thirds of the state and 11:59 p.m. on March 17 in the northern third. Conservation officers in Brainerd, Detroit Lakes, Evansville and Wadena are reporting that ice shacks are being removed from the ice now in preparation for the removal deadlines.
The role more resilient agricultural systems could play in counteracting the negative effects of climate change will be the focus of a special “Winter Wind Down” event on Thursday, March 13, beginning at 5:30 p.m., at the Starbuck Community Center.